Marijuana and the Economy


Active Member
So my question is this:

Do you think decriminalizing marijuana could make a impact to recover our failing economy?

How I see it is if marijuana was controlled the same way cigarettes and alcohol are controlled (by taxing and regulating age of purchase) that it would have a significant impact on our budget woes.

By making them available to purchase at a gas station as you would cigarettes it pretty much eliminates the need for drug dealers, freeing up jail space, wasted police time and tax payer money. This in turn will eliminate the so called criminals that are in possession of a pack of "Mary Janes" doing the same effect of freeing up jail's and putting tax payer money to better use for the boy's in blue.

And by taxing it the same as the states do the government can use that money towards repaying the deficit.

According to NORML the amount of money that would be saved in decrimnalizing marijuana would be in the billions.

Eliminate this failed war on drugs and put the money towards schools, communities, and countries that look towards the American empire for help.

....whew.... gonna go take another toke after that rant. :mrgreen:

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
OF COURSE DUDE....even with there estimates man, they highly underestimate the amount of money it would bring in, I think it would generate even more than 50 billion dollars a year....everyone smoke weed!


They're passing legislation around here in California to make it completely legal to buy for anyone over 21, just like alcohol.

When I first heard this I thought "GREAT!!! That's fuckin' awesome!" but then after reading some of the details, I think I'm having a second opinion, what do you think;

If they make it 100% legal to buy, just like alcohol and tobacco, people who wanted to grow it would have to pay $5,000 for a cultivation permit, then it's something like $1,000 to renew it every year. Also, with every oz purchased, the tax would be about $50 (something I'd probably be ok with in the long run... helps the economy, helps me find herb easier, etc).

Thing that bothers me is the $5K... no way I could come up with that to grow for personal use, so unless the herb that's regulated and sold in the stores costs as much as cigs do, around $5.50ish, I'd rather just keep it illegal and stay under the radar...

Another thing to think about is the quality of the weed produced. Would it be the same as the herb we've got now? Would it have a lesser % of THC, so you'd have to buy more to get high...etc? Lots of aspects to think about... but on the surface it looks gold.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
They're passing legislation around here in California to make it completely legal to buy for anyone over 21, just like alcohol.

When I first heard this I thought "GREAT!!! That's fuckin' awesome!" but then after reading some of the details, I think I'm having a second opinion, what do you think;

If they make it 100% legal to buy, just like alcohol and tobacco, people who wanted to grow it would have to pay $5,000 for a cultivation permit, then it's something like $1,000 to renew it every year. Also, with every oz purchased, the tax would be about $50 (something I'd probably be ok with in the long run... helps the economy, helps me find herb easier, etc).

Thing that bothers me is the $5K... no way I could come up with that to grow for personal use, so unless the herb that's regulated and sold in the stores costs as much as cigs do, around $5.50ish, I'd rather just keep it illegal and stay under the radar...

Another thing to think about is the quality of the weed produced. Would it be the same as the herb we've got now? Would it have a lesser % of THC, so you'd have to buy more to get high...etc? Lots of aspects to think about... but on the surface it looks gold.
yeah theres definitly some good points you made there, but either way, its a step ya know? and plus the law wont affect medical, so $100 renew a year to grow and smoke...pretty straight:-P


New Member
The $5000 is just to try to "keep people in their place". They don't want just any Joe Blow out growing, it'll fuck up their neatly placed scheme of "classes".


Active Member
The $5000 is just to try to "keep people in their place". They don't want just any Joe Blow out growing, it'll fuck up their neatly placed scheme of "classes".

Well what is stopping me from home-brewing my own beer? It's simple to do but I don't do it because I can run to the store and buy 6 12 oz. bottles already made and chilled for me. I think the same principles apply to marijuana because sure you can grow some weed in your garden for personal use (like potatoes, mint, chives, etc.) but it's not going to stop the convienece of driving to the gas station and picking up a pack of MaryJanes AK-47's Lights (lmao)

Clerk: What can I get ya?
You: Yeah, I'll take a $2 scratch of ticket, a pack of Newport 100's, and a pack of Acapulco Gold Lights.


New Member
I'm all for gouging home beer and wine brewers. If people have to pay $5000 to grow their own weed, it's only fair that beer and wine brewers should have to pay the same amount for a license.