marajuana mad science ( i <3 tinfoil )


Active Member
because there seems to be a large amount of confusion between the reflective values of mylar, white paint and tinfoil... not that it makes much difference...


Well-Known Member
well... i just found this web sight, and sorry... most of you are wrong... apparently according to this tinfoil is more reflective than white paint.... which seems to make sense anyone else got some sources of information that proves me wrong? rather than just saying random shit to confuse people.

to be more technical, they stopped making consumer grade tinfoil after world war II, it is now known to the world as aluminum foil.

so you're all wrong.

i win.


Active Member
tinfoil is farless reflective than mylar and can cause hotspots, putting foil on the pot is stupid, the bottom of the leaves dont absorb the light, the tops do, your just messing up your soil drying properly.
ok just to let you know.... if it's green it absorbs light... it's why you did chloroplasts in biology... plus your not going to get hot spots because why would all the light instantly go to one point on the plant? that's just retarded and its something else you covered in chemistry, called convection... remember that? and finally the soil drying up? i have no drainage on my plants soil, so i just make sure i don't over water my plant. also covered in chemistry called osmosis. thank you good night, im here all week!!! woop woop!!! should have gone to school...


Active Member
well i am dyslexic and i know dyslexia isn't an excuse! but its a means to think outside of the proverbial spelling box! lol


Active Member
Ok, so we've got a 2ft high box, mirrors and tin-foil, non-drainable soil, and halogen or CFL's.


Sounds like a great grow.. Let us know how that works out.. After your 4 months of growing and your 6 gram harvest of shitty bud, let us know how it is.

Then after this grow shits the bed and you realize that, take everyone's advice here and do it correctly the next time.


Ok, so we've got a 2ft high box, mirrors and tin-foil, non-drainable soil, and halogen or CFL's.


Sounds like a great grow.. Let us know how that works out.. After your 4 months of growing and your 6 gram harvest of shitty bud, let us know how it is.

Then after this grow shits the bed and you realize that, take everyone's advice here and do it correctly the next time.
read the entire thread, you sir WIN


Active Member
Ok, so we've got a 2ft high box, mirrors and tin-foil, non-drainable soil, and halogen or CFL's.


Sounds like a great grow.. Let us know how that works out.. After your 4 months of growing and your 6 gram harvest of shitty bud, let us know how it is.

Then after this grow shits the bed and you realize that, take everyone's advice here and do it correctly the next time.
i'd rather 6 gram of home grown than 0 grams ...


Well-Known Member
ok just to let you know.... if it's green it absorbs light... it's why you did chloroplasts in biology... plus your not going to get hot spots because why would all the light instantly go to one point on the plant? that's just retarded and its something else you covered in chemistry, called convection... remember that? and finally the soil drying up? i have no drainage on my plants soil, so i just make sure i don't over water my plant. also covered in chemistry called osmosis. thank you good night, im here all week!!! woop woop!!! should have gone to school...
I'm not gonna even try to help you, your to foolish and stubborn, research this shit a little and youll see that its all reputable info thats been proven time and time again.


Well-Known Member
to be more technical, they stopped making consumer grade tinfoil after world war II, it is now known to the world as aluminum foil.

so you're all wrong.

i win.
look on google, type "most reflective material for cannabis grow box?" You'll get tons of pages.......from tons of different sites all saying the same thing


Active Member
lol 2ft high your plant is gonna get up near the light and vaporize. but at least you can get high by opening your box and breathing in the vapors. my box is 0 by 0 by 0 with 0 seeds so u got me beat. pics?
i'd say you got a good seed starting box. but drainage is a must even if its just a pot with a hole and a plate underneath. but as long as it is loose well drained and not over or underwatered you got you a good box for starting them up or some bonsai.
you could probably start about 8 plants in there in those drinking size red or blue plastic cups or styro. get them big enough to transplant outdoors safely. even more if you were just getting them started for a week in little dixiecups. but those dry out fast


Active Member
well the tub i have my plant in is kind of a bit small so it dry's out fully in about 3-4 day's, i usually keep it moist/ dry and water it on the 3rd day, there's no real need to be putting holes in my tub, it's working well, im going for the bonsai tree effect any way, though i was thinking of scrogging it all up to max it out, meh, i got my last plants big enough to flower, or the male equivalent. but im gonna up my light source to 2 40 watts as soon as i start to flower, what's wrong with that?

ohh and btw darkdestruction240 you were right about the mylar, being the most reflective surface, and please chill out man, just remember, it's only the internet...


Active Member
why do find that so hard to believe? tinfoil has 2 sides the dull side absorbs heat the shiny side reflects heat.Tin foil is made to be an insulator thats why we using it for cooking not growing.My advice would be rip the tinfoil down wrap a potato with it (shiny side out) and BBQ.Then head to the hydro store and get some mylar or to the hardware store for some flat white paint,or black and white poly or an emergency blanket.


so iv'e been growing for a little bit now in a box, (when i say box i mean... BOX) it's about 2ft by 2ft by 1/2 ft. well i discovered tinfoil a while back and haven't looked back since, i covered everything in tinfoil, the whole inside of the box the plant's tub, and the top of the soil, and i pretty much found that working with such a reflective surface in such a small area means that my lumen levels are fucking off the chart for now, im using just a 40watt bulb normal energy saving. now iv'e been using 150 watt halogen before and i think that the lighting levels aren’t too far off each other, has anyone else covered their soil with tinfoil? originally i figured that my soil would get baked and so would my plant, well with the 150 watt it did, however the 40 watt i got a nice amount of light and my plant looks like it's having a good time XD the one problem i do have with covering the soil with tinfoil is that the soil will stay damp for a lot longer without all the moisture getting to evaporate off it, how ever so long as i don't get root rot im all good. XD

if anyone gets ' bored i sugest they try this to boost their light intake, and if anyone's had a bad experience with tinfoiling everything but their plant please post.
I'm right there with ya man. I've been growing in a 1x2x2.5ft space and lined the walls with mylar the roof with tinfoil and I covered the soil with printer paper. The paper seems to work very well because the moisture can still leave the soil, the paper doesn't have an insulating effect on the heat of the soil, and it reflects a ton of light back up onto the plant! I'd suggest giving the printer paper a try it works really well.


Active Member
I'm right there with ya man. I've been growing in a 1x2x2.5ft space and lined the walls with mylar the roof with tinfoil and I covered the soil with printer paper. The paper seems to work very well because the moisture can still leave the soil, the paper doesn't have an insulating effect on the heat of the soil, and it reflects a ton of light back up onto the plant! I'd suggest giving the printer paper a try it works really well.
hmm good tip XD ill give it a try thanks :)