Marijuana/Ganja Tea Questions


Hey all,

So I have convinced my mother to try marijuana for the first time, however, due to her asthma, she would like to try it in a tea/drink.

I have tried making bhang (sp?) before a few times, but never had much luck with any recipes that I've found.

I've looked on this forum and haven't really found a generally agreed upon recipe/method, does anyone have any information on where to begin here?

As it's the first time she (my mother) is trying it, I was going to start her off with 0.25g as she is extremely small and my guess is will be very lightweight.



Active Member
From what I know the tea thing won't work. You need some sort of fat to absorb the THC. I once looked it up when I had a cold. Tried using half and half to boil the ganj in and poured some into my hot chocolate. Worked like a charm :)

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Sorry bud, true bhang uses more than just weed, it varies spot to spot in india, but contains datura I think and a bit of opium(dpending where your in puna or something)

Do this, make her a weed chai...boil some milk with weed, add some cinnamon amd nutmeg, some sugar.amd black tea, some honey and.....i forget, but that should be nice. Boil it all up and strain it out and serve


Well-Known Member
Last night my wife put a couple of buds in a tea ball (the round metal leaf holder) and let it sit in a glass of hot water. She said about 30 minutes after drinking it she had a great body high. I told her she is wasting the bud that way, she told me to stop telling her what to do.....ah, marriage. Anyway, I read this thread and wondered if anyone agrees with me that if she boiled some trim leaves (I saved all the ones covered in trichs during trimming) would she get good enough results? I know it was said that the THC needs some fats to cling to, but I would imagine boiling them would melt them into the water. Yes, no? Should I just boil the trim in milk? Thanks for any input!!


Well-Known Member
Just boiling leaves doesn't do shit. That's not how thc works, it's not water soluble. Anything your wife is feeling is purely psychological.

This is how I make weed tea, and it works really well.

1: Start cookin your cannabutter. I use about an oz of my trim and larfy nugs per stick of butter, and I usually throw in 2-6 sticks of butter at a time.
2: Strain your butter, and collect the the greens (boiled trim), notice how they are all oily.
3: Fill a tea bag with those greens and put in cup of hot water. Let sit for about 2-3 minutes.
4: Add whatever you add in your tea regularly for taste

Obviously you save your butter that you made as well. Making tea is cool because you get to use everything out of your edibles, not just the strained butter.


Well-Known Member
Last night my wife put a couple of buds in a tea ball (the round metal leaf holder) and let it sit in a glass of hot water. She said about 30 minutes after drinking it she had a great body high. I told her she is wasting the bud that way, she told me to stop telling her what to do.....ah, marriage. Anyway, I read this thread and wondered if anyone agrees with me that if she boiled some trim leaves (I saved all the ones covered in trichs during trimming) would she get good enough results? I know it was said that the THC needs some fats to cling to, but I would imagine boiling them would melt them into the water. Yes, no? Should I just boil the trim in milk? Thanks for any input!!
Yeah dude your wife is being a dummie wasting shit tons of your weed, boil it in milk! maybe placebo effect & she didn't get any thc at all lol


Last night my wife put a couple of buds in a tea ball (the round metal leaf holder) and let it sit in a glass of hot water. She said about 30 minutes after drinking it she had a great body high. I told her she is wasting the bud that way, she told me to stop telling her what to do.....ah, marriage. Anyway, I read this thread and wondered if anyone agrees with me that if she boiled some trim leaves (I saved all the ones covered in trichs during trimming) would she get good enough results? I know it was said that the THC needs some fats to cling to, but I would imagine boiling them would melt them into the water. Yes, no? Should I just boil the trim in milk? Thanks for any input!!
While it is true that the thc molecule needs a fat to bond to, it is also true that marijuana has a large number of cannabinoids that benefit us. The body high your wife was feeling may have been the result of CBD in marijuana. CBD has many useful effects such as pain relief and anti-inflammatory properties anf is becoming moe and more valuable in treatment of many medical problems. While its not psychoactive it is definately valuable