Marijuana and how it could be our savior.


New Member
Just read this, though it was a great idea, tell me what you all think!

It talks about how Marijuana could be the key to getting out of this economic slump. :hug:
Unfortunately U.S. government doesn't work that efficiently anymore. Once the tax revenue starts coming in, they will only add more gov't programs and more costs that will swallow up most of the new money generated by the tax, continuing this govt's destructive cycle into more debt. But lets look deeper into what CA announced-- the legalization of MMJ for "recreational" use in order to raise tax revenue. (looks like Arnold is reading the tea leaves and knows his Prop 1A, 1B will not pass and his state will be at square one with it's $20-30billion budget debt). If MMJ is to be legalized, like CA is hinting toward, it has to be free to grow and be legal in every state.

Okay let's say CA does legalize it-- If that is to be the case, then no one would pay those taxes. It's not like a cigarette or a liquor which requires a state/fed permit and a process to produce into a consumable product. Once people start paying the prices for MMJ, they'll start planting in their yards and then the states will have no choice but to raise property taxes higher. Wherever MMJ grows, they will try to tax it. But it's a white rabbit and they'll never be able to catch up to it. Another problem with state legalization is that states like CA look at all the money being made at the medical clubs, and they immediately assume the revenue on paper will increase or stay the same if it's legalized. If you really consider the policy discernibly, state decimalization without federal support seems to cause more problems than it solves. there will be a sharp increase in suppliers throughout the state. More suppliers means more competition and abundant supply. That will drive down prices in the state, and ironically the growers'/sellers' costs-to-operate will remain the same (certainly if you add in the new sales tax). The lower prices in CA and the increase in supply will drive the sellers to the Eastern and Northern borders of the state. And that leads us to the task of enforcing new laws against exporting MMJ to outside states and Canada. That will eventually become overwhelming for the state, all while normal non-smoking citizens leave the state in an exodus. And if you count the millions of illegal immigrants already in CA and the politicians love for them, it's not far fetched to assume the Mexican cartels will move-in as fast as buyers line up and CA will fall deeper into a third world state. So until the feds (Obama) change the laws across the country, state MMJ legalization will only increase crime and shady Mexican immigrants coming into the country. And what will the CA Governor do then when he has to fight an invading mafia from another country that has a lot more money than the whole state of CA? Not good.

I think federally legalizing MMJ is Obama's "Ace-in-the-hole" and we won't see it until his second term after a strategically placed campaign promise in 2011. Obama knows the economy can be fixed just by reversing his own policies since Jan. 20th. Obama doesn't really need or want a "MMJ tax" fix (or any tax fix). he wants to destroy the economy, and he has already publicly confirmed that. He has told the people he is destorying the economy on purpose, and claimed Wall Street will playa smaller role in America. When people start realizing what he is doing to the U.S. and the pressure finally hits him, then he might come out and legalize MMJ. And MMJ will make things all better. Or so he might think...:spew:

Intellectual Pothead

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately U.S. government doesn't work that efficiently anymore. Once the tax revenue starts coming in, they will only add more gov't programs and more costs that will swallow up most of the new money generated by the tax, continuing this govt's destructive cycle into more debt. But lets look deeper into what CA announced-- the legalization of MMJ for "recreational" use in order to raise tax revenue. (looks like Arnold is reading the tea leaves and knows his Prop 1A, 1B will not pass and his state will be at square one with it's $20-30billion budget debt). If MMJ is to be legalized, like CA is hinting toward, it has to be free to grow and be legal in every state.

Okay let's say CA does legalize it-- If that is to be the case, then no one would pay those taxes. It's not like a cigarette or a liquor which requires a state/fed permit and a process to produce into a consumable product. Once people start paying the prices for MMJ, they'll start planting in their yards and then the states will have no choice but to raise property taxes higher. Wherever MMJ grows, they will try to tax it. But it's a white rabbit and they'll never be able to catch up to it. Another problem with state legalization is that states like CA look at all the money being made at the medical clubs, and they immediately assume the revenue on paper will increase or stay the same if it's legalized. If you really consider the policy discernibly, state decimalization without federal support seems to cause more problems than it solves. there will be a sharp increase in suppliers throughout the state. More suppliers means more competition and abundant supply. That will drive down prices in the state, and ironically the growers'/sellers' costs-to-operate will remain the same (certainly if you add in the new sales tax). The lower prices in CA and the increase in supply will drive the sellers to the Eastern and Northern borders of the state. And that leads us to the task of enforcing new laws against exporting MMJ to outside states and Canada. That will eventually become overwhelming for the state, all while normal non-smoking citizens leave the state in an exodus. And if you count the millions of illegal immigrants already in CA and the politicians love for them, it's not far fetched to assume the Mexican cartels will move-in as fast as buyers line up and CA will fall deeper into a third world state. So until the feds (Obama) change the laws across the country, state MMJ legalization will only increase crime and shady Mexican immigrants coming into the country. And what will the CA Governor do then when he has to fight an invading mafia from another country that has a lot more money than the whole state of CA? Not good.

I think federally legalizing MMJ is Obama's "Ace-in-the-hole" and we won't see it until his second term after a strategically placed campaign promise in 2011. Obama knows the economy can be fixed just by reversing his own policies since Jan. 20th. Obama doesn't really need or want a "MMJ tax" fix (or any tax fix). he wants to destroy the economy, and he has already publicly confirmed that. He has told the people he is destorying the economy on purpose, and claimed Wall Street will playa smaller role in America. When people start realizing what he is doing to the U.S. and the pressure finally hits him, then he might come out and legalize MMJ. And MMJ will make things all better. Or so he might think...:spew:
obama wants to destroy the economy?


he said he wants to destroy the economy?

ooo my

can you back up your claim, and show me a video, article, something that says he wants to destroy the economy, because you sound pretty stupid about now.


Well-Known Member
Kubrick I think you have thought out your argument but I feel that it is flawed.

I really dont see a lot of people growing personal once legalized. Sure some people will grow, and maybe initially there will be a LARGE initial influx in growing, but I dont see that trend sustaining when people figure out that to them it is not worth putting in the time, money, social stigma and effort to get average results when they could run to the store and discreetly buy ultra premium MJ. The guys I know in cali ALL go to the dispenary, none of them grow, because it is easier to go down and pick up a strain from a "legal" entity. Plus there is peace of mind when you buy 100% legal state taxed MJ that you would not have as a state tax evader which would open you up to prosecution.

How many people grow tobacco, brew their own beer, distil their own vodka? And out of those that do; how many are doing those for tax evasion purposes? I don't even know people that grow their own produce.

I have met 1 guy in my life that brewed his own beer and distilled his own vodka and evading taxes was not his motivation - he spent far more money on the finest ingredients brewing and distilling his ultra small personal batches than he ever saved - he wanted to craft the ultimate drinks to suit his tastes.

Sure there will be growers that do it for love, but there will be a lot of growers that currently grow for profit that would no longer have the large financial motivation to grow. They will need to increase the size of their grow op to offset profit losses but that would further exacerbate the problem by increasing the supply and further lowering prices. Prices would reach levels of "normal profits" very quickly and a lot of growers will leave the business because there is no money to be made / their time would be better spent doing something else. At that point if they havent already, large commercial growers will take advantage of their economies of scale to mass produce MJ at dirt cheap prices. Could you make a carton of joints for $8.69? I can promise that tobacco manufactures could. Exhibit 2-9: $53.01 Carton cost - $42.89 in taxes = 10.12 Canadian is equal to $8.69 US per carton. I don't know too many people that can produce a pound for anywhere near that cost when you figure in the labor it would require to harvest the tonnage that a large operation would require.

Oh and those pesky cartels. Marijuana is NOT their bread and butter. This is an OLLLLLD figure but assuming that preferences remain fairly constant it shows where our beloved MJ falls. "The study found that in 1990 Americans spent $18 billion for cocaine, $12 billion for heroin, $9 billion for marijuana and $2 billion for other drugs, like hallucinogens and amphetamines." That is $30 billion between heroin and cocaine alone 333% more money to be made on those drugs than marijuana. Besides it is Bass Ackward to keep MJ illegal to keep the cartels at bay because keeping MJ illegal will do nothing but give the cartels more money / power.