Marijuana and Bi-Polar disorder


Well-Known Member
oh yes my mother and my aunt both have bi-polar and marijuana helps them very very much. usually a warm and comfy powerfull indica stone is usually best for this. trust me i know i go throught this every day lol it helps.also they are on abilify and Seroquel , and they both reacted very nicely.

hope this helps


Well-Known Member
..also i noticed, at the time of last mania, he wouldnt smoke much if at all, like he hasnt time to smoke, you know, like he was too busy... normaly we are potheads, smoking only from bongs


Well-Known Member
oh yes my mother and my aunt both have bi-polar and marijuana helps them very very much. usually a warm and comfy powerfull indica stone is usually best for this. trust me i know i go throught this every day lol it helps.also they are on abilify and Seroquel , and they both reacted very nicely.

hope this helps
Very cool good to know it combines with those meds well. I took seroquel for a bout of depression at one point it made me feel almost like I smoked some pot.

..also i noticed, at the time of last mania, he wouldnt smoke much if at all, like he hasnt time to smoke, you know, like he was too busy... normaly we are potheads, smoking only from bongs
Mania is a crazy thing to watch, it can be heartbreaking at times


Active Member
Yeah I am bi-polar 30 and have my med card in Oregon herb helps me in the ups and the downs , but it is not a cure all any one who seriously has this disorder should be on a mood stabilizer i take depakote, but I have really great insurance it make's all the doctor visits and prescriptions affordable to some one with low funds like my self


stays relevant.
there are a few members here that serve as proof that marijuana does nothing for bipolar disorder. :lol: get it? :lol: ;) seriously though...


Well-Known Member
Yeah I am bi-polar 30 and have my med card in Oregon herb helps me in the ups and the downs , but it is not a cure all any one who seriously has this disorder should be on a mood stabilizer i take depakote, but I have really great insurance it make's all the doctor visits and prescriptions affordable to some one with low funds like my self
Thanks man. Any other way you control episodes? Diet, sleep, ect. I'm also looking for non drug options as well. My friend is on like 7 different meds one of her goals is to cut down on all the meds.

there are a few members here that serve as proof that marijuana does nothing for bipolar disorder. :lol: get it? :lol: ;) seriously though...
I hear you man!:lol: Just trying to gather info and since the Fed restricts MMJ research its hard to find much other than peoples personal experiences. When you see someone you love go into severe mania it can be really scary. It also sucks to watch someone take 7 different meds half of which counter-act the negative effects of the other meds. Big Pharma and designer drugs are the result of incredible greed.
Just glad I only take one med bongsmilie


Active Member
I work at a acute psychiatric hospital in the town i live as a nurse doing emergency services(5150 evaluations). Smoking all depends on your bipolar acuity and if you are taking your mood stabilizers. For patients who decompensate past the level of daily meds/biweekly med it would not be a good thing to try and medicate them with marijuana. For individuals who follow their dr. rx.(if they are rx meds at all) from my experience is recomended to help treat some of the symtoms of bipolar. Some of the psychiatrist often refer them to our puplic health to get a Dr. recomendation for medi cann cards if they meet the criteria


Well-Known Member
Which states allow use of medical marijuana for treatment of bipolar disorder? I did not know if it was a listed disease for the ganja.


Active Member
None...I never said they refer them for bipolar i said if they meet criteria for a medical marijuana card they refer them


Well-Known Member
I work at a acute psychiatric hospital in the town i live as a nurse doing emergency services(5150 evaluations). Smoking all depends on your bipolar acuity and if you are taking your mood stabilizers. For patients who decompensate past the level of daily meds/biweekly med it would not be a good thing to try and medicate them with marijuana. For individuals who follow their dr. rx.(if they are rx meds at all) from my experience is recomended to help treat some of the symtoms of bipolar. Some of the psychiatrist often refer them to our puplic health to get a Dr. recomendation for medi cann cards if they meet the criteria
Thank you very good info. What are the Criteria?

Which states allow use of medical marijuana for treatment of bipolar disorder? I did not know if it was a listed disease for the ganja.
California is one.


Active Member
Such as chronic pain, glaucoma, mucsle/neuro disororders. HIV/AIDS, terminal illness, chemo/radiation patients


Well-Known Member
what about severe depression? is this a candidate for a medical marijuana card in Michigan? any one know?


Active Member
Let me tell you from personal experience that it does calm one down. Im bipolar and I find that when Im high Im more relaxed and I don't get aggravated/sad/ect by the smallest things like when Im not high, so, for me it marijuana does a hell of a job
=) now I only wish I could get a card.


Well-Known Member
Let me tell you from personal experience that it does calm one down. Im bipolar and I find that when Im high Im more relaxed and I don't get aggravated/sad/ect by the smallest things like when Im not high, so, for me it marijuana does a hell of a job
=) now I only wish I could get a card.
Thanks for the input Celi! Are you on any other meds? One of my concerns was possible drug interaction. :peace:


New Member
it sure helps me...and then i suppose to be taking some pill named adavan or something and a coupel others...i dont i jsut fire a doobie up instead it helps.


Active Member
Their are only 30 drugs that interact with weed, and none of the drugs you mentioned will cause your friend a problem. The only issue I would mention is Abilify is a "munchies" drug, and this would cause obvious minor issues with marijuana.

I will also mention that if your friend is being treated with 3 different medications, than the Bi-Polar is rather serious. It would probably be a bad plan for them to try to move to Marijuana as their only treatment. Bi-Polar is a very serious chemical imbalance, and Marijuana has little direct effect on the neurotransmitters involved in Bi-Polar disorder.

Here are a few things to be careful about. Marijuana is a depressant, and for some folks, it makes depression worse. That does not happen to everyone, but it is possible. Furthermore, Mania tends to make your judgment less than wonderful, and most folks tend not to make the best decisions when they are high lol.

On a positive side, Marijuana will help ALOT with the irritability that often comes with Mania. Some of the drugs your friend is taking will cause some stomach issues, and Marijuana has a wonderful track record with that. Being high feels like a big hug, and that is good medicine for anybody.

Overall, I would say your friend could use Marijuana to help with the various mood issues associated with Bi-Polar, but it would be a good idea to take it slow. I would make sure to smoke with them just in case they get overly depressed/freak out.

Best wishes to your friend


Well-Known Member
My girlfriend is bipolar and all she does is smoke weed. she doesnt take any of the prescribed meds at all. the meds would work but had side effects. she has smoked forever though since in highschool so she was smoking before she was diagnosed. marijuana deffinitely works for her. the only problem is I have to make sure she dont run out. most of the time its ok but if she happens to have an issue it is in my best interest to have some stashed somewhere.


Active Member
I have bipolar disorder and have been diagnosed since I was 12. The pills definitely helped I am prescribed lamictal and prozac but they don't do as good for me than bud. I take my medicine about half as much den I'm supposed to and smoke atleast 4 days a week and I'm almost always on an even level so for me, herb is definitely good for my bipolar. Idk maybe some people are different?