marijuana has changed my vocabulary


Well-Known Member
I have noticed a change in my vocabulary. I seem to end nearly every sentence with the word man. I didn't even notice this until it was pointed out to me. OMG I am turning into a hippie. Someone help me before it's too late.



Well-Known Member
hahah nice one mogie , i like to play a games with my vocab all the time, i cant use the same word twice for a whole day, it is most difficult. but it does help, i end up looknig up words and they get used in my stoned chatta.
i like to call people pal or buddy, pal mostly the humans seem to like that.


Elite Rolling Society
I've been in the "Bro" mood for many a year, like 30 something years, when I met someone that wasn't straight as an arrow, and existed outside my STRAIGHT world.
And being a LOST (TV Show) fan, I've added "Dude" often to my vocabulary.
We change, and we evolve.
and Mogie, Janice Joplin did the same thing, and ended every sentence and phrase with "man". !!! !


Well-Known Member
ye man weed does that. Ive also found myself accepting 'word' into my vocabulary. Not necesarily a bad thing tho.

Jordy Villain

Well-Known Member
ye man weed does that. Ive also found myself accepting 'word' into my vocabulary. Not neccesarily a bad thing tho.
i LOVE 'word.'
so word to that. anyway, I use man, dude, 'feeling right', and douchebag alot more because of weed. I'm into it. People can tell your a stoner by certain shit you say. like if something is empty I might slip up and say it's kicked, cashed, or beat... lol the container is not a bong.. and i have to remind myself of that very often.


Well-Known Member
Hasnt shortend mine. I truley belive its all in your mindset. People say that smokign weed decreases your ability to think and learn... Thats bullshit. Its all about your mental state, how you view things, and how motivated you are. I dont really belive it decreases your motivation either... Unless your Stoned of course! lol


Well-Known Member
THC is the greatest. It's the CBD and CBN that interrupt your ability to...ummmm.... do something. I can't remember what. What was I saying?


Well-Known Member
well just being a native californian i have a tendency to say "dude" and "bro" a lot. and of course the one word everyone here uses that seemingly no one in the world uses, "hella" (i see fdd use it hella times haha). i also use "son" a lot now. like "whats crackin son" and "shit son" i dont know why i just happens i guess


New Member
The long term use of cannabis causes one side of the brain to shrink and the other side to enlarge. As a result, some thoughts come out longer than others. Know what I mean, Mannnnnn .... ??
