Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

I think the more Donald squirms the more determined Garland becomes, corrupting a federal judge must have pissed him off, as would appointing an idiot to be one. There are so many crimes for Garland to choose from, so much low hanging fruit, it's even rotting on the ground. When he nails Donald it will be with a lot of big nails, he will have Cheeto Jesus fastened to his cross real good.
from your keyboard to God’s touchscreen …
I vote for a public tar and feathering.

Sad reality is Garland was Republicon choice for Obama.
Garland might have a bigger impact on the justice system and make a bigger splash in history as the man who tamed Trump and put him in a cage, than as a justice. Donald doesn't have too many judges will will die on his hill like the current idiot and speed bump on the road to justice.
Nice country ya got here, it would be ashamed it it got burned down, if ya know what I mean... Jesus how desperate, stupid and pathetic, what a fucking worm. Nothing will happen when Donald goes down and anybody who tries any shit will pay for it, fuck their feelings and fuck Trump. Ya can see how Donald motivates those concerned with the safety of democracy and democrats in general. What will he be saying during the J6 hearings? I figure they will be designed to light a fire under Donald's arse for a few weeks just before the election, starting on September 28th in fact and probably spaced a week apart to allow the media to chatter and Trump to freak out.

George Conway reacts to Trump's comments on potential indictment
42,147 views Sep 15, 2022 Conservative lawyer George Conway joins CNN's John Berman to discuss former President Trump's recent comments on Hugh Hewitt's radio show, where he says there will be "big problems" if he's indicted.
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Lawrence: Trump Has Poisoned The Federal Judiciary
31,286 views Sep 16, 2022 Trump-appointed Judge Aileen Cannon gave Donald Trump everything he is asking for in court by rejecting Justice Department’s request on classified documents found in Donald Trump’s Florida home. MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell explains why the judge offered absolutely no evidentiary basis for why she does not believe the documents are classified.

Outrageous And Stupid': Legal Experts Excoriate Trump Judge's New Ruling
29,795 views Sep 16, 2022 Legal experts Neal Katyal, Andrew Weissmann and Bradley Moss join MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss why a Trump-appointed judge’s ruling that classified docs seized from Donald Trump’s Florida home are not classified is “the end of the rule of law.”

In Warning Over Indictment, Trump Seems To See Himself As Bigger Than The Law
77,914 views Sep 16, 2022 Former President Trump is warning of big problems in the U.S. if he is indicted over his mishandling of classified documents, telling conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt 'I don't think the people of the United States would stand for it.' The Morning Joe panel discusses why Trump is not bigger than the law.

In Warning Over Indictment, Trump Seems To See Himself As Bigger Than The Law
77,914 views Sep 16, 2022 Former President Trump is warning of big problems in the U.S. if he is indicted over his mishandling of classified documents, telling conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt 'I don't think the people of the United States would stand for it.' The Morning Joe panel discusses why Trump is not bigger than the law.

So you are on TV in an interview, and it dawns on you that some people might do violent shit if you don't get your way....
Instead of using the opportunity to tell them in no uncertain terms that I don't want that and that is is wrong....
He seems to relish the idea.

What a fucking class act tit

been drinkning?