Marijuana and Driving


Active Member
i got in trouble for this a awhile back and its still sketchy they gave me a DUI for it and one time i was pulled over and the cop said i my eyes where glazed, red,and dialated and he said if you smoked in the last 3 days you can still get in trouble for it but this is still a new thing there going through so who really knows all the cops are doing is filling thier monthly quota


Well-Known Member
I don't do it often, but I used to many years ago. I'm sure I drive better straight, but I'm more cautious and drive slower when I am feeling it. I'm no spring chicken.


Active Member
How in the hell could they tell if you smoked yesterday or better yet three days ago. I dont give a fuck what my eyes look like. If you cant smell pot then I haven't smoke any.


Well-Known Member
if it was easy to detect THC, you'd have your answer, and that would be detecting any would likely screw you
but there isn't(so far) a good field detection method
blood tests don't fly on the roadside, urinalysis has its issues
oral testing is creeping forward, i think i've seen some use in Australia
for many US states, it's the roadside sobriety test, which is mostly observation and coordination tests


Well-Known Member
if it was easy to detect THC, you'd have your answer, and that would be detecting any would likely screw you
but there isn't(so far) a good field detection method
blood tests don't fly on the roadside, urinalysis has its issues
oral testing is creeping forward, i think i've seen some use in Australia
for many US states, it's the roadside sobriety test, which is mostly observation and coordination tests
It should be the same as it is for Alcohol. Field Sobriety Test. If you fail that THEN a blood test. In Co these stupid fucks are trying to say if you have 5 nanogram in your blood its a DUI and if you dont agree to the blood test your license gets suspended..... If these fucking politicians would use their head things would be better


Well-Known Member
It should be the same as it is for Alcohol. Field Sobriety Test. If you fail that THEN a blood test. In Co these stupid fucks are trying to say if you have 5 nanogram in your blood its a DUI and if you dont agree to the blood test your license gets suspended..... If these fucking politicians would use their head things would be better
all you hve to do is mention MJ and driving in the same breath, and you have a great political speech
i'm not saying weed and driving mix, it's the bogus testing that is total crap
if it's enough to detect, then you were stoned out of your mind


Active Member
In most states 50 nanograms in the blood is considered impaired, but this is an absurd scale.
The article pasted above was part of a study funded by the United States to study impacts of marijuana and driving by the Netherlands
Alcohol and marijuana are two different substances and act differently on humans after consumption, they can't be compared.

"If Im drinking,I m driving 90MPH, if I smoke a joint Im driving 45"


Active Member
Sorta on the same subject. When I was in highskewl there was a rumor going around about these cameras that could pic up cannabis smoke in your car by some means of inferred.


Active Member
ya i heard the inferred thing to thats a lie for sure but when i was pulled over i was also fucked up on a bunch of robotussin and triple c's so when they did the blood test they only came up with weed


Well-Known Member
in my state they use mouth swabs that can tell if thc has been in your mouth within the last 8 hours. dunno if a good lawyer can argue that or not but remember to brush your teeth!!! also my buddys father tells us about 15 years back a piss test could lead to a conviction dui. even tho its a 30-45 day test span. the mouth swabs are out in the us, for sure the north east.

they use the same swabs for probation, the officer can do a mouth swab to try to catch someone cheating the piss test some way. even tho its only 8 hours, if your in there with the whizzenator like my buddy, but get swabed, your prob beat like he was


Well-Known Member
in my state they use mouth swabs that can tell if thc has been in your mouth within the last 8 hours. dunno if a good lawyer can argue that or not but remember to brush your teeth!!! also my buddys father tells us about 15 years back a piss test could lead to a conviction dui. even tho its a 30-45 day test span. the mouth swabs are out in the us, for sure the north east.

they use the same swabs for probation, the officer can do a mouth swab to try to catch someone cheating the piss test some way. even tho its only 8 hours, if your in there with the whizzenator like my buddy, but get swabed, your prob beat like he was
curious what northeast states are doing the mouth swab, haven't heard of it in NY yet
from what i understand of NY's policy, it's a blood test where there have been injuries


Well-Known Member
in accidents suspected of someone being under the influence they do go to the hospital for a blood test, but here they can mouth swab you if you got pulled over normally but they think your high. they put it in a vail with a glas pac, break and shake and look for whatever indicator it is. there's also a spray that can be bought that will indicate if something has marijuana residue on it. they advertise spraying it on your kids keyboards and shit.