Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

In the first one, the defense was that the president may do whatever he wants as long as he says he thought it was in the national interest. No joke.

But, hey, if you can find that kind of defense working in a criminal trial, or even a traffic ticket, go forth and do what you want to do, believe what you want.

Tell us later how it worked for you traffic ticket. Your honor, I believed it was a 90 mph zone, I thought it was ok, so I'm innocent.

Are you comparing a Trump trial to a nobody fighting a traffic ticket? What Justice Cannon did should be proof that people are willing to stick their necks out for Trump. But hey, I'm glad you think a career criminal that has evaded justice for 50 years will finally get the screws put to him just because it's the DOJ handing out the indictments to a person revered by half the country. Time will tell.
Are you comparing a Trump trial to a nobody fighting a traffic ticket? What Justice Cannon did should be proof that people are willing to stick their necks out for Trump. But hey, I'm glad you think a career criminal that has evaded justice for 50 years will finally get the screws put to him just because it's the DOJ handing out the indictments to a person revered by half the country. Time will tell.
you make a good point. That the Justice system billionaires face is not the same as what you and I live under. But the impeachment and Senate trials are a not good comp. Presidents do not face criminal proceedings during a Senate trial after impeachment in the House. Bill Clinton did in fact lie to congress. It's a matter of record. But he wasn't removed from office. He was not removed from office because his political party Senators did not agree that what he did met their standard for high crimes and misdemeanors. The same thing happened after Trump was impeached twice. Criminality was not a consideration.

Regarding what Trump did. What you said has been repeated over and over. Not the same treatment as any jamoke who did what he did with classified documents. But my point does not change. We don't know what DOJ knows regarding Trump's actions with those documents. What do you think he was doing with them? Sitting up late at night caressing them? That said, if they don't have the goods on him, they can always charge Trump with obstruction. Does that clear the bar for filing criminal charges? Maybe not. And so, the investigation continues. This can go on for years as long as Democrats control the executive. I'm not saying you are wrong, just saying we have a ways to go before this story is written.
Yeah, that's what I said about Trump in 2016. Would have probably come true if Comey didn't come out and say he's opening an investigation into Trump's opponent's emails 11 days before election day.
trump was a wake up call to all the idiots who thought he didn't have a chance...people now realize that fucking morons with no business in politics can indeed slime their way into the hearts of fucking brain dead idiots, and that there are more brian dead idiots than they were aware of, don't look for someone like trump to get elected again anytime soon.
According to the many legal experts, some of whom know Garland personally and are familiar with the public evidence, all say he's as good as gone when he's indicted. All are predicting an indictment shortly after the election and a quick trial. What will they do with the hot potato once convicted and the standard sentencing guide lines apply remains to be seen. However, he does have a large domestic terrorist following and there is the question of staff safety for those guarding him, so that rules out house arrest or club fed. We are just talking about the secret documents and obstruction of justice here, the fact that the documents were classified, and their importance comes into play during sentencing and is not a factor in his conviction. The fact that everybody involved in his prosecution will receive terrorist death threats will only add to the sentencing recommendation and to the decision of the bureau of prisons as to where and how he does his time.

He is not a nonviolent offender either, he leads a large domestic terrorist movement that engages in political violence. He might not be convicted of it, but it will influence his sentencing and where he does his time since he will be federal property then.

Laurence Tribe Predicts Whether AG Merrick Garland Will Indict Trump

482,118 views Sep 21, 2022 Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe joins MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss why it’s “impossible to not indict Donald Trump” for withholding top secret government information.
trump was a wakeup call to all the idiots who thought he didn't have a chance...people now realize that fucking morons with no business in politics can indeed slime their way into the hearts of fucking brain dead idiots, and that there are more brian dead idiots than they were aware of, don't look for someone like trump to get elected again anytime soon.
There is record turn out this year for early voting, not just for a midterm but for elections in general. However, the republicans are enthusiastic, about what I have no idea. We will see what election day brings I guess whether America once again fails the national intelligence test or just squeaks by. It has made people take politics more seriously though, unfortunately many of them are ignorant and racist assholes.

The intention of the founders was to have a public education system that would give the public the ability to think, inform and uplift themselves so they could make wise decisions at the polls and elect responsible people. Republicans cut civic and history education from schools, but not the football teams, and further want to fuck with it to create a generation of ignoramuses who are easily manipulated by con artists. It's the same idea with attacking science education and biology in particular. It conflicts with the Bible's narrative, but that is only important to a miniscule portion of the population who are Biblical literalists. Unfortunately, they fill the school boards because their church makes sure they win, and their candidates have a 200 or 300 vote lead before the school board election begins.
trump was a wake up call to all the idiots who thought he didn't have a chance...people now realize that fucking morons with no business in politics can indeed slime their way into the hearts of fucking brain dead idiots, and that there are more brian dead idiots than they were aware of, don't look for someone like trump to get elected again anytime soon.
i guess I was an idiot :(. I assumed it was a giant fucked up joke he was even on the ballot, boy was I wrong :(. I hope you right Roger. I’m not placing any bets on anything State side anymore, way to unpredictable and “I won’t be fooled again” ;).
i guess I was an idiot :(. I assumed it was a giant fucked up joke he was even on the ballot, boy was I wrong :(. I hope you right Roger. I’m not placing any bets on anything State side anymore, way to unpredictable and “I won’t be fooled again” ;).
WTF knows what will happen on election day down there, it makes no sense to rational people, it appears the place is half full of racists, fools and lunatics Hell bent on fucking themselves.
Are you comparing a Trump trial to a nobody fighting a traffic ticket? What Justice Cannon did should be proof that people are willing to stick their necks out for Trump. But hey, I'm glad you think a career criminal that has evaded justice for 50 years will finally get the screws put to him just because it's the DOJ handing out the indictments to a person revered by half the country. Time will tell.
I think the portion that reveres him is more like 30%...And they're either stupid or crooked. Or both.
his hard core supporters are only about 30% of republicans, and republicans are only about a third of the he has a third of a third as his hardcore base, or maybe 10% of the country.
the rest of the republicans continue to support him as necessary because they've already stuck their necks out, and then doubled down on his bullshit and lies. they've started to feel like they can do anything, and we have to show them they can't...not if it's fucking illegal.
we have to override that insane 10%, and we have to slap that fucking conspiratorial 30% right in the fucking mouth every time they try to lie, steal or cheat. Justice WILL be done, one way or another.
Former Trump aide Kash Patel set to testify in Mar-a-Lago docs probe: report
Former Trump aide Kash Patel is set to testify before a federal grand jury about the classified documents recovered from former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home after being granted immunity for any information, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Patel — who has claimed that Trump had declassified the documents found at Mar-a-Lago — previously refused to provide information to the grand jury, instead invoking his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) reportedly has agreed to grant Patel immunity in order to force his testimony, after a federal judge ruled that the former Trump aide could not be compelled to testify without such a grant, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The FBI recovered about 100 classified documents when it searched Mar-a-Lago in August. Coupled with the documents recovered by the National Archives and Records Administration in January and several more returned by Trump’s lawyers in June, the government has retrieved more than 300 classified documents from the Florida residence.

Patel told The Wall Street Journal in August that he witnessed Trump issue verbal declassification orders, particularly related to the FBI’s investigation of links between the Trump campaign and Russia, near the end of his administration. The former Trump aide also said lack of evidence was not an issue, given that the president is the “ultimate classification authority.”

Patel’s claims echo Trump’s own assertions that he had declassified the materials. The former president told Fox News’s Sean Hannity in September that he could declassify documents “even by thinking about it,” a claim that many have contested.

Trump’s lawyers have faced pushback in court over the former president’s claims, with an appeals court noting that “the record contains no evidence that any of these records were declassified.”
Former Trump aide Kash Patel set to testify in Mar-a-Lago docs probe: report
Former Trump aide Kash Patel is set to testify before a federal grand jury about the classified documents recovered from former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home after being granted immunity for any information, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Patel — who has claimed that Trump had declassified the documents found at Mar-a-Lago — previously refused to provide information to the grand jury, instead invoking his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) reportedly has agreed to grant Patel immunity in order to force his testimony, after a federal judge ruled that the former Trump aide could not be compelled to testify without such a grant, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The FBI recovered about 100 classified documents when it searched Mar-a-Lago in August. Coupled with the documents recovered by the National Archives and Records Administration in January and several more returned by Trump’s lawyers in June, the government has retrieved more than 300 classified documents from the Florida residence.

Patel told The Wall Street Journal in August that he witnessed Trump issue verbal declassification orders, particularly related to the FBI’s investigation of links between the Trump campaign and Russia, near the end of his administration. The former Trump aide also said lack of evidence was not an issue, given that the president is the “ultimate classification authority.”

Patel’s claims echo Trump’s own assertions that he had declassified the materials. The former president told Fox News’s Sean Hannity in September that he could declassify documents “even by thinking about it,” a claim that many have contested.

Trump’s lawyers have faced pushback in court over the former president’s claims, with an appeals court noting that “the record contains no evidence that any of these records were declassified.”
I plead the fifth

will be his undoing
Former Trump aide Kash Patel set to testify in Mar-a-Lago docs probe: report
Former Trump aide Kash Patel is set to testify before a federal grand jury about the classified documents recovered from former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home after being granted immunity for any information, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Patel — who has claimed that Trump had declassified the documents found at Mar-a-Lago — previously refused to provide information to the grand jury, instead invoking his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) reportedly has agreed to grant Patel immunity in order to force his testimony, after a federal judge ruled that the former Trump aide could not be compelled to testify without such a grant, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The FBI recovered about 100 classified documents when it searched Mar-a-Lago in August. Coupled with the documents recovered by the National Archives and Records Administration in January and several more returned by Trump’s lawyers in June, the government has retrieved more than 300 classified documents from the Florida residence.

Patel told The Wall Street Journal in August that he witnessed Trump issue verbal declassification orders, particularly related to the FBI’s investigation of links between the Trump campaign and Russia, near the end of his administration. The former Trump aide also said lack of evidence was not an issue, given that the president is the “ultimate classification authority.”

Patel’s claims echo Trump’s own assertions that he had declassified the materials. The former president told Fox News’s Sean Hannity in September that he could declassify documents “even by thinking about it,” a claim that many have contested.

Trump’s lawyers have faced pushback in court over the former president’s claims, with an appeals court noting that “the record contains no evidence that any of these records were declassified.”
Hopefully that means that he's gonna come clean and rat out Trump, but I'm not gonna hold my breath.
you make a good point. That the Justice system billionaires face is not the same as what you and I live under. But the impeachment and Senate trials are a not good comp. Presidents do not face criminal proceedings during a Senate trial after impeachment in the House. Bill Clinton did in fact lie to congress. It's a matter of record. But he wasn't removed from office. He was not removed from office because his political party Senators did not agree that what he did met their standard for high crimes and misdemeanors. The same thing happened after Trump was impeached twice. Criminality was not a consideration.

Regarding what Trump did. What you said has been repeated over and over. Not the same treatment as any jamoke who did what he did with classified documents. But my point does not change. We don't know what DOJ knows regarding Trump's actions with those documents. What do you think he was doing with them? Sitting up late at night caressing them? That said, if they don't have the goods on him, they can always charge Trump with obstruction. Does that clear the bar for filing criminal charges? Maybe not. And so, the investigation continues. This can go on for years as long as Democrats control the executive. I'm not saying you are wrong, just saying we have a ways to go before this story is written.

Well, yes, perhaps I'm jaded and cynical. I think if they can't get him on using the docs for nefarious reasons (which I 100% believe is the only reason for why he had those documents), obstruction charges will result in probation and not 5 years in prison. I'd love to be shown I'm wrong, and he gets nailed on everything.
Well, yes, perhaps I'm jaded and cynical. I think if they can't get him on using the docs for nefarious reasons (which I 100% believe is the only reason for why he had those documents), obstruction charges will result in probation and not 5 years in prison. I'd love to be shown I'm wrong, and he gets nailed on everything.
It's not whether I think he's going to prison for the secret documents and obstruction of justice, every legal expert and lawyer I've seen or read thinks he will. The problems with the slap on the wrist's theory are sentencing guidelines and the precident of previous cases, both mean he will get out in a bag. It doesn't matter if the documents were top-secret or not, it's their illegal possession that is the issue, classified or not. The fact of their classification and other circumstances would be aggravating factors at sentencing. It's up to Garland and those who worked with him or taught him in law school, all agree that Trump is toast.
It's not whether I think he's going to prison for the secret documents and obstruction of justice, every legal expert and lawyer I've seen or read thinks he will. The problems with the slap on the wrist's theory are sentencing guidelines and the precident of previous cases, both mean he will get out in a bag. It doesn't matter if the documents were top-secret or not, it's their illegal possession that is the issue, classified or not. The fact of their classification and other circumstances would be aggravating factors at sentencing. It's up to Garland and those who worked with him or taught him in law school, all agree that Trump is toast.

We'll see. Charges don't mean dick if they don't convict. There's enough corruption in the courts to give him a slap on the wrist to pretend to not be letting him "get away with it" but not giving him an actual prison sentence. And yes, I've heard from those same lawyers, too.
We'll see. Charges don't mean dick if they don't convict. There's enough corruption in the courts to give him a slap on the wrist to pretend to not be letting him "get away with it" but not giving him an actual prison sentence. And yes, I've heard from those same lawyers, too.
As long as there is a trial at the end of the day IMO is what is important. And that they try like hell to make sure there are not any cultists on it. After that it is what it is, and 12 Americans will weigh all the facts (that they are allowed to) and decide Trump's fate.
We'll see. Charges don't mean dick if they don't convict. There's enough corruption in the courts to give him a slap on the wrist to pretend to not be letting him "get away with it" but not giving him an actual prison sentence. And yes, I've heard from those same lawyers, too.
I've seen some incredible things these past 7 years in America and a lot of public crime without accountability and doubt there will be for much of it as Trump overwhelmed the legal system and controlled much of it for 4 years. However, this time around and thanks to this particular case Donald will be in prison before any of his cronies over J6. With the Kingpin down they won't need many deals for minions and cronies over J6. When Trump is in a cell, he will rat everybody out and squeal his head off bragging to the FBI.

If the republicans win, he will try to control the house from his cell, so expect McCarthy to visit him and shut down the government until Joe commutes his sentence. Trump will want a pardon and an apology from Biden, or the government dies from lack of cash. Sounds absurd, but so have the past few years down Donald's rabbit hole.
As long as there is a trial at the end of the day IMO is what is important. And that they try like hell to make sure there are not any cultists on it. After that it is what it is, and 12 Americans will weigh all the facts (that they are allowed to) and decide Trump's fate.
His trial will be in DC, so that's a good start.
I've seen some incredible things these past 7 years in America and a lot of public crime without accountability and doubt there will be for much of it as Trump overwhelmed the legal system and controlled much of it for 4 years. However, this time around and thanks to this particular case Donald will be in prison before any of his cronies over J6. With the Kingpin down they won't need many deals for minions and cronies over J6. When Trump is in a cell, he will rat everybody out and squeal his head off bragging to the FBI.

If the republicans win, he will try to control the house from his cell, so expect McCarthy to visit him and shut down the government until Joe commutes his sentence. Trump will want a pardon and an apology from Biden, or the government dies from lack of cash. Sounds absurd, but so have the past few years down Donald's rabbit hole.

I've seen some incredible stuff, too, like Mueller not being direct with his findings, allowing him to slither away.
As long as there is a trial at the end of the day IMO is what is important. And that they try like hell to make sure there are not any cultists on it. After that it is what it is, and 12 Americans will weigh all the facts (that they are allowed to) and decide Trump's fate.

In 200 years, when this is studied in history books in schools, a conviction is ridiculously more important than any type of punishment doled out.