Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

Knock knock …..

Trump : “ Who is it ? “
Voice : “ McDonalds …. “

Door kicked in …. “ STFU and sit down fatso , SEARCH WARRANT ! “

*Trump’s Diaper intensifies
Well, I think we can ALL think of 'a number' of other politicians the FBI could be raiding also :)
But heyho, whatever ..never interfere with an enemy, while they are in the process of destroying themselves.

I'll be watching this quietly and with interest. As it will teach us about the current 'inner workings' of the FBI (plus politicians etc). And, if any, their political allegiances (when they should be bipartisan). I do think, these actions will cement some interesting voting in upcoming elections :)

I know, I'd be voting against the biggest name callers, hate promoters and finger pointers (over recent years). Its just good practice, if you look back at history.
And never projecting your true (moderate) politics online is a good thing too. As this information is harvested and often now used (to manipulate). The internet truly was designed to be a great manipulation tool. ...ermm, I mean 'it turned into the greatest manipulation tool' ever. Yes, thats it *ahem*
Unfortunately the MAGA Repubtards are blasting the judge’s address / wife’s name / kids and school wishing harm on them.
Traffic across Gab , Telegram , 8chan and other retarded chat points have exploded across net with this info.

Hopefully some Marshals or other LEO start rounding up these shitstains and prosecute the fuck out them for threatening the life of a federal judge and family. I would think joe’s infrastructure plan may include some moola for a shiny new “ Club Fed “.
trump didn't realize that being a former president would mean living with LEO's for the rest of his life....and that there might be a few legit LEO's that swore an oath to enforce the law and report all crimes, mixed in with the rest. I'm guessing that one of the many secret service agents that rotated thru his security detail saw evidence of crimes at Marla go and felt duty bound to report it to the proper channels....
How many LEO's reported the crimes and how many ignored them? Remembering Tony Ornado and the head of the secret service were corrupt and broke the law for Trump. Who would they report to? The FBI with a Trump appointee, or the DOJ with Bill Barr running it?
We will see. They say they didn't give them a copy. Why did the big bad FBI wait until Trump was in NY like little chicken shit weasels?
I see the morons are now even making threats to the FBI, how fucking stupid do you have to be to call up the FBI switchboard with a threat? :lol: I'm sure they are just shaking with fear in the FBI building in DC and will back off immediately! :lol:

All the death threats the judge and jury receive are taken into account during sentencing and will warrant maximum security for someone with a large armed domestic terrorist following. Yep there will be no difference what kind of rag you wear on your head, a hood or a red one, onto the domestic terrorist watch list you go, same used for Islamic terrorists, terrorism is terrorism.
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We will see. They say they didn't give them a copy. Why did the big bad FBI wait until Trump was in NY like little chicken shit weasels?
It would have been fun seeing Donald outside the gates of Mar Logo at 6 AM in his depends, but they just did it while he was in NY pleading the 5th.
Did you know that Fat Donnie plead the 5th over 440 times during his deposition yesterday?
Surely it must shake your faith in the great white hope? :lol:
We will see. They say they didn't give them a copy. Why did the big bad FBI wait until Trump was in NY like little chicken shit weasels?

The "little chicken shit weasels" were literally trying not to make it a spectacle.while retrieving the stolen goods but Trump had to warn his co-conspirators that they got the contents of his safe. So it became a spectacle.

Why would the FBI be afraid of that irrelevant tub of chicken nuggets and hamberders now that he can't order IRS audits of them any longer?
I see the morons are now even making threats to the FBI, how fucking stupid do you have to be to call up the FBI switchboard with a threat? :lol: I'm sure they are just shaking with fear in the FBI building in DC and will back off immediately! :lol:

All the death threats the judge and jury receive are taken into account during sentencing and will warrant maximum security for someone with a large armed domestic terrorist following. Yep there will be no difference what kind of rag you wear on your head, a hood or a red one, onto the domestic terrorist watch list you go, same used for Islamic terrorists, terrorism is terrorism.
It would have been fun seeing Donald outside the gates of Mar Logo at 6 AM in his depends, but they just did it while he was in NY pleading the 5th.
Did you know that Fat Donnie plead the 5th over 440 times during his deposition yesterday?
Surely it must shake your faith in the great white hope? :lol:

He plead the 5th to a lady who said day 1 that impeachment begins today? You don't say.
The "little chicken shit weasels" were literally trying not to make it a spectacle.while retrieving the stolen goods but Trump had to warn his co-conspirators that they got the contents of his safe. So it became a spectacle.

Why would the FBI be afraid of that irrelevant tub of chicken nuggets and hamberders now that he can't order IRS audits of them any longer?

The little chicken shit weasels cannot stop a mass shooting with red flags stacked to the rafters in their office because they're too busy with school board parents. But they're so scared of Trump they wait until he's not home to raid based on a process he's been complying with closely with the FBI.

I guess the real difference here is I would feel the same way if Trump pulled this crap on Bidens home.