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Hey there evre hear a word in reference to pot , marijuana , weed etc...... well here you can find many slang terms , street terms etc....
LINK TO "American Medical Marijuana Society" Cannabis Lovers Dictionary ==============> http://medicalmarijuanasociety.org/cannabis_lovers_dictionary
[h=2]Cannabis Lovers Dictionary[/h]
Cannabis, its growing, distribution, consumption and enjoyment has its own right history, lore, and slang. Cheech and Chong, Up In Smoke, the classic Reefer Madness have all contributed to a rich history surrounding this misunderstood wrongfully tarnished gift of Mother Nature. Help us in creating the Cannabis Lovers Dictioonary (CLD), join us in preserving the unigue slang and phrases of the Reefer Pop Culture as it has unfolded over the decades by emailing us your own suggestions for this ever growing project.
- 420
Marijuana slang, lore, and legend. Depending on who you talk too, 420 can be the Date in April that signifies "Planting Day", time of day to light up, or police CODE to identify drug related activities during radio communication. Want to learn more? Visit 420 Concept.
According to the Urban Dictionary, 3750 is Marijuana laced with crack. One would think by extension it is a drug laced joint...in my day, we used to use opium which would be known as the A-Bomb.
Botanical concurs with this definition.
Five dollars worth of drugs. Wondering here how many remember the days of a nickle bag for five dollars that was a full four fingers?
See Also, Abe's cabe which is slang for a five dollar bill.
Marijuana and heroin smoked in a cigarette. Other sources give a definition of Heroin or Opium. (Also known as the Atom Bomb.)
Cannabis Heaqueaters
Acapulco gold
A particularly potent Mexican varietal of cannabis. Back in the 70's Acapulco Gold was the stuff of legend.
Acapulco Gold Co.
Acapulco Red
Like its cousin, but with a reddish-brown leaf, it is also grown near Acapulco Mexico.
Spring break in Acapulco.
Accessory Cannaboids
The CBC, CBD and CBN Cannaboids that interact with Primary Cannabinoids (THC) to alter their effects.
Introducing a plant to a new environment...often in gardening this is known as hardening off, referring to the act of moving plants outdoors in preparation of spring planting.
A marijuana cigarette...curious here, does that make a roach clip Ace Hardware?
Single seed fruits with the seed being free from the ovary except at the point of connection.
Acid (Acidic) (as relates to soil)
Refers to the growing medium having a PH balance count lower than 7.0.
(2) LSD
Soil PH Tester
User of LSD.Acid Head
Adapt (Adaptation)
Undergoing a positive modification that contributes to survival.
The loosening of soil, making it less compact so that more oxygen can filter in.
Suspending of plant roots in air for growing, the nutrients and water sprayed on the root form via misting.
Cannabis Culture on Aeroponics
Afghani Indica
Great dreamland, lellow space marijuana with a fresh rich and minty aftertaste...ranks right p there with a smooth mild hash.
African Black or Bush
Two types of marijuana from Africa.
Found on Drug Slang Translator
African Woodbine
Marijuana Cigarette...see Ace.
A growingmedium such as as lava or grow rocks used in Hydroponics.
Hydroponic Cannabis Growing
Withdraw symptoms...see Freewheelin Frankin above.
amphetamine; amyl nitrite
Air Blast
Inhalant, or to inhale deeply...as in BIG HIT.
Air Head
A marijuana smoke who is totally zoned/zonked out. See Dumb Blonde.
Air Flow
Movement of air/circulation of air necessary for good growing conditions.
Marijuana slang.
LSD or srooms (mushrooms).
Alien Sex Fiend
Very strong PCP or Heroin.
Over all conditioon of the growing medium when its PH count is above 7. (as in Acidic or Alkaline soil)
All Lit Up
Totally zoned on Cannabis, buzzing.
Someone who uses multiple drugs...as in 75 Million Boomers with health issues?All Star
All American Drug
Marijuana...as soon as we can light up at the ball park.
All American Smoke In
A huge event where mellow dudes and dudettes get together and smoke lots of dope as a part of the gathering. Think Grateful Dead show(The Dead)...we miss you Jerry!
Alamont Black Hash
Hash Belladona (small amount) A nice mini article on Hashish.
Ammonium Nitrate
Fast acting nitrate that promotes rapidvegatative growth.
Amp Joint
Marijuana Cigarette laced with an additional form of narcotic. (Marijuana, hashish and angel dust was always a winner in the 70's.)
Amped Out
Fatique associated with some serious partying that involved the smoking of LARGE amounts of really good weed. Amped Out tee shirts
Amsterdam Marijuana Seeds
A great source of seed stock. Their web site.
A Marijuana producing country. A sad day in Angola.Angola
Out door harvest rate for Cannabis.
The part of the flower that releases pollen.
Anything Going On?
Do you have any drugs for sale?
Nasty little white bugs that breed like rabbits and eat your pot.
Are You Anywhere?
Do you use drugs?
Also known as the dregs, roaches...ashes are the leftovers from smoking pot.Ashes
Assassin of Youth
Term for marijuana made famous by a 1930's movie of the same name.
Astro Turf
Street term for marijuana.
Ate Up
Some that is contantly wasted.
Marijuana slang for the amount of cannabis it takes to fill a match box...do people today even know how big a match box is?
Aunt Mary
Another slang term for Cannabis.
The joint between leaf stalk and the stem that carries it.
The amount of marijuana needed to fill a matchbox.
Cigar laced with marijuana and dipped in malt liquor.
Baba Ku
Legendary Asian credited with the introduction of hashish to Afghanistan.
Baby/Baby Bhang
Marijuana slang words.
Guiding a newbie through their first drug experience.
Bad seed
peyote; heroin; marijuana or the guy who shorted your bag.
Bad trip
Refers too a bad acid trip; you freak out and could do something stupid your friends will remind you of for the rest of your life.
A container for drugs, slang for an amount of pot as in nickle bag, dime bag so forth and so on.
A minor dealer/someone who sells dope for someone else.
Bag man
Person who transports money.
A rolled joint, usually a BIG OLD FATTY.Bain
A person or persons smoking marijuana.
Compressed brick of marijuana (big weights).
Street term for marijuana. Not to be confused with Bambu.
Term for marijuana.
Poor quality marijuana. See Bammer and then ask yourself why someone would buy more than one.
Marijuana slang.
Slang for weak marijuana.
Cannabis or tobacco cigarettes laced with cocaine.
Coca paste and marijuana.
Term for marijuana.
Baseball Bat
Perfectly rolled marijuana joint for the BIG HITTERS at your party.
Cocaine; coca paste residue sprinkled on marijuana or regular cigarette.
marijuana pipe, easily disguised as a cigarette.
BC Bud
High-grade marijuana from British Columbia.
(2)friend that smokes it with you.
BC Seeds
Marijuana seeds from British Columbia, Canada.
Beat Artist
Sleaze Ball selling bogus drugs.
Fellow addicts...your cohorts in party.
Bong hit.
Belyando Spruce
Best Friends
High quality marijuana.
Marijuana cigarette.
Bite One's Lips
To smoke marijuana.
Indian smoking mix of pollen from marijuana flowers and ghee(an oily butter). This CHIT will knock you out.
Opium; marijuana type.
Black Bart
Marijuana term.
Black Ganga
Marijuana resin oil.
Black Gold
High-potency marijuana.
Black Gungi
Marijuana from India.
Black Gunion
Marijuana slang.
Black Hash
Opium and/or hashish.
Black Maria
Highly potent marijuana.
Black Mote
Marijuana mixed with honey.
Black Powder
Black hash ground into powder.
Black Russian
Hashish mixed with opium.
Marijuana cigarette.
Low-quality drugs.
To smoke marijuana; to smoke crack
To smoke marijuana.
Blast a roach
To smoke marijuana
Blast a stick
To smoke marijuana
Under the influence of drugs.
Blitzed Under the influence of drugs.
Marijuana slang and a type of marijuana.
Marijuana slang for type of marijuana.
Blood Meal
High nitrogen, organic fertilizer used to stimulate vegetative growth in seedlings and clones.
Blow a Stick
Smoke marijuana.
Joint rolled in tobacco leaf wrapper of a cigar.
The best part of marijuana plant growth where flower starts to grow and flourish.
Cocaine; to inhale cocaine; to smoke marijuana
Blow a Fix Injection misses the vein and is wasted in the skin
Blow a stick
Smoke marijuana.
Blowing Smoke
Use marijuana and get high.
Blue de hue
Type of marijuana from Vietnam
Blue Sage
Marijuana type
Blue Satellite
A new type of weed from Duncan, BC that'll blow your mind.
Blue Sky Blond
High-potency marijuana from Columbia.
Marijuana inside a cigar; marijuana and cocaine or a fat joint inside a cigar.
Blunted Out
Toasted from smoking too many blunts of marijuana.
Bo-bo Marijuana slang.Bob
Marijuana cigarette
Bobo Bush
Marijuana term
Bogart(ing) a Joint.
Refusing to share a joint/dubbie...just cause for bitch slapping a selfish stoner.
Marijuana; PCP.
Crack; heroin; large marijuana cigarette; high-potency heroin.
Bomb Squad
Marijuana session.
Marijuana cigarette.
Pipe used to smoke marijuana.
Marijuana quality.
A very short grown cannabis plant.
Boot the Gong
Loading up the pipe/bong bowl to smoke marijuana.
A trace element fertilizer necessary for marijuana plant growth.
Bottle Bong
Homemade bong made from small bottle.
Average amount of weed held by a bowl is between 1/32 and 1/16 ounce of marijuana. (Notice we said average.)
BowlingThe act of smoking bowls of pot.
Small little leaflets in Cannabis that appear below the calyxes.
Brain Resin
Hash oil aka hashish oil aka honey oil.
Place where drugs are made.
1 kilogram of marijuana; crack.
A marijuana color.
Heroin; marijuana.
n. marijuana and opium rolled into little balls, then smoked Brown weed - marijuana mixed with cocaine.
A friend that shares his reefer/bud/marijuana with you.
Marijuana buds are the group of guys who smoke all your weed.
High-grade marijuana joint filled with crack.
Consuming cannabis to obtain a mystical experience, the primary goal being detachment from worldly things.
someone that gets stoned from smoking small amount weed. (See cheap date.)
A woman/man who exchanges oral sex for marijuana.
Marijuana quality.
Burning Logs
Smoking a joint.
Burn One
Offerong to smoke marijuana. As in let's BURN ONE.
The purchase of fake drugs.
Burned Out
Smoked too many marijuana joints and the brain is not reacting anymore, as in, "he is SOOO toasted Dudes."
Type of marijuana.
Marijuana slang. As refers to a midget stoner.
A heavy abuser of drugs, someone that is more often than not toasted, wasted, stoned.
Toasted from smoking to much weed.
Cocaine; marijuana.
Marijuana; crack.
Butter Flower
Marijuana buds.
Feeling good/happy while under the influence of drugs.
People or events that occur in such a fashion as to ruin your buzz...IE, wife coming home from work early and catching you eating the last piece of what was a whole Cherry Cheesecake.
- [SIZE=-0]Cacti Joint [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-0]Cad/Cadillac [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-0]1 ounce of cannabis.
[SIZE=-0]Calcium [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-0]A trace element in cannabis plant growth fertilizer.
[SIZE=-0]Cam Trip [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-0]High-potency marijuana cannabis.[/SIZE]
Cambodian Red/Cam Red
Marijuana from Cambodia.
Marijuana; 1 ounce quantity.
Canadian Black/Canamo/Canappa
Marijuana types.
Cancelled Stick
Marijuana cigarette.
Candela (candle)
A unit of measurement in light intensity.
Cyclic hydrocarbon molecules, such as THC, CBD and CBG, that are unique to Cannabis; each cannabinoid molecule derives from a terpenoid molecule and a phonetic acid molecule.
Marijuana plant, hemp, pot, ganja, reefer.
Cannabis Indica
The scientific name for a species of marijuana plant, the Indian hemp plant.
Cannabis Sativa
Another species of marijuana, related to indica.
Cannabis Strains
Types of marijuana and a great marijuana head shop carrying what all the great head shops sell...like REEFER BONGS...WHOA DUDE!
Cannabis Tea
Marijuana drink...good for what ails you.
HUGE joint!
When joint gets hole in the side or looks like a canoe.
Cap Up
Transfer of bulk form drugs to capsules.
Carbon Dioxide Co2
During photosynthesis, plants use carbon dioxide (CO2), light, and hydrogen (usually water) to produce carbohydrates, which is a source of food. Oxygen is given off in this process as a by-product. Light is a key variable in photosynthesis. CO2 - which plants obtain from the air - is the basic and major food of all plant life. In greenhouses or indoor operations, augmenting the natural level of CO2 in the air results in very lush and accelerated growth. It needs to be monitored for optimum levels, but is well worth the investment.
Marijuana slang term.
Package of marijuana cigarettes.
Bowl is burned/empty.
Worm or other animal excrement used for growing marijuana.
Marijuana cigarette.
Cavite All Star
Marijuana quality.
Marijuana (being smoked in a bowl).
Methamphetamine; amphetamine.
Pipe used for marijuana.
Marijuana from India.
Lighting up a joint.
Smoking joints one after another.
To christen a new bowl or pipe. Think reefer baptism.
Personal supply of drugs as in STASH.
Word for marijuana.
Describes marijuana.
Smoking cigar shapes object.
The one who takes the biggest bong hit.
Crack a bowl of weed.
High potency marijuana from Columbia.
Chicago Black
Marijuana term from Chicago.
Chicago Green
Types of marijuana.
Pipe used to smoke hashish or cannabis.
A black Brazilian form of reefer, usually gummy and compressed into bricks.
A cone shaped pipe made of clay, or sometimes of fruit or vegetable rinds.
Marijuana cigarettes laced with PCP.
The hip-hop term for high-quality or potent reefer.
Chinese Eyed
When the eyes become slanted from the influence of marijuana.
Marijuana person.
Marijuana slang.
Green pigmented, photosynthetic byproduct of plants.
Yellowing of marijuana leaves.
Chocolate Thai
Type of marijuana.
Christmas Tree
Marijuana; depressant; amphetamine.
Chronic Weed
Strong weed, very chronic weed is always the best smoke.
Marijuana; chronic marijuana.
Marijuana quantity.
A good open spot to plant outdoor marijuana.
High-potency marijuana, from Nepal.
Marijuana cigarette.
Rows of vials heat-sealed together
Clocking Paper
Profits from selling drugs
Clone (cloning)
A root cutting from a plant used to grow the exact same cannabis plant.
Huge monster hit from ice pipe.
Under the influence of drugs.
A trace fertilizer element used for growing cannabis.
A joint of tobacco and marijuana combined.
Hash Weed Coffee shops are unique to Holland. You should experience the Life and Culture of The Dutch Coffeeshop by visiting Amsterdam.
Marijuana flower tops.
Cold Turkey
Sudden withdrawal from drugs or Thanksgiving leftover.
Coliflor Tostao
Cocaine (See Joe Biden's Daughter.)
Colorado Cocktail
The most common type of grass on the black market.
Columbus Black
Organic material used for growing marijuana.
Measuring nutrient solution strength.
Spleef in Australia.
Purchase drugs; supplier of illegal drugs
Cooking Cannabis (Cannabis Cooking)
The art of cooking cannabis by extracting the THC and then using recipes.
Copping zones
Specific areas where buyers can purchase drugs.
Marijuana cigarette rolled in the shuck of a corn cob sealed with honey
Crack BackMarijuana.
Crack and marijuana mixed together.
Cracker Weed
Strong weed.
Crazy Weed
Good marijuana.
Marijuana that creeps up on you.
Joint laced with cocaine
Drunk and really stoned.
Crying Weed
Bad marijuana.
Marijuana tablets.
High-potency marijuana from Mexico.
Process of dried marijuana becoming potent to smoke.
DDaddyMarijuana joint.
DaggaMarijuana alternative.DamianSomeone that goes/turns green from smoking very little weed. See Light Weight.
DankMarijuana or pot.
Dawamesk Marijuana slang.
DewMarijuana Look.
Dews$10 worth of drugs.
DiambistaMarijuana term.
Diggidy Good herb.
DimbaMarijuana from West Africa.
Dime 1/16 ounce of marijuana.
Dime bag$10 worth of drugs.
DingMarijuana person not too bright.
DongThe guy with Ding.Dinkie DowMarijuana term.
Discharge LampA lamp that produces light by discharging an electric arc through a mixture of gases and gaseous metals.
Dirt Grass Inferior quality marijuana...see Shit Weed.
DitchMarijuana quality.
Ditch WeedMarijuana of inferior qualityfrom Mexico.Divider Sharing a joint with someone.
DizzyMarijuana effect.
DjambaMarijuana word.
D.L. Spot (as in down low)Safe place to buy and use drugs.
Do a JointSmoke marijuana.
DogGood friend.
DojaStrong marijuana.
Dollar$100 worth of drugs.
DomeA plastic container used to grow marijuana seeds.
DomesticLocally grown marijuana.
DominateTo rule the roost, one plant in a room will try to overgrow other marijuana plants and be the tallest.
Don jemMarijuana.
Dona JuanaMale marijuana.
Dona JuanitaFemale marijuana.
Don Don ~ n. second generation roach doobie. DoobieMarijuana joint.
Dope Marijuana; any other drug.
Dope FiendMarijuana addict who loves to continually smoke dope.
Dope SmokeTo smoke marijuana.
DrainageAbility to let water and moisture run away from an area.Dr. Frankenstein (or 'Franky' for short) Person who sells prescription drugs.
Draf weedInferior marijuana.
Drag WeedInferior marijuana.
Drip SystemHydroponics system where nutrients drip slowly into the marijuana roots.
Drug DealThe exchange of money for drugs
Dry HighMarijuana effects.
Dry IceIce when melted gives off CO2 gas for increased marijuana plant growth.
Dub$20 dollar's worth of cannabis.
Dub Sack $20 worth of drugs(weed).
DueResidue of oils trapped in a pipe after smoking base.
DugoutA pipe used for smoking marijuana.
DurogType of marijuana.
DurosTypes of marijuana.
Durban BrownieType of marijuana from south Africa.
Durban PoisonType of hybrid marijuana developed in the Netherlands.
DustHeroin; cocaine; PCP; marijuana mixed with various chemicals.E
- ElbowMarijuana slang term for one pound of marijuana.
Earth Marijuana cigarette.
Easy Score Obtaining drugs easily.
Eater Someone who eats marijuana.
EbenieghberHash or hashish term.
Eight Ball 1/8 ounce of drugs
Eighth Heroin or marijuana.
El DiablitoMarijuana, cocaine, heroin and PCP.
El Diablo Marijuana, cocaine and heroin.
ElbowA pound of pot.
ElectrodesFilaments located at either end of a discharge lamp that maintain an electrical arc between them.
EndoTypes of marijuana.
EnzymeA specialized protein controlling the rate of certain chemical processes within the plant.
EsraMarijuana name.
Eye TokeGetting smoke in your eye. FPlace where drugs are packaged, diluted, or manufacturedF1A first resulting generation offspring from a cross of two different parent plant strains. Marijuana Genetics.
F2A generation resulting from a cross of two of the same F1 HybridMarijuana Genetics.
FallArrested and taken away for something you did with others but you'll take the blame alone. Solid Person.
Fallbrook Redhair Marijuana, term from Fallbrook, CA.
Father Marijuana PlantThe male species of marijuana used to create more marijuana plants.
Fat Pappy Fat joint or blunt.
FattyA Big old fat joint or marijuana cigarette.
Feed BagContainer for marijuana.
Female MarijuanaThe female marijuana plant that accepts the pollen of a particular male worthy of mating unless he is hard up.
FiendSomeone who smokes marijuana alone.
Fifteen Cents$15 worth of drugs
Fine Stuff Good quality marijuana.
Finger Marijuana cigarette, old school means of bag measurement as in four fingers.
FirMarijuana type.
Fire It UpTo smoke marijuana.
Five Cent Bag $5 worth of drugs.
Five C Note $500 bill.
Five Dollar Bag $50 worth of drugs.
FixTo use a drug.
Flower TopsThe marijuana buds.
FloweringThe act of producing marijuana buds.
Fly Mexican Airlines To smoke marijuana.
FlyingUnder the influence of drugs.
Following That CloudSearching for drugs.
FoliageGreen plants everywhere.
Fraho/FrajoTypes of marijuana.
Fresh/PhatHip-hop term for good, great, grand, dope, fine; having an ample stash or supply of dope.
FriosMarijuana laced with PCP.
FrostedTotally wasted on cannabis.
FryCrack or marijuana laced with embalming fluid.
Fry DaddyCrack and marijuana; cigarette laced with crack.
Fu Marijuana term.
Fucked UpYour high on drugs and not a thing you can do about it.
Fuelmarijuana mixed with insecticides; PCP.
Fuma D'AngolaMarijuana Portugese term.
FunkSlang for marijuana.
Funny StuffSlang for marijuana.
FutureCrystal marijuana.G
- G $1000 or 1 gram of drugs.
GarMarijuana rolled in cigar paper.
Gage/GaugeAs in gauge your marijuana bag Dude!
GangeTerm for marijuana.
GangsterMarijuana slang made famous by Al Capone and Mafia.
GanjaGood marijuana from Jamaica.
GanjahBob Marley marijuana term.
GarbageInferior-quality drugs...like Bummerville Dude.
GarrLarge MONSTER joint of marijuana or weed.
GashGood marijuana type.
GasperMarijuana cigarette.
Gasper StickMarijuana cigarette...see Gasper.
Gauge ButtMarijuana end or roach.
Get OnSmoke some marijuana.
GeekCrack and marijuana...Geek Twister, Dude rolling those babies.
GeneticsThe parental combination of a marijuana strain. Marijuana Genetics
GenotypeThe genetic condition of an organism.
Get a Gage UpTo smoke marijuana.
Get a GiftObtaining drugs, or being turned on to a free joint.
Get HighTo smoke marijuana.
Get LiftedUnder the influence of drugs.
Get OffGet "high" or get rocks off.
Get The WindTo smoke marijuana.
Get ThroughObtain drugs.
GhanaWord for marijuana.
Giggle SmokeDescription for the effects of marijuana.
Giggle WeedSlang for marijuana.
GimmieCrack and marijuana.
Go LocoTo smoke marijuana.
GoldType of marijuana from Colombia.
Golden LeafVery high quality marijuana.
GongMarijuana; opium.
Good ButtMarijuana cigarette...or long left over stub found during desparate times of no dope.
Good StuffHigh potency marijuana.
Gold StarReally good marijuana.
Golden Leafvery high quality marijuana
GongMarijuana; opium.
Gong RingerA fat joint.
Good ButtMarijuana Cigarette, or if referring to ass, heaven sent.
Good GigglesGood marijuana.
Good GoProper amount of drugs for the money paid.
Good LickGood drugs or good oral.
Goof ButtMarijuana cigarette that makes you Goofy.
GopherPerson paid to pickup drugs.
Got it Going OnFast sale of drugs.
GraduateCompletely stop using drugs or progress to stronger drugs.
GramMeasurement of marijuana or hashish.
GrandmaThe old lady who keeps you in line.
GrandpaOld pipe used for smoking marijuana.
GrassTerm for marijuana.
Grass BrowniesMarijuana or Hash placed in brownies; food.
GrataMarijuana slang.
GrefaSlang for marijuana.
GrifaSlang for marijuana.
GrassSlang for marijuana hemp.
GreenInferior-quality marijuana; PCP; ketamine
Green CigaretteJoint of marijuana.
Green GoddessMarijuana.
Greens/Green Stuff Paper currency.
GringoMarijuana skunk, a type of marijuana. GroggedReally stoned or burnt out on marijuana.
Gunked UpReally really high.GungaSlang for marijuana.
GungeonPotent Jamaican marijuana.
GunneySlang for marijuana.
Gunny SackSacks made from hemp fiber.
GungunMarijuana slang.
GuntherNeighborhood pot dealer.
GurgeThe water at the bottom of a bong. GyveMarijuana cigarette.H - Half1/2 ounce.
Half-a-C $50 bill
Half G$500
Halogen A type of light used for growing marijuana.
HanhichMarijuana. [SIZE=-0]HanhichMarijuana.[SIZE=-0]Happy dust[/SIZE]Happy CigaretteMarijuana cigarette.
[/SIZE][SIZE=-0]Hashish/Hash [/SIZE]Smoking mixture that regionally varies, generally based primarily on resin from substandard Middle Eastern or Indian marijuana.
Havaiin Very high potency marijuana.
Hay Butt Marijuana cigarette.IHardcore Heavy drug user.
Harm Reducer Marijuana.
Hash Marijuana.
Hawaiian Very high-potency marijuana.
Hay Butt Marijuana cigarette.
HeaterThe lit/red part of the joint. Hemp Cannabis stalks and stems, especially those used to make rope, fabrics etc.HempstersCool consumers of Cannabis who buy hemp based products. (Coined by Bud Hasherdashery)HemptoidsShared facts, often times little known on the subject of Hemp or Marijuana. (Conined by Bud Hasherdashery)
Herb Jamaican term for marijuana with Biblical connotations; Rastafarian sacrament.
Herb and Al Marijuana and alcohol.
Hermaphrodite Self seeding plant with both male and female flowers.
High Intensity Discharge A type of light, more energy efficient than fluorescent lamps.
High Pressure Sodium A type of light used for growing marijuana, with more flowering capabilities.
Hit To take a drag off a marijuana joint or a blotter of acid.
Hit the Hay To smoke marijuana.
HO Half ounce of marijuana.
HocusOpium; marijuana.
Honey Blunts Marijuana cigars sealed with honey.
Hookah A hashish waterpipe with four long stems to accommodate four smokers at once; ref. the Caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland.
Hooter Cocaine; marijuana.
Hot Stick Marijuana cigarette.
Homegrown Marijuana that is not usually good.
HomerName of a marijuana dealer. HoneyCurrency.
Honey Blunts Marijuana cigars sealed with honey.
Hoochie -Mamma A two paper joint.
Hooter Marijuana.
Hormone A chemical compound controlling growth and development of a plant.
Hot Box To fill up a closed area with second-hand marijuana smoke
Hot Stick Marijuana cigarette. Hubbly Bubbly Hookah; a Middle Eastern water pipe used for smoking tobacco or marijuana.
Hybrid Resultant offspring from parental plants of different breeds.
Hydro Marijuana.
Hydroponic Hydro phonically grown marijuana
Ice cream habit - occasional use of drugs
In - connected with drug suppliers
Inbred - breeding strains from parent plants of the same genetic ancestry.
In Crowd - Hipsters who throw secret parties for vipers only
Indian boy - Marijuana
Indian hay - Marijuana from India.
Indian Hemp - Term to describe marijuana.
Indiana Ditchweed - A low-potency wild marijuana, grows wild from seeds originally bred for hemp rope.
Indiana Hay - Term for marijuana.
Indica - Type of marijuana.
Indo - Marijuana, term from Northern CA
Indonesian bud - Marijuana; opium.
IZM - marijuana
- Jag - keep a high going.
Jamaican Red - potent marijuana from Jamaica.
Jamaican Shower- Turning on the bathroom shower on hot until the room fills with steam, then smoking marijuana in the room. (Thanks to C-Mur from S.S.M. Ont, Can. - Feb.1, 2004)
Jay smoke - marijuana
Jay - marijuana cigarette
Jefferson Airplane - Circa in the 1940's and 50's. a term for a roach-holder fashioned from a matchbook cover.
JIB - This is what we call our joints in St. John's NL
Jim Jones - Marijuana laced with cocaine and PCP.
Jive - 1930's and 40's slang for marijuana and marijuana influenced popular music.
Jive stick - marijuana
Joint - marijuana cigarette
Johnson - 1960's term for a joint, or low grade grass.
Joint / Jay - A marijuana cigarette.
Jolly green - marijuana
Jolly pop - casual user of heroin
Jolt - to inject a drug; strong reaction to drugs
Jonesing - need for drugs
Joy popping - occasional use of drugs
Joyride - going out and getting high
Joy smoke - marijuana
Joy stick - marijuana cigarette
Ju-ju - marijuana cigarette
Juan Valdez - marijuana
Juanita - marijuana
Juggler - teen-aged street dealer
Juice joint - marijuana cigarette sprinkled with crack
Marijuana Dictionary - K
Kali - Marijuana.
Kate bush - kind bud
Kaya - marijuana
KB - potent marijuana
Kentucky blue - marijuana
Keesh - a fat bag
Keyed - high on drugs
KGB (killer green bud) - marijuana
Kicked - to pass out or about to pass out
Kick stick - marijuana cigarette
Kiff stick - Marijuana cigarette.
Kief/Kif/Kaff/Khayf - Golden pollen hash from Morocco, Lebanon and other Arab/Middle Eastern nations. It is said that "A puff of kif in the morning makes a man as strong as 1,000camels in the courtyard."
Killed - Extremely high on marijuana. (Thanks to C-Mur from S.S.M. Ont, Can. - Feb.1, 2004)
Killer - Marijuana; PCP.
Killer Bees - adj. a term to describe really potent kind bud (March 8, 2004 yo +++christ)
Killer weed [1980's] - Marijuana and PCP.
Killer - marijuana; PCP
Killer weed (1960s) - marijuana
Kilo - 2.2 pounds
Kilter - marijuana
Kind - marijuana
Kind bud - marijuana term for good pot
King - adj: term to describe the best marijuana or the best joint, blunt, bowl, or bong.ex:"that nugget is king". ( yo j.c. smoke the nug for c.p.) n: King marijuana is considered the top marijuana strain in the world. (March 8, 2004)
Knuckle Samich - phat joint
Kona Gold - strong marijuana grown on the Big Island in Hawaii
Kram - to pack the bowl tight
Krippies - moist marijuana only to be smoked out of a bowl or bong
Kumba - marijuana
Kushempeng - marijuana
Kutchie - marijuana - L.L. - Marijuana.
Lace - Cocaine and marijuana.
Lakbay Diva - Slang term for marijuana.
Lambsbread / Lambs Bread - Large Jamaican buds which can be sliced like a loaf of bread and are shaped like a lamb's tail.
Laughing grass - marijuana
Laughing weed - marijuana
Lay-out - equipment for taking drugs
Leaf - marijuana
Leaping - under the influence of drugs
Lemonade - poor quality drugs
Lid - Def#1 original 60's version- 1 finger on a bag of marijuana approx. equal to a 1/4 oz. the term comes from the 1960's and is used correctly in Cheech & Chongs movie: Things are Tough All Over.
Lid - Def#2 90's version -1 ounce of marijuana.
Lid - Def#3 submitted version - It is the amount of marijuana that fits into the lid of a mason jar.
Light Up - To spark a marijuana joint to smoke.
Limbo - Term for marijuana.
Little smoke - Marijuana; psilocybin/psilocin
Light stuff - marijuana
Lima - marijuana
Lipton Tea - inferior-quality drugs
Lit up - under the influence of drugs
Little bowl of Buddha - 10 gram bowl of marijuana buds or hash
Little Green Friends - marijuana
Little smoke - marijuana; psilocybin/psilocin
Llesca - marijuana
Loaded - high
Loaf - marijuana
Lobo - marijuana
Locoweed - marijuana
Loco - Term for marijuana.
Log - marijuana cigarette.
Love boat - Marijuana dipped in formaldehyde; PCP.
Love nuggets - marijuana
Lovelies - Marijuana laced with PCP
Lucas - Term for marijuana.
Lumber - Marijuana stems and waste.
Marijuana Dictionary - M
M - Marijuana; morphine.
M - marijuana term
M.J. - marijuana slang
M.O. - marijuana phrase term
M.U. - marijuana phrase terms
Machinery - marijuana slang word
Macon - marijuana place
Magic smoke - marijuana description
Make up - need to find more drugs
Manhattan silver - marijuana type
Mari - marijuana cigarette
Marial means regs. Use it to talk whenever someone outside the circle is around. Works great when chatting at work with buddies.
Marimba - types of marijuana
Marihuana - Term for cannabis.
Marijuana - A really cool plant. Dried marijuana is smoked and the result is a brain buzz. The smokable flowers and leaves of the female cannabis plant.
Marijuana Genetics concern the parental combination of a marijuana strain.
Mary - marijuana
Mary and Johnny - marijuana slang
Mary Ann - marijuana slang
Mary Jane / Maryjane - marijuana slang
Mary Jonas - marijuana slang
Mary Warner - marijuana slang
Mary Weaver - marijuana slang
Matchbox - 1/4 ounce of marijuana or 6 marijuana cigarettes
Maui Wauwie - marijuana from Hawaii
Meg - marijuana slang
Megg - marijuana cigarette
Meggie - marijuana
Messorole - marijuana
Method - marijuana
Mexican brown - marijuana
Mexican red - marijuana
Mgobi - Pronunciation: Ma-Go-Bee Definition: A Big and Well Rolled Joint Example: Wow! that joint is a Mgobi! Origin: Cape Town, South Africa. It's what all the dudes in the squatter camps say when they see a huge joint rolled by me or my friends (they usually roll little crappy ones). Thanks to Atga, March 30, 2004
Midnight toker - some who smokes marijuana before bed
Mighty Mezz - marijuana cigarette
Mighty Mite - breed of marijuana plant with huge buds
Minglewood - hash & kind bud filled blunt
Modams - marijuana
Mohasky - marijuana
Monte - marijuana from South America
Monty Hall - a person always trying to talk down the price or get a deal on drugs. Always a few dollars short.
Mooca/moocah - marijuana
Mooster - marijuana
Moota/mutah - marijuana
Mooters - marijuana cigarette
Mootie - marijuana
Mootos - marijuana
Mor a grifa - marijuana
Mota/moto - marijuana
Mother Plant - The female marijuana species.
Mow the grass - to smoke marijuana
Mowing the Lawn - smoking marijuana
Muerte - overdosing
Muggie - marijuana
Muggles - 1930's and 40's slang for pot.
Munchies - to get real hungry after smoking herb
Mutha - marijuana - Nail - marijuana cigarette
Nailed - arrested
Nick - 0.5 grams of marijuana or 1/2 gram
Nickel - 0.5 grams of marijuana or 1/2 gram
Nickel bag - $5 worth of drugs; heroin
Nickel note - $5 bill
Nitrogen - A primary nutrient used for growing marijuana.
Nix - stranger among the group
Node - is the jointed section on a marijuana plant stalk where the leaves, side shoots, stipules and flowering organs begin.
Northern Lights - extremely high-grade marijuana
Norml - Organization for the rights of pot smokers.
Number - marijuana cigarette.
Nutrients - the primary, secondary and trace elements required for plant growth.
Marijuana Dictionary - O
O - an ounce
O boy - marijuana
Oh-zee - An ounce of pot.
Oil - The purified and concentrated resin from hashish or marijuana.
O.J. - marijuana
On ice - in jail
On the bricks - walking the streets
On the nod - under the influence of dope
One hitter quitter - marijuana that takes one hit to obtain a high
Oregano - hash.
Organic - Marijuana plant fertilizer or growing medium derived from living organisms.
Owl - marijuana.
Ounce - A unit of measurement for weighing marijuana. 28.3 grams.
Ovule - Part of the marijuana flower.
OZ - ounce of marijuana or other drugs.
Ozzie / Ozzy - ounce of marijuana.Marijuana Dictionary - P
P1 - Refers to the original parental genetics used to develop F1 hybrids.
P5 - Half a gram of marijuana.
Panama Red - A potent strain of pot from Panama.
Pantella - Large marijuana cigarette.
Pack - marijuana
Pack of rocks - marijuana cigarette
Pakalolo - marijuana
Pakistani black - marijuana
Panama cut - marijuana
Panama gold - marijuana
Panic - drugs not available
Paps - rolling papers
Paper bag - container for drugs
Paper blunts - marijuana within a paper casing rather than a tobacco leaf casing
Parabolic Reflector - A metal device that is designed to redirect the light from a lamp in a specific direction.
Paraquat - A defoliant, toxic to humans as well as plants, that has been sprayed on marijuana throughout the world since the 1970's.
Parsley - marijuana.
Pat - marijuana
Peat - a partially decomposed vegetation used as an organic soil.
Peddlar - drug supplier
Pee Wee - crack; $5 worth of crack
Pepsi habit - occasional use of drugs
Perlite - marijuana growers crushed, expanded glass used to provide additional medium aeration.
Permafried - high all the time
Phillies Blunt - Cigar hollowed out and filled with marijuana.
Photosynthesis - Process where the marijuana plant leaves suck up sunlight and CO2 to produce plant energy and chemicals.
Picked up - Smoked marijuana.
Pid - possession with intent to distribute
Piece - 1 ounce
Pin - marijuana
Pine - marijuana
Pinner - small joint of marijuana
Pipe - crack pipe; marijuana pipe; vein into which a drug is injected; mix drugs with other substances.
Pistil - a pair of stigma protruding from the female calyx that capture pollen for the marijuana plant.
Piznacle - marijauna pipe
Pizza - marijuana or LSD
Plant - hiding place for drugs
Pocket rocket - marijuana
Pod - marijuana
Poke - marijuana
Pot - 420 Pot Directory of pot heads, pot freaks, pot smoking, pot seeds, pot seedbanks, growing pot, pot cafe, pot spirit, new pot, top pot and Ozzy buds. Buy pot and buy pot pipes!
Pothead - someone who smokes pot (marijuana)
Potten bush - marijuana terms
Pooched - Feeling lazy and tired after smoking. (Thanks to C-Mur from S.S.M. Ont, Can. - Feb.1, 2004)
Pregnant - when a joint has a lump in the middle
Prescription - marijuana cigarette
Pretendica - marijuana types
Pretendo - marijuana slang
Primo - crack; marijuana mixed with crack
Puff - to smoke weed
Puff the dragon - to smoke marijuana
Pull a will - vomiting from too much drug use. - Q.P. - quarter pound of marijuana
Quad - depressant
Quarter - 1/4 ounce or $25 worth of drugs
Quarter bag - $25 worth of drugs
Quarter moon - hashish
Quarter piece - 1/4 ounce
Quartz - smokable speed
Quas - depressant
Queen Ann's lace - marijuana.
Queeted - when you get WAY too high off half a bowl.
Marijuana Dictionary - R
RB - resin bud (marijuana)
Racehorse charlie - cocaine; heroin
Ragweed - inferior-quality marijuana; heroin
Railroad weed - marijuana
Rail - large dose of crystal meth
Rainbows - depressant
Rainy day woman - marijuana
Rambo - heroin
Rane - cocaine; heroin
Rangood - marijuana grown wild
Rap - criminally charged; to talk with someone
Raspberry - female who trades sex for crack or money to buy crack
Rasta weed - marijuana
Rat - someone that turns drug dealers in to the police
Raw - crack
Rave - party designed to enhance a hallucinogenic experience through music and behavior
Razed - under the influence of drugs
Ready rock - cocaine; crack; heroin
Recompress - change the shape of cocaine flakes to resemble "rock"
Recycle - LSD
Red - under the influence of drugs
Red and blue - depressant
Red bullets - depressant
Red caps - crack
Red cross - marijuana
Red chicken - heroin
Red devil - depressant, PCP
Red dirt - marijuana term for a type of marijuana that is low grade.
Red eye- when some one's eyes go red from smoking. (Spark one up for Jordan Harris Feb 9, 2004)
Reds - depressant
Red eagle - heroin
Red phosphorus - smokable speed
Reefer - marijuana
Register - to allow blood to flow back into needle just prior to injecting heroin
Regular P - crack
Reindeer dust - heroin
Rhine - heroin
Rhythm - amphetamine
Riding the train - using cocaine
Riding the wave - under the influence of drugs
Rig - equipment used to inject drugs
Righteous bush - marijuana
Ringer - good hit of crack
Ripped - under the influence of drugs
Rippers - amphetamine
Roach - butt of marijuana cigarette
Roach clip - holds partially smoked marijuana cigarette
Rope dope - amphetamine
Robo-ing - drinking robotussin with codeine
Roca - crack (Spanish)
Roche - Rophynol; (see "roofies")
Rock attack - crack
Rock house - place where crack is sold and smoked
Rock(s) - cocaine; crack
Rocket caps - dome-shaped caps on crack vials
Rocket fuel - PCP
Rockets - marijuana cigarette
Rockette - female who uses crack
Rocks of hell - crack
Rock star - female who trades sex for crack or money to buy crack
Rocky III - crack
Roid rage - aggressive behavior caused by excessive steroid use
Roll - MDMA
Roller - to inject a drug
Rollers - police
Rolling - MDMA
Ron ~ n. roach (Jo March 15, 2004)
Ron Don ~ n. roach joint (Jo March 15, 2004)
Roofies - Rohypnol; a sedative that makes users feel very drunk
Rook - person who can't hang.....can't handle their drugs
Rooster - crack
Root - marijuana
Rope - marijuana
Roples - Rophynol; (see "roofies")
Rosa - amphetamineRose marie
Roses - amphetamine
Rox - crack
Roxanne - cocaine; crack
Royal blues - LSD
Royal Temple Ball - resin mixed with LSD then rolled in to a ball
Roz - crack
Ruderalis - species of cannabis, found in Russia, grows 1 to 2.5 feet
Ruffles - Rophynol; (see "roofies")
Runners - people who sell drugs for others. - Sak - bag of marijuana
Salad - a bowl of of marijuana laced with other drugs. Usually hash or cocaine ('Caesar Salad').
Sam - federal narcotics agent
Santa Marta - marijuana
Sassafras - marijuana
Sativa - species of cannabis, found in cool, damp climate, grows up to 18 feet
Scissors - used to cut up marijuana.
Score - purchase drugs
Seeds - buy types of marijuana seeds today. buy marijuana seeds
Sensimilla - seedless marijuana.
Sesh/Session - Going out to smoke. (Thanks to C-Mur from S.S.M. Ont, Can. - Feb.1, 2004)
Sess - marijuana
Set - place where drugs are sold
Sezz - marijuana
Shake - marijuana
Sinsemilla - The flowering tops of seedless plants.
Shit - Any sort of controlled substance.
Shlook - A puff of a marijuana cigarette.
Shotgun - Inhaling marijuana smoke forced into one's mouth by another's exhaling.
Shmagma - marijuana
Shooting gallery - place where drugs are used
Shot Gun - someone puts the joint or blunt in their mouth backwards and blows the smoke into someone's mouth.
Shrimp - marijuana
Shwag - low-grade marijuana
Siddi - marijuana
Sinse - marijuana
Sinsemilla - potent variety marijuana
Sixty-two - 2 1/2 ounces of crack
Sketch - a bad reaction to LSD or marijuana
Skies - refers to scales used to weigh drugs
Skied - under the influence of drugs
Skin - Marijuana rolling paper.
Skunk - marijuana
Slack - a bag that don't weigh out
Slanging - selling drugs
smoochywoochypoochy - marijuana
Smoke - To inhale marijuana.
Smoke Canada - inhale marijuana in Canada.
Smoke-out - under the influence of drugs
Smoke you out - smoke marijuana with you
Snite - lighter used to smoke drugs.
Snoochies Boochies - Marijuana or joint.
Snop - marijuana
Snop - Marijuana.
Soil / Soilless - The growing medium for marijuana plants.
Spark it up - to smoke marijuana.
Speed boat - Marijuana, PCP, crack.
Spliff - Jamaican term for a large, ice-cream-cone-shaped joint.
Spring - Giving a marijuana cigarette to another.
Spliffy - joint of marijuana
Spaced out - high on marijuana
Spare time - possessing marijuana
Spark an owl - smoke a gigantic joint
Sparking an owl - lighting a joint
Spark it up - to smoke marijuana
Splaff - marijuana cigerette laced with acid
Speed boat - marijuana term.
Spider web - scam to rob someone of their dope and/or money
Spliff - marijuana cigarette.
Splim - marijuana types.
Split - half and half or to leave.
Sprout - The young marijuana plant.
Sprung - person just starting to use drugs
Square mackerel - marijuana, term from Florida
Squirrel - smoking marijuana.
Stack - marijuana
Stackola - stacking money or a stack of loot.
Stamen - the male plant sex organ which bears pollen for the beautiful females.
Stash - A place to hide drugs.
Stash areas - drug storage and distribution areas
Steamroller - pipe used to smoke marijuana
Stems - marijuana
Stick - marijuana, PCP
Stimey - dime bag
Stinky - pot
Stink weed - marijuana
Stoned - under the influence of drugs
Stoner - someone who stays high on marijuana
Straight - having drugs to sell
Straw - marijuana cigarette
Super -Jaded - blitzed off drugs; unable to think clearly
Supergrass / Super Grass - types of marijuana
Swag - poor quality marijuana
Sweet Lucy - marijuana
Swisher - cigar emptied and filled with marijuana.
- T - marijuana slang
Taima - marijuana term
Taking on a number - Smoking marijuana.
Takkouri - marijuana type
Tampon - a fat joint.
Tanker - A two paper marijuana joint (when rolling the joint looks like a boat that's pack with weed)
Taste - small sample of drugs
Tea - Slang for maryjane, muggles, gage etc.
Tea Head - Habitual marijuana user.
Tea Pad - in Harlem in the 30's and 40's, and after-hours club where pot was smoked and jazz music performed.
Tea Party - To smoke marijuana
Ted - somebody that drinks the water from the bottom of a bong in exchange for weed. (Spark one up for Jordan Harris Feb 9, 2004)
Tex-mex - marijuana
Texas pot - marijuana
Texas tea - marijuana
Thai sticks - bundles of marijuana soaked in hashish oil; marijuana buds bound on short sections of bamboo
THC - tetrahydrocannabinol
Thirteen - marijuana term for a type of marijuana
Thumb - marijuana amount
Tin - container for marijuana; a marijauna pipe made out of tinfoil
Tetrahydrocannabinol/THC - The psychoactive cannibinoid in marijuana that is responsible for the high.
Thai Stick - A delicious Thai variety of marijuana, usually wrapped around thin bamboo splints or popsicle stick slivers.
Thyme[or Oregano] - Spices resembling marijuana in appearance, frequently used to defraud customers.
Tighten someone's wig - Provide marijuana [1940's]
Tijuana/TJ - Marijuana.
Tin - Container for marijuana
Toke - to smoke marijuana
Toke up - to smoke marijuana
Torch - light up marijuana
Torch up - to smoke marijuana
Torpedo - crack and marijuana
Tout - person who introduces buyers to sellers
Trace Elements - The smaller nutrients needed for good marijuana plant growth.
Train Wreck: A really good weed from Duncan, BC (Thanks Andrew - Aug 14, 2003)
Trees - marijuana or pot
Tubes - water pipes or bongs
Turbo - marijuana term
Turtle - when someone goes green or white from smoking to much. (A big phatty to 98WalkerBJ Feb. 3, 2004)
Tweeds - marijuana street slang
Twenty and Forty - Hip-hop term for a $20 bag of reefer and a 40-ounce bottle of malt liquor.
Twigs and Seeds - The unsmokeable leftovers from screening marijuana before sale, or the stuff at the bottom of a bag after purchase.
Twist - marijuana joint cigarette.
Twistum - marijuana joint cigarette.
2 toke choke - when a joint is passed around several people while holding the smoke in. (A big phatty to 98WalkerBJ Feb. 3, 2004) - Ultimate - crack and marijuana joint.
Uncle - Federal agents.
Uncle Fester - glass pipe
Uncle Milty - depressant weed
Underground - The drug-using sector of society.
Unkie - the old guy in the family who smokes marijuana.
Up against the stem - addicted to smoking marijuana.
Up In Smoke - The best movie ever, Cheech and Chong.
Uppers - The people who keep a party alive late at night.
Uppies - The people who wimp out partying after midnight.
Ups and downs - The times with marijuana and the times without cannabis.
Utopiates - People who think the marijuana plant is the way to happiness.
Uzi - marijuana pipe.
- V - the depressant Valium
Valley dolls - LSD
Vaporizer - vaporizes marijuana and leaves you with just the THC
Vegetative - The leaf growing cycle of the marijuana plant.
Venom - PCP
Vermiculite - expanded mica used to provide additional medium moisture retention.
Vipe - Marijuana.
Viper - 1930's hipster who frequented tea pads and smoked jive; onomatopoeic from sssssst, the sound made by an inhaling pot-smoker.
Viper's weed - marijuana
Vodka acid - LSD
Volcano 5 - red LSD paper.
Voomp - n., v.; marijuana, to smoke marijuana
Voomped - adj. (well, strictly speaking it's a past participle, but who's counting?); experiencing the effects of marijuana Both terms are colloquial, local to eastern Pennsylvania. Thanks to AxiomaticApricot.
- Wac - Someone on marijuana.
Watt - 1000 watts for good marijuana growth in a small closet. A unit for measuring light.
Wacky Tobacky - marijuana
Wacky weed - marijuana
Wasted - heavily stoned
Weed out - weed for sale
Weed tea - marijuana
Weightless - high on dope.
Wheat - marijuana
White-haired lady - marijuana
Wiggin - needing some drugs
Wizzard - ounce of marijuana
Wizzard of oz - ounce of marijuana
Wollie - rocks of crack rolled into a marijuana cigarette
Wood - marijuana
Wooer - a joint
Woolah - a hollowed out cigar refilled with marijuana and crack
Woolas - cigarette laced with cocaine; marijuana cigarette sprinkled with crack
Woolies - marijuana
Wooly - marijuana cigarette
Wooly blunts - marijuana and crack or PCP
Wooz - marijuana
Working half - rock weighing half gram or more
Wuwoo - marijuana. - X - MarijuanaYeh - marijuana slang
X - ecstacy
X-Ray Eyed - so stoned you can't see straight
Yellow submarine - marijuana term
Yen pop - marijuana culture term slang
Yerba - marijuana
Yerba mala - marijuana
Yesca - marijuana
Yesco - marijuana
Yoda-a joint - A marijuana cigarette with a bulge in the middle. (Thanks to Sarah-Beth O.)
Ying - marijuana
Zacatecas Purple - Marijuana from Mexico.
Zambi - Marijuana slang.
Zig-Zag - Marijuana rolling papers.
Zippy - name of a marijuana dealer. (Cheers to 98WalkerBJ Feb. 5, 2004)
Zol - Marijuana cigarette.
Zombie Weed - Marijuana with PCP.
Zonked - Very stoned, spaced-out, wasted, ripped, destroyed, wrecked, intoxicated all to hell and gone.
Zooie - Holds butt of marijuana cigarette.
Zoom - PCP; marijuana laced with PCP
ENJOY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!