Marijuana Evolution


Active Member
So i'm taking a botany class right now and i posed the question; how did the production of thc benefit the marijuana plant.. did it ward off animals.. or did god just decide to make the day easier and on the seventh day made Marijuana?


here is my educated guess

the male plant releases pollen like most plants

the sticky resin THC is used as like a velcro/ magnet to quickly snatch that pollen thats flying through the air and hold that shit TIGHT against the bud and fertilizing it

thats my guess, it makes sense


Well-Known Member
that doesn't explain the psychoactive properties of it, physical properties yes, but why does it make you feel "high", and why are there so many different effects yet each strain is indeed sticky?


Well-Known Member
Mankind has been selectively breeding cannabis
for thousands of years.

Because, in the human brain,
there are 'receptors'
for molecules
that are produced
only by the cannabis plant.

Is it possible
that selective breeding
is a two way street?


Well-Known Member
Found this using

Why does marijuana produce THC?
What is the purpose of THC to marijuana plants? It doesn't kill plant pests. Yet the plant produces it for a reason.

I submit that it is to protect against ultraviolet radiation. It is found more prominently in flowering females because they have a high investment in seed production and they use it to protect against ultra violet (UV) light. This is why plants produce more THC at higher altitudes and at or near the equator.

If THC is a good UV blocker could sunblocks be formulated using these properties? I can even imagine that the molecule may have some sort of anti-aging properties.


Well-Known Member
Then if its THC protecting Marijuana plants from UV then why dosent other plant life produce it as well, I mean what seperates Marijuana plants necessity of creating THC for the purpose of protecting it against the sun and the rest of the plantlife out there from having the same necessity when they are exposed to sun just as much.


Well-Known Member
Dude, the first plant that mutated and produced THC just got high and didn't give a fuck. It was too apathetic to bother procreating in the normal way, and just rolled with it.



Well-Known Member
THC probably wards off some animal from eating maybe was just a random evolution at work like caffeine.

I believe the Mother Godess gave the plant to us so that we can chill out.


Well-Known Member
Personally i believe that life on earth started because of aliens and they modified life to live here, also gave us cannabinoid receptors and this fucking amazing plant they invented that can save the word in every way imaginable, food, clothes, shelter, fuel. paper, food for the mind, this plant is called Cannabis.

Our brain has cannabinoid receptors while cannabis is the only plant that produces cannabinoids meaning it has a purpose for our brain, cannabis is the only plant one earth that has separate male and female plants, this is because aliens designed it this way so you dont have to smoke weeds if you dont want to.

I think i read earlier THC was produced by the plant to protect seeds and thats idiotic, the plant produces more when there are no seeds so whats it protecting?

EDIT: and nothing can explain the psychoactive properties except being designed for human use, it has no effect when eaten, it doesnt protect it from any predator, it actually has high cellulose levels which makes animals want to eat it, this may only be the male though, im not 100% sure.

EDIT EDIT: The plant would not evolve to produce thc to please us because the plant has no connection to humans, it doesnt know how our brains works or what we desire. you cant just tell a plant to make a drug for you.


Well-Known Member
Cannabinoid receptors aren't just in humans one of my cats knows what a joint is.

He'll get right in my face and I blow him shotguns.


Well-Known Member
I didnt say other life couldn't have cannabinoid receptor, i get my friends cats highs all the time. I cant really explain 100% why cats have cannabinoid receptors, they cant grow their own chron and spark their own bowls.
But cats used to be praised by the Egyptians and i believe the Egyptians were from another planet and or of atlantian descent while cats would also have been brought by them, they could have engineered cats but i heard that they believe they were a link between dimensions because they were so fluffy and loving they believed cats were put here to make us happy.

That doesnt answer much and the best answer i can give is that all life has cannabinoid receptors because life is meant to experience cannabis but then again cats cant spark their own bowls and what not....

EDIT: with that answer that means all life was engineered, and has built in cannabinoid receptors, why esle would cats have it and how else would we have developed the receptors in our brain.

EDIT EDIT: all life includes cannabis so thats the explanation for THC.....


Well-Known Member
Dogs have them to and so do rats, I believe many animals do.

I've got a friend with a parakeet that loves for him to blow smoke in his cage and feed him bits of bud, same for his rat who goes crazy for stems and seeds.

I had a black lab named that when she was a puppy she was to energetic I'd give her shot guns and she'd go to sleep.

And cannabis isn't the only plant with a male a female. I'm not sure how many there I'm sure there's more than just two I know for a fact that Mulberry trees have two sexes.

Life on Earth could be from an alien race though.

Maybe the dinosaurs had a group that evolved intelligence and destroyed the Earth with nuclear weapons (all the iridium from the time of their extinction).

Later these aliens find a world that has a history of life and some bacteria on it from that bacteria they recreate everything that was in their image.

Or the Reptoids are real.

I read about a race of Reptile like beings who vist the Earth because it was once their homeworld.

There was an interview with one I read online.

This guy claimed to be talking to one of them and wrote about it.

The Reptoid Alien claimed that their people rendered the Earth uninhabitable survivors left in a fleet of star ships.

Periodically they'd come back to see how things were in their old home. They came back millions of years after leaving to find the biosphere had recovered humans were created using their DNA to create an intelligent slave race for them.

In time humans rebelled and created an advanced civilization they (the Reptoids) destroyed the Earth leaving it in an ice age. A few humans survived to repopulate the planet, when they returned to check out the planet to see if the biosphere was recovered and ready for their recoliniaztion they found we'd created an advanced technoloical civilaztion.

Today their species watches ours from space waiting until the day we are advanced enough for them to make contact.


Well-Known Member
Found this using

Why does marijuana produce THC?
What is the purpose of THC to marijuana plants? It doesn't kill plant pests. Yet the plant produces it for a reason.

I submit that it is to protect against ultraviolet radiation. It is found more prominently in flowering females because they have a high investment in seed production and they use it to protect against ultra violet (UV) light. This is why plants produce more THC at higher altitudes and at or near the equator.

If THC is a good UV blocker could sunblocks be formulated using these properties? I can even imagine that the molecule may have some sort of anti-aging properties.
Does that mean that putting a little UV (viviarium or aquarium UV) light in the grow room could possibly force the female to produce more THC when mixed among CFLs and HIDs?

Also, i've recently been looking at famous people in general who toke and most of them do look very young. I've only just started looking (so i'm not saying that all these names are 100% true) but Jennifer Aniston, Jonny Depp, Brad Pitt, Oasis, Paul Mcartney, Keith Richards (looks his age I suppose), Sting, Anna Faris, George Clooney, Oasis, Steve Martin, James Brown etc......... All look/looked rather young for their age. Could have some anti-aging secrets. Scientists are currently looking at its anti-alzheimers effects, which is all related to age.

And to Dyslexicmidget - I think the reason other plants don't produce THC to block the UV is because they simply don't need to. Cannabis after all is pretty much an alien plant. It's only one of 2 plants that are known to have a physical and visual difference between males and females (the kiwi is the only other plant like this, I think). When you look at the females through a microscope, they look very alien too :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Metal halide produces UV radiation.
Go with the second one. Using God to explain everything you don't understand is a real time saver!
:lol: I tried to rep you for that one, but I can't. :lol: Just know, that rep resides in my heart. :lol:
I doubt the marijuana plant evolved to produce THC to please us. I like the sticky / pollen theory. It's just a bonus that we get high from it.
Plus, it makes more sense since it seems that females produce so much more resin than males or hermaphrodites. I don't know if this is factually true as I don't have the experience with large numbers of males to say definitively.

All that being said, there must have been a biological incentive for cannabinoid production, I absolutely agree, and I think Barto gave an interesting hint. Except that what he's hinting at I tend to associate more with parasitism and those organisms that have very narrow and specific ecological/reproductive requirements.

Interesting thing to chew on, though.

I thought everyone from Heaven's Gate was gone to the ship, though (a couple of them used to be my neighbors when I lived in S.D.). :shock: ;) Unarians, anyone?