Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

You would think he would have had his passports in one of these boxes rather than leave them in Florida.

"I was only using the leftover boxes which originally had documents in them but now only had empty folders."
He will need his passport to crash the Queens funeral, visit his golf course in Scotland. Then fly to Dubai where he will auction off top secret documents and retire in luxury, thanks to MBS, Kush's 2 billion was a down payment! :lol:
So long suckers!

'No way to not step into a mess': Dozens of former Trump lawyers facing possibility of ruined careers

According to a report from the New York Times, the quip that "MAGA" (Make America Great Again) also means "making attorneys get attorneys" is particularly apt as dozens of lawyers who rushed to defend Donald Trump now find themselves facing disbarment, investigations, subpoenas and possible criminal charges.

As the report from Michael Schmidt and Luke Broadwater notes, "Over six years and nine major investigations by Congress, the Justice Department and local prosecutors, as Mr. Trump has managed to avoid removal from the presidency and indictment, it has become clear that serving as one of his lawyers is a remarkably risky job — and one that can involve considerable legal exposure. Time after time, his attorneys have been asked to testify as witnesses to potential crimes — or evaluated as possible criminal conspirators themselves."

Pointing out that the danger has become even more acute since Trump became a former president, the report goes on to note that high-profile attorneys such as Rudy Giuliani and more obscure attorneys who fought to have the 2020 election overturned at the state level are all seeing their careers severely damaged by their association with Trump.

The report states, "17 mostly lesser-known lawyers who represented Mr. Trump in battleground states as he tried to overturn the election are facing ethics complaints, putting them at risk of being disciplined or disbarred by bar associations or the courts," adding, "Vigorously defending the client — even one known for unscrupulous behavior or accused of an egregious crime — is part of a lawyer’s basic job description. But attorneys are bound by a code of professional conduct that forbids them from crossing certain lines, including knowingly making false claims, filing frivolous lawsuits or motions, and doing anything to further a crime."

With the Times reporting, "Mr. Trump’s quest for such a lawyer fueled a destructive cycle: As his legal difficulties mounted, he hired more lawyers, who in turn faced problems for their work on his behalf, leading established lawyers concerned about their reputations to balk at representing him," Kimberly Wehle, a University of Baltimore law professor explained, “There’s no way to adhere to your ethical integrity and keep your job. There’s just no way to not step into a mess.”

According to Michael Teter, whose group has "filed complaints against 40 lawyers who took part in suits challenging the 2020 results," he is serving notice to lawyers to steer clear of Trump.

'Ultimately, we want to demonstrate to all the lawyers that the next time that Sidney Powell or Rudy Giuliani calls and says, ‘Hey, will you sign your name to this,’ they’ll say ‘no,’ because they’ll realize that there are professional consequences,” he explained.
I hope they don't pull the plug on Donald too soon, he owes the rightwing group that owns the server millions, ya want him to stick around hanging himself in print and attacking Mitch and the RINOs. He will have others to do his bidding on social media, but his circle of trust is shrinking, along with his advisors and lawyers. The grand jury subpoenas are dropping on everybody around him and those secret documents will put his entire inner circle under the microscope and subpoenaed by grand juries or interviewed by the FBI and it is a crime to lie to them too.

Democracy is the number one issue this election and Trump is the ugly face of American fascism. Joe's track record of successes and progress vs Donald's authoritarian disaster of incompetence, criminality and treason. For others abortion is their number one issue, but it is directly linked to the safety of democracy issue and might be the biggest factor of all in November. It's impact might not be reflected in the polls, especially in red and swing states, where people are reluctant to tell even pollsters their true intentions.

'Trump’s deranged outrage style' is history as Truth Social becomes a 'slow-cooking financial disaster': analyst

In his column for Politico, analyst Jack Shafer predicted Donald Trump's Truth Social will go down as "one of the biggest social media flops of the decade" and the former president has no one to blame but himself.

According to the columnist, the warning signs were there for all to see after Trump's launched a blog in 2021 that lasted a mere 29 days before collapsing due to its inability to draw an audience.

As Schafer pointed out, the former president had attracted 89 million followers on Twitter before the platform banned him over, as the social media company put it: the "Risk Of further incitement of violence" after the Jan. 6 insurrection.

After he was banned across the board by Facebook and other platforms, the former president announced plans to create his own internet soapbox from which to spout his complaints and attacks as well as for his followers to congregate and share their thoughts.

What has followed has been technical difficulties, financial woes and a general disinterest by conservatives as only 3.9 million have signed up.

That led Shafer to ask rhetorically, "Where did the magic go? Why have Trump’s followers forsaken him? Is Truth Social doomed?"

RELATED: Trump social media company loses vote to go public and raise money to keep running: report

"During his first campaign and presidency, even a garden-variety Trump tweet could convulse newsrooms. But that was a function of his front-runner status and later his place in the Oval Office. He drew an enormous audience not because he was Donald Trump tweeting but because he was the tweeting president. The power of the office endowed his tweets with muscle that could move financial markets, bury political careers, inspire death threats against his enemies and make the press snap to attention," he wrote. "But exiled to Mar-a-Lago and denied his social media accounts rendered him just another celebrity squeaking noises from a tiny soapbox. When his profile shrank, he became easier to ignore."

Add to that, he wrote, Trump's act has grown "stale."

"Blame it on the network effect. If you already have a Twitter account, it takes just a millisecond to click and add another person’s feed to your account. But downloading a new app just to follow a single somebody takes mental energy, especially if there aren’t many other accounts on the app you wish to follow," he explained before offering, "Trump out of office proved to be as boring as Trump in office was disruptive."

"There’s also evidence that Trump has simply exhausted the Trump meme he invented. Trump’s deranged outrage style once contained real entertainment value — which explains why moderates and liberals followed him on Twitter even if they wouldn’t vote for him," he continued. "But in his post-presidency and especially in the weeks following the Mar-a-Lago search and investigation, the show has gone stale."

Sticking the knife in and twisting it, the analyst suggested, "He’s become a carnival geek biting the heads off of snakes, which can be a fabulous show the first couple of times you see it, but after that, meh. Could today’s Trump devise enough fresh outrage to produce even a brief TikTok?"

'No way to not step into a mess': Dozens of former Trump lawyers facing possibility of ruined careers

According to a report from the New York Times, the quip that "MAGA" (Make America Great Again) also means "making attorneys get attorneys" is particularly apt as dozens of lawyers who rushed to defend Donald Trump now find themselves facing disbarment, investigations, subpoenas and possible criminal charges.

As the report from Michael Schmidt and Luke Broadwater notes, "Over six years and nine major investigations by Congress, the Justice Department and local prosecutors, as Mr. Trump has managed to avoid removal from the presidency and indictment, it has become clear that serving as one of his lawyers is a remarkably risky job — and one that can involve considerable legal exposure. Time after time, his attorneys have been asked to testify as witnesses to potential crimes — or evaluated as possible criminal conspirators themselves."

Pointing out that the danger has become even more acute since Trump became a former president, the report goes on to note that high-profile attorneys such as Rudy Giuliani and more obscure attorneys who fought to have the 2020 election overturned at the state level are all seeing their careers severely damaged by their association with Trump.

The report states, "17 mostly lesser-known lawyers who represented Mr. Trump in battleground states as he tried to overturn the election are facing ethics complaints, putting them at risk of being disciplined or disbarred by bar associations or the courts," adding, "Vigorously defending the client — even one known for unscrupulous behavior or accused of an egregious crime — is part of a lawyer’s basic job description. But attorneys are bound by a code of professional conduct that forbids them from crossing certain lines, including knowingly making false claims, filing frivolous lawsuits or motions, and doing anything to further a crime."

With the Times reporting, "Mr. Trump’s quest for such a lawyer fueled a destructive cycle: As his legal difficulties mounted, he hired more lawyers, who in turn faced problems for their work on his behalf, leading established lawyers concerned about their reputations to balk at representing him," Kimberly Wehle, a University of Baltimore law professor explained, “There’s no way to adhere to your ethical integrity and keep your job. There’s just no way to not step into a mess.”

According to Michael Teter, whose group has "filed complaints against 40 lawyers who took part in suits challenging the 2020 results," he is serving notice to lawyers to steer clear of Trump.

'Ultimately, we want to demonstrate to all the lawyers that the next time that Sidney Powell or Rudy Giuliani calls and says, ‘Hey, will you sign your name to this,’ they’ll say ‘no,’ because they’ll realize that there are professional consequences,” he explained.


Trump telling it like it is about classified documents.

has there ever been a bigger hypocrite? i don't think so, when you look at the breadth and scope of his hypocrisy.
all of the founding fathers wrote about freedom, fought for freedom, espoused freedom, while practicing slavery.
Stalin got funding for his schemes from robbery and kidnapping, then later started burning russian villages to force them to cooperate with him.
Hitler praised the Aryan "race" while not being remotely Aryan himself, in fact there are several accounts of his grandmother becoming pregnant by a jewish employer, which would make Hitler 1/4th jewish...
George Orwell turned in suspected communists in Britain's own version of the "red scare"...
Mary Baker Eddy insisted that her followers deny medicine and use only faith healing, while she was addicted to morphine...
in the parable of the good samaritan, Jesus commends a man for showing compassion and charity for someone of another faith, but the bible clearly states that Jesus will NOT be compassionate with believers of other faiths, casting them into a lake of eternal flames, because they did not embrace him as their true savior...
that is some stiff competition, but i think trump is already in the lead, with no living competition...
this is a partial scorecard...maybe 1/3 of what he's done...
Trump demanded to see Barack Obama's college grades, then threatened to sue the schools he attended if they released his grades or SAT scores.
Trump derided Barack Obama for attacking Syria then authorized an attack on Syria himself (at a time when his polls were dropping).
Trump tweeted that Barack Obama needed congressional approval to bomb Syria, but did not seek congressional approval himself.
Trump harshly criticized Barack Obama for not releasing records, but has been withholding records himself.
Trump denounced Barak Obama for spending money in Afghanistan, but his administration continues to spend money in Afghanistan.
Trump condemned Hillary Clinton because five of her staffers sought FBI immunity, but he then encouraged Michael Flynn to seek FBI immunity.
Trump castigated Barack Obama for playing golf, then spent much of his time as president on endless golf vacations.
Trump said "we" (the taxpayers) had to pay for Barack Obama's golfing, but we have paid millions more for Trump's.
Trump said Barack Obama should not play golf with his "local friends," but that is what Trump does when he visits his golf clubs.
Trump condemned Barack Obama for campaigning as president, then began campaigning himself immediately after being elected president.
Trump said Barack Obama should be impeached for issuing executive orders, but he has issued many executive orders himself.
Trump said "The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy," but that's how he won because he lost the popular vote.
Trump tweeted: “Repubs must not allow Pres Obama to subvert the Constitution of the US for his own benefit & because he is unable to negotiate w/ Congress.” But of course Trump went way beyond anything President Obama ever did, when he created his "national emergency" because he was unable to negotiate with Congress.
Trump presses court to keep blocking DOJ access to records
Former President Trump is fighting a request from the Department of Justice (DOJ) to allow its review of classified materials taken from Mar-a-Lago to continue, with Trump’s legal team arguing the investigation is “at its core is a document storage dispute that has spiraled out of control.”

The filing continues to assert the former president has broad power to control his records even after he leaves office, even the classified records that the Justice Department argued Trump can have no possible claim to, and thus do not require review by a third-party special master.

In the filing, Trump’s legal team pushed back against the idea that there was any possible damage from the mishandling of records

“There is no indication any purported ‘classified records’ were disclosed to anyone. Indeed, it appears such ‘classified records,’ along with the other seized materials, were principally located in storage boxes in a locked room at Mar-a-Lago, a secure, controlled access compound utilized regularly to conduct the official business of the United States during the Trump Presidency, which to this day is monitored by the United States Secret Service,” they wrote.

The response from Trump’s team came after the Justice Department last Thursday indicated it planned to appeal a federal district court judge’s ruling green-lighting a special master, also asking her to approve a partial stay that would exclude some 300 classified records from their review.

“The classification markings establish on the face of the documents that they are government records, not Plaintiff’s personal records, DOJ wrote.

“And for several reasons, no potential assertion of executive privilege could justify restricting the executive branch’s review and use of the classified records at issue here.”

But Trump’s team claimed Monday that classification status matters little within the Presidential Records Act (PRA) and that Trump’s document issues should be sorted with the National Archives, or NARA.

“Of course, classified or declassified, the documents remain either presidential records or personal records under the PRA,” they wrote.

“At best, the government might ultimately be able to establish certain presidential records should be returned to NARA. What is clear regarding all of the seized materials is that they belong with either President Trump…or with NARA, but not with the Department of Justice.”

So if you steal government documents it is ok as long as you return them to the people that should have them and the police can not use them of evidence of a crime.