Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

Looks like max jail time is ~400 years

Counts 1-31: 10x31 = 310
Counts 32-35: 20x4 = 80
Count 36: 1x5 = 5
310+80+5 = 395 years max (consecutive)
Concurrent = 20 years

how about we split the difference:
100 years
no pardon, no parole, no pension, no gifts, no rallies, no fundraising,
no private visits, no outgoing communication
trump will be 77 in 5 days....Happy birthday, fucker....
10 years with no parole is as good as a death sentence.
His dad died at 93, but his grandpa died at 49...hard to say how long trump has left, but he's a fat old fuck who eats shit and considers a ride in a golf
cart exercise.

“But it’s also a terrible thing for the nation to have to see a president go through the federal criminal process,” added the official, who was granted anonymity to speak candidly on a sensitive issue.

No. It is not. It is necessary to the restoration of a working republic to see this former president held to account.

One European official wasn’t overly concerned by the contents. “I’m not that surprised,” the official said. “We learned to expect anything” when it comes to Trump.

That man cost us a great deal in the eyes of the rest of the G7.
are there minimum sentences? He won’t survive past year fifteen.
Seriously doubt there are mandatory minimums: those exist to demonstrate to white people how wiling you are to punish black/brown people for scary things you aren’t trying to whitewash; I doubt there’s much stomach among the bellyaching so-called ‘right’ to punish ‘their side’ for a little old-fashioned lying.

That’s why I actually figure they may order them served concurrently; I believe that would mar the bright-line precedent that NEEDS to be established: reducing the punishment simply because the guilty won’t outlive the sentence kinda cheapens the effort.

Either it really IS this serious, or it’s just a show. Of ALL things we can’t bear @ this point, actual, performative show trials would be the absolute worst thing ever. It would gut any & all remaining confidence in the law & in law enforcement.

If they’re going to pull THAT PUNCH, of *all* punches, then WTF are any of us doing? WTF are *THEY* doing???

An unwanted but necessary reminder that the wheels could still come off, even now: curtain doesn’t go up until after the emcee sets up the audience, th - and that’s the show biz part of the arraignment
trump will be 77 in 5 days....Happy birthday, fucker....
10 years with no parole is as good as a death sentence.
His dad died at 93, but his grandpa died at 49...hard to say how long trump has left, but he's a fat old fuck who eats shit and considers a ride in a golf
cart exercise.
Yeah? So?
Then he can fucking die…and be glad he wasn’t keelhauled every day for a year before being staked out for the crabs & gulls

10 years IS NOT “as good as a death sentence”
DEATH, in fact, IS the traditional punishment for the crimes charged to him. An actual death sentence would be the active riddance of his life, send him to the back of the line: a serious punishment to meet an equally serious crime; reducing 400 years to 10, “‘cause he’s gonna die”, is a mercy he has deprived himself of.

It’s not *just* punishment, after all: if he dies serving his sentence, that’s appropriate…because he wasn’t be sentenced to “a while” & then home to his drooling fan base. It ENSURES he never gets a chance to poison the minds and hearts of the public EVER AGAIN.

Athens faced the same effing issue in dealing with Socrates’ clear & present danger to Athenian culture & Greek civilization: let him continue to destabilize, whitewash, retcon as he uncontrollably does, or MAKE HIM STOP. If he were an unrepentant murder as he is an unrepentant traitor, the law would be bound to restrain him from preying upon the public; the need now is no less even if the body count IS deferred.

Dunno about these tough, tough-minded conservative-type people, their heads seem much softer than their facts
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Seriously doubt there are mandatory minimums: those exist to demonstrate to white people how wiling you are to punish black/brown people for scary things you aren’t trying to whitewash; I doubt there’s much stomach among the bellyaching so-called ‘right’ to punish ‘their side’ for a little old-fashioned lying.

That’s why I actually figure they may order them served concurrently; I believe that would mar the bright-line precedent that NEEDS to be established: reducing the punishment simply because the guilty won’t outlive the sentence kinda cheapens the effort.

Either it really IS this serious, or it’s just a show. Of ALL things we can’t bear @ this point, actual, performative show trials would be the absolute worst thing ever. It would gut any & all remaining confidence in the law & in law enforcement.

If they’re going to pull THAT PUNCH, of *all* punches, then WTF are any of us doing? WTF are *THEY* doing???

An unwanted but necessary reminder that the wheels could still come off, even now: curtain doesn’t go up until after the emcee sets up the audience, th - and that’s the show biz part of the arraignment
Assuming convictions, it really depends on the sentence. If it stays Cannon’s case, I don’t expect much.

I console myself with the idea that the Big One is still on the horizon, the one that can bar him from public office and founder a dozen accomplice legislators (and, goodness willing, a justice and his traitor spouse). How that is done is imo the touchstone, the diagnostic for how much of the rule of law is left, and whether a skilled pruning can reinvigorate the nation.
Sorry, Roger, did I lose you?
i thought you were criticizing me for being soft on trump...
In all truth, trump is now an irrelevant figurehead. He would be a useless maundering wreck in ten years, especially ten years in a federal penitentiary.
The real deal now is the freedom caucus traitors. If we don't deal with them, this kind of fucking garbage is just going to keep happening.
If trump goes to prison, or house arrest, i don't care...He's a joke now. His base may love him, but no major contributors are going to touch him after this shit, and he can only grift so much from poor white trash morons, before they become homeless poor white trash morons.
i thought you were criticizing me for being soft on trump...
In all truth, trump is now an irrelevant figurehead. He would be a useless maundering wreck in ten years, especially ten years in a federal penitentiary.
The real deal now is the freedom caucus traitors. If we don't deal with them, this kind of fucking garbage is just going to keep happening.
If trump goes to prison, or house arrest, i don't care...He's a joke now. His base may love him, but no major contributors are going to touch him after this shit, and he can only grift so much from poor white trash morons, before they become homeless poor white trash morons.
That man is indeed irrelevant. The party needs nothing from him to continue headlong on its course to gut America.
i thought you were criticizing me for being soft on trump...
naw, man…that was my lack of sympathy for the ex-prez-&-still-flaming-asshole bleeding thru in my tone.

In no way a reflection of or on you

In all truth, trump is now an irrelevant figurehead. He would be a useless maundering wreck in ten years, especially ten years in a federal penitentiary.
The real deal now is the freedom caucus traitors. If we don't deal with them, this kind of fucking garbage is just going to keep happening.
If trump goes to prison, or house arrest, i don't care...He's a joke now. His base may love him, but no major contributors are going to touch him after this shit, and he can only grift so much from poor white trash morons, before they become homeless poor white trash morons.
I agree: he, his person, etc is completely unimportant…even uninteresting…*except* as a symbol. As a symbol of betrayal of oaths, betrayal of public trust, attempted overthrow of constitutional order, the con job to end all con jobs…THIS SITUATION & how we handle it is extremely important & highly significant.

The fact that he’s gone out of his way to create a cult of personality for himself complicates the question of dismissing him before his crimes are truly exposed & punished…but it doesn’t relieve us of the duty to take action - to make as sure as we can that events like these, guys like him, guys like those who’ve served him, guys like those who’ve manipulated SCOTUS, Congress, & entire administrations FOR THE PURPOSEFUL USE of guys like him, events like these, never get to try it any of this again.

Most expressly including all these specific guys in their skin suits & legal profiles.

As much as we wholeheartedly wish to be DONE WITH HIM, we won’t get to be really done until the damage has been found, repaired, & preventive measures taken.

I take some solace in the fact that this Trumperdammerung we see approaching will be worth celebrating, that Trump will join Quisling, Arnold, Ffawkes in our common comprehension of betrayal, and that so many decent people have been & are being forced awake enough to flee the now-fully-antiAmerican current GOOP reanimation

CPAC ‘24 promises to be a gimpfest for the ages
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naw, man…that was my lack of sympathy for the ex-prez-&-still-flaming-asshole bleeding thru in my tone.

In no way a reflection of or on you

I agree: he, his person, etc is completely unimportant…even uninteresting…*except* as a symbol. As a symbol of betrayal of oaths, betrayal of public trust, attempted overthrow of constitutional order, the con job to end all con jobs…THIS SITUATION & how we handle it is extremely important & highly significant.

The fact that he’s gone out of his way to create a cult of personality for himself complicates the question of dismissing him before his crimes are truly exposed & punished…but it doesn’t relieve us of the duty to take action - to make as sure as we can that events like these, guys like him, guys like those who’ve served him, guys like those who’ve manipulated SCOTUS, Congress, & entire administrations FOR THE PURPOSEFUL USE of guys like him, events like these, never get to try it any of this again.

Most expressly including all these specific guys in their skin suits & their legal profile

As much as we wholeheartedly wish to be DONE WITH HIM, we won’t get to be really done until the damage has been found, repaired, & preventive measures taken.

I take some solace in the fact that this Trumperdammerung we see approaching will be worth celebrating, that Trump will join Quisling, Arnold, Ffawkes in our common comprehension of betrayal, and that so many decent people have been & are being forced awake enough to flee the now-fully-antiAmerican current GOOP reanimation

CPAC ‘24 promises to be a gimpfest for the ages
Call CPAC '24 Burning Gimp.
naw, man…that was my lack of sympathy for the ex-prez-&-still-flaming-asshole bleeding thru in my tone.

In no way a reflection of or on you

I agree: he, his person, etc is completely unimportant…even uninteresting…*except* as a symbol. As a symbol of betrayal of oaths, betrayal of public trust, attempted overthrow of constitutional order, the con job to end all con jobs…THIS SITUATION & how we handle it is extremely important & highly significant.

The fact that he’s gone out of his way to create a cult of personality for himself complicates the question of dismissing him before his crimes are truly exposed & punished…but it doesn’t relieve us of the duty to take action - to make as sure as we can that events like these, guys like him, guys like those who’ve served him, guys like those who’ve manipulated SCOTUS, Congress, & entire administrations FOR THE PURPOSEFUL USE of guys like him, events like these, never get to try it any of this again.

Most expressly including all these specific guys in their skin suits & legal profiles.

As much as we wholeheartedly wish to be DONE WITH HIM, we won’t get to be really done until the damage has been found, repaired, & preventive measures taken.

I take some solace in the fact that this Trumperdammerung we see approaching will be worth celebrating, that Trump will join Quisling, Arnold, Ffawkes in our common comprehension of betrayal, and that so many decent people have been & are being forced awake enough to flee the now-fully-antiAmerican current GOOP reanimation

CPAC ‘24 promises to be a gimpfest for the ages
don't get me wrong, I'm not saying what happens to him isn't important, but all it has to do is take him out of circulation for a few years, and the magats will find a new cultist to follow. They have no loyalty to trump, they only have loyalty to their own delusions. The only problem is that trump has been hand tailoring those delusions for almost ten years now.
“Pence has gone down [in the polls], … sadly, because he’s a nice person, he’s trying to get nasty though so we may have to fight a different way,” Trump said of his former vice president. “All of a sudden he got a little bit nasty, Mike.”

"I could have let them hang him but I was a nice guy and called off the mob and look at how he repays me. So disloyal. So nasty. I usually reserve the word "nasty" for women, especially journalists but Mike is like a little girl, a nasty little girl, a ho, but he's still our ho. He can repent by begging for forgiveness and endorsing Trump. We'll see."