Marijuana Seeds

Ok potpimp and daddychrisg. Can you both tell me how long ago you ordered your seeds from nirvana and whether or not you live in the US. Only becuase it has been 20 days since they said they were shippping my seeds. How did you get yours in three days potpimp? Thats crazy. Some help would be great. Should I be worrieed? Should I contact Nirvana and tell them I never recieved my seeds?
I have not ordered from Nirvana, nor do I think I ever will. Dr chronic is the only place I have ever ordered from, and they have so much selection, including Nirvana, and the dude has been supplying seeds around the world for 20 years I hear...So, it is hard to order from anyone else with that rep. and variety..I think 14 days is the average wait for someone living in the states....GL, let us know what happens...
Oh sorry bro I read the qoute you posted as if they werre your words. I was wondering how you two both got your shit at the same time from the same place. My bad. I will definatly let y'all know what happens. Hopefully I get them today. Day 20 of waiting.
Oh sorry bro I read the qoute you posted as if they werre your words. I was wondering how you two both got your shit at the same time from the same place. My bad. I will definatly let y'all know what happens. Hopefully I get them today. Day 20 of waiting.

i'd send them a polite email saying you are concerned. i've never dealt with them but i've heard nothing but good things. especially in cases such as yours. 20 days seems like a long wait.
Oneyearorange it took me about 3 weeks to get mine from Nirvana, not bad considering they are coming from another country. I could post a pic of how it was packaged and where it came from but that might not be the smartest thing to do since they ship a lot of seeds to the US. Anything coming from the Netherlands throws up a big red flag at the US Customs. Nirvana went to a lot of trouble to take my seeds to another country and they were packaged the ultimate in discretion, not tucked in cardboard. Let's just say that you'll be impressed and very surprised when you get them. By all means let them know you paid for your seeds and haven't gotten them yet; I'm sure they will take care of you. BTW, I ordered Jorge Cervantes' "Ultimate Grow DVD" the day before I ordered the seeds. The DVD was shipped from Illinois and I got the seeds 2 days before the DVD; go figure.
I ordered Jorge Cervantes' "Ultimate Grow DVD" the day before I ordered the seeds. The DVD was shipped from Illinois and I got the seeds 2 days before the DVD; go figure.

How do you like that video?
I haven't seen it yet. I'm leaving tomorrow morning for vacation so I won't get to see it until I get back. I saw the trailer and it looks like it will be super. I'm just a little disappointed with the customer service.
Alright guys. I'm sure your all wondering what happend with Nirvana and I. So I wrote them an email saying I had not recieved my seeds and it has been 20 somthing days. I also asked if they could track my package. They wrote me back and told me no of course they could not track my package becuase I didnt pay the extra 3 dollars for registered mail. They also asked me if I was sure that I didnt recieve a small white package. So I had to write back saying no I have not recieved any mail like that. Also they are not very spesific about what registered mail is on there web site. I am from the states. Most places you order anything from has a tracking number and you dont have to pay some extra money for it. They said when you get the registered mail only they can track your product any ways. Piont of the story is after three or four e-mail back and fourth of them making it sound like no way in hell could it be there fault. They sent me an email saying they would resend my purchase. I got an email today saying it was on step 5 of 7. Why do I get the feeling that theese places try to screw people out of money every once in a while when they can get away with it. Especially if there is no way you could ever prove that this is what they were doing.
All I know is If I receive my package. Better yet packages I will be happier than a pig in shit. I will definitely give nirvana there credit where credit is do. Just hopefully they prove that I can be a skeptic sometimes.
Nirvana is usually pretty good about re-sending seeds, worst case scenario and they don't send it out just shoot me a pm and I will send an email for you.
If you go to Dr. Chronic's site, he explains on the "about us" page, how long he's been in business etc., he has Nirvana and many other breeders (usually at prices cheaper than the breeders), the shipping is cheap, and he's in Britain. Nirvana themselves are one of the couple breeders who send from Holland, most of the Dutch breeders don't send to the US themselves. And not that Britain's better, but I guarantee you that the US Postal Customs looks at alot more letters from the Dutch, than they do from the British to see what's inside, and they just throw the shit in the trash can when they do find it cuz it's too expensive for them to prosecute us "small" people for such measley shit. All the guys I've read on here about Dr. Chronic are right cuz I got mine from him in like 4-5 days tops, after paying them with my debit card. Nirvana seems cool though too, and it's probably worth it to pay the extra cash for registered mail cuz our so called "better automated postal system" in the US is not necessarily mistake free nor faster unless you go registered. I've been burned a few times by others in Canada and Holland because I stupidly sent cash by first class mail to the paranoid fucks who don't take return receipt, international MO's, and/or registered mail etc, just cuz what's his face, Marc Emory got arrested and sent to the US for prosecution, which I think the US lost that case hopefully. But customs looks at first class mail too actually so whatever. I think it's better to go registered and/or priority mail cuz it's faster and doesn't necesarily get checked that much. I'm just glad I found the Doctor thanks to rollitup's cool ass website. Plus since Nirvana has freebies sometimes too, and you can now use plastic to make transactions, I'll probably order something small from them to start even though I know it might take a freakin' month to get here....:peace::hump:
yea i just ordered mine from the doc..on the 28th then just got um a couple days ago..pretty fast!!
Hey everyone, if your wondering about certain seed companies, this link is on the Dr. Chronic homepage. Click on it here I guess, and you can see evaluations of many of the distributors. I already gave up on a few sites that I've looked at cuz they have a bad rating, but people like Dr. C. and Nirvana are rated nicely on this site....
