Marijuana in nature


Well-Known Member
just out of curiosity, in nature, what happens to a weed plant? like, what happens to the buds and the actual plant? does it live past a season?


Well-Known Member
Depending on the region, it may continue to grow if the weather permits and the plant goes untouched. Id imagine that the plant would die in colder climates. As far as the bud....not sure. It'll probably fall offas the weather gets colder. If in a war climate they may continue to bud until the got too heavy and just fell to the ground.

Now wouldnt that be nice to stumble on a wild plant with buds falling off it!


Well-Known Member
If you did happen upon something like that...more than likely that plant was put there by someone. Especially if its more than one plant. At most....pick a bud up off the ground and keep walking (hush money). Don't go back and don't tell anyone!

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Cannabis is an annual, indigenous to temperate, '4 season' climates, designed to cope with cold winters.

It sprouts, grows vegetatively then flowers and produces seed come the shortening days of autumn. Once seeds are mature, the buds die back and the seeds drop, hopefully to sprout in the next spring.

Cannabis is not a perennial though can be treated like one in the controlled conditions of a grow room. You can run a plant through to flower, cut it back, trim the rootmass, return it to veg growth, veg it up and flower it again, all by manipulating the day/night lengths. However, vigor and productivity is likely to be poor on the second pass.


Well-Known Member
I spent winter/spring up the Indian Himalayas in a Sherpa village and I witnessed the plants growing wild. At the start of spring I noticed them starting to come out of the ground and by the time I left 3 months later they were over 6 ft tall very bushy bushes. It grows wild, on the side of the road in back yards - everywhere... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I spent winter/spring up the Indian Himalayas in a Sherpa village and I witnessed the plants growing wild. At the start of spring I noticed them starting to come out of the ground and by the time I left 3 months later they were over 6 ft tall very bushy bushes. It grows wild, on the side of the road in back yards - everywhere... :mrgreen:
ok fuck amsterdam im gonna buy some land in bumfuct india and live in like a sardine type fifth wheel on like 100 acres and just let the fucking shit grow:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :joint: :joint: :joint: :blsmoke: :blsmoke: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :hump: :hump: bongsmilie bongsmilie :eyesmoke: :eyesmoke: :bigjoint: :bigjoint: :fire: :leaf: :leaf: :weed: :clap: :clap:

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
There's a lot of wild hemp growing in the Midwestern US. Alot of it is along the railroad tracks and has been growing there wild since the Civil War era when tey used the hemp plants for making rope. Basically...the harvested hemp plants were transported via trains..and the seeds fell of and sprouted along the tracks. Where I grew up in Missouri (eastern KC) there was a road where it grew 15 ft high every summer on each side of the road for about 5 miles...

good for a headache..and nothing more. to look at too....

good luck

bt dt


Well-Known Member
IN nature, most of the plants would end up pollinated, I'd imagine. So you'd get seeded weed. I'd also think the buds won't be as big as ones you'd grow yourself, without all the nutes and ferts we give them. That doesn't even take into account pests, animals and extreme climate changes (high daytime temps, cold nighttime temps, excessive rains, etc.).


Well-Known Member
ok fuck amsterdam im gonna buy some land in bumfuct india and live in like a sardine type fifth wheel on like 100 acres and just let the fucking shit grow:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :joint: :joint: :joint: :blsmoke: :blsmoke: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :hump: :hump: bongsmilie bongsmilie :eyesmoke: :eyesmoke: :bigjoint: :bigjoint: :fire: :leaf: :leaf: :weed: :clap: :clap:
lol. take me, take me :bigjoint: . I wasn't there for the flowering as I left at the start of summer so don't know what strain or what the buds were like.


my pops grew up on a farm in kansas and said that there were plenty of hemp fields around... everyone knew about them... and there would always be some dumbasses getting chased away by farmers... even though as you say, its no good for a high... just hemp...


what if one was to collect lots of pollen from male plants of known high potencies... goes out to these wild plants and pollinates as many as possible... try and make this wild bud worth something??


Active Member
If by wild you mean in the city. Friday when walking home from work next to a parking lot, spotted a seedling, pulled it up and took it home lol. So in answer to your question, in nature they get lifted by people like me. When I lived in Africa, there was wild weed out there, and they would have stems like tree trunks. What I dont understand is in the tropics, the plant still flowers without much change in day length.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
what if one was to collect lots of pollen from male plants of known high potencies... goes out to these wild plants and pollinates as many as possible... try and make this wild bud worth something??
It's possible, but you'd have to go through several generations of introducing the high THC genes. Doing it randomly won't be very effective- we're talking many years by a random pollination of ditchweed method before a significant THC increase would occur in the average ditchweed population.

You'd do better quicker by randomly planting some well developed male & female seedlings of known high THC strains in good locations, near one another, to obtain a large number of good seed for some serious guerrilla planting next year. I could see a Johnny Dopeseed effect if the location is right.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
What I dont understand is in the tropics, the plant still flowers without much change in day length.
I think you're asking why the plant would grow vegetatively at all in close to constant 12/12 as exists on the equator.

Strains which are indigenous to higher latitudes (most of them) do expect to get a big shortening shift in day length come autumn.

Plants grown from seed will grow in a mostly vegetative habit under 12/12 until they attain sexual maturity- then will begin to flower.

The same strain grown at a higher latitude will get longer days in summer, absorbing more total light energy than those on the equator. Plants grown at higher latitudes (to a limit- plants wouldn't do so hot inside the Arctic Circle) will veg up taller and will produce more bud than their equatorial cousins.

Cuttings from sexually mature vegging plants will flower straight away if placed in near 12/12 conditions. When you do that indoors, it's called Sea of Green, which results in stalks of buds about 1 metre tall. :)


Well-Known Member
When we were teens, my friend's Dad had a friend in the entertainment industry come stay with him for about 2 months in the guest room (pool house). That pool house used to be our "clubhouse" where we'd hang out. After the visitor had left, we went to reclaim our clubhouse and lo and behold, we found these pot plant that were about 3'-4' and very busy. These were growing out of those light colored crushed stones that people use to restrict grass and weeds. LOL. Apparently this dude would clean his weed and just toss the seeds out the window. Somehow, the roots took hold and they plants thrived. We never harvested those plants. They got culled by his mom soon after we discovered them.


Well-Known Member
i need to find these wild plants.
actually they don't get you stoned because of the low contamination of THC. where i live got many of this wild plants, but the only thing that you can do with them is to boil this plants with milk (you must take the whole plant or two).the substance is called "Managua" and the effect from the consumption is near to hallucinate, very strong buzz effect and after that - you die :) hehehehh

420 Growper

Well-Known Member
I think if they get to heavy they fall over, stem bends and re-root where the bud is touching the ground. Another way to self propigate itself-many plants do this.
kind like a strawberry plant.

they get as tall as 14-21 FEET high in some places. literally tree's