Marijuana Smokers and Growers are Poor?


Well-Known Member
I have a degenerative bone disease of unknown origin.
I have lost 4" of height in the last 5 years.
My bones have become so degraded and brittle that the bones in my feet fracture while just walking or standing.
Docs can't seem to stop it,just write more scrips for narcotics which I refuse to even fill let alone take.
mmj does not stop the pain,it does make it doable.
I'm relatively young and aint ever gonna work again.
I own a beautiful home nice cars cool toys and spoil the shit outta my kids and grandkids,God bless.
I owe a large part of that to weed,yer only as lazy and poor as yer willing to be.


Well-Known Member
thanks bro, responses like this really brighten up my day...
Cool....glad to help.

My point actually reflects back to what Dava said about getting a hobby, and feel good about doing it....take pride in it. If all you do is grow dope, then take pride in it....get up an hour earlier, so you can check the babies before they sleep for the "night". The rewards are MUCH more than just money and weed. Growing brings out this primal thing in me.....I have actually been so high just sitting in my old room, smelling my arm hairs after walking thru the garden. Passing out in the chair in the corner.....having the GF wake me up smiling saying..."hey, you coming to bed"


If you are gonna be the "lazy" pot grower, do it well and with pride, and the rewards are MUCH MUCH more than just income or weed.


Well-Known Member
I have a degenerative bone disease of unknown origin.
I have lost 4" of height in the last 5 years.
My bones have become so degraded and brittle that the bones in my feet fracture while just walking or standing.
Docs can't seem to stop it,just write more scrips for narcotics which I refuse to even fill let alone take.
mmj does not stop the pain,it does make it doable.
I'm relatively young and aint ever gonna work again.
I own a beautiful home nice cars cool toys and spoil the shit outta my kids and grandkids,God bless.
I owe a large part of that to weed,yer only as lazy and poor as yer willing to be.
yep keep living life the best you can with what you got.

Cool....glad to help.

My point actually reflects back to what Dava said about getting a hobby, and feel good about doing it....take pride in it. If all you do is grow dope, then take pride in it....get up an hour earlier, so you can check the babies before they sleep for the "night". The rewards are MUCH more than just money and weed. Growing brings out this primal thing in me.....I have actually been so high just sitting in my old room, smelling my arm hairs after walking thru the garden. Passing out in the chair in the corner.....having the GF wake me up smiling saying..."hey, you coming to bed"


If you are gonna be the "lazy" pot grower, do it well and with pride, and the rewards are MUCH MUCH more than just income or weed.
man I definitely get the same sensation when my plants are growing in the garden outdoors...sometimes I'll just go out there and sit with them, it definitely has a sensation of it's own. especially sitting out there blazing with them, hahaha

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
here's how: each script (the paper version) has an embossing (imprint thing) that proves it's legitamate. it has the doctors number and everything, so all the cop has to do is look up the office, see if it's legit, and if they want to go one step further call the doctors office and ask if this person is a patient etc.

it's not all unified like the whole state of california knows who you are, only the doctors office knows unless you choose to register with the county.
Cool cool, nice to know that. In the UK we ave forms that must be filled out declaring any health isues or pescriptions etc, if you're caught lying about any of em you're out on your arse faster than that unless they're really accomodating employers.


Well-Known Member
I have a permenantly disabled arm that is obvious as fuck to anyone I show it to, it grinds and pops at the joint with pain sometimes if I work it too hard or do something wrong.

Same here. Mind you, my shoulder is messed up becuase I got drunk, beat up a bunch of people, then the cops pinned me and popped my shoulder out. BUT I didn't start the fight, I just finished it. Now I can actually pop my shoulder out of the joint and back in.....rotator cuff is gone.

I went to a St. John's Ambulance first aid course (mandatory in the oil patch), and as the lady is listing various different injuries, I pretty much had a story for EVERY single kind of injury.....from the skin getting boiled off my leg, to the quadding accident, to the smashed and detached fingers, to SEVERELY sprained wrists....from when I was a kid is elementary school.

I AM Canadian......and also a walking doctor's income booster.


Well-Known Member
Same here. Mind you, my shoulder is messed up becuase I got drunk, beat up a bunch of people, then the cops pinned me and popped my shoulder out. BUT I didn't start the fight, I just finished it. Now I can actually pop my shoulder out of the joint and back in.....rotator cuff is gone.

I went to a St. John's Ambulance first aid course (mandatory in the oil patch), and as the lady is listing various different injuries, I pretty much had a story for EVERY singly kind of injury.....from the skin getting boiled off my leg, to the quadding accident, to the smashed and detached fingers, to SEVERELY sprained wrists....from when I was a kid is elementary school.

I AM Canadian......and also a walking doctor's income booster.
hahaha.... good one on the income booster.

my arm isn't as bad by comparison, though I only have 35% movement of it which can get annoying at times, luckilly I'm left handed.... its one of those rare injuries the doctors don't know how to fix. I had surgery on it like 6 years ago that did nothing but put me in physical therapy for weeks with nerve pain... lame shit I tell you.


Well-Known Member
hahaha.... good one on the income booster.

my arm isn't as bad by comparison, though I only have 35% movement of it which can get annoying at times, luckilly I'm left handed.... its one of those rare injuries the doctors don't know how to fix. I had surgery on it like 6 years ago that did nothing but put me in physical therapy for weeks with nerve pain... lame shit I tell you.
Well my arm pretty much functions fine....except I can't throw a baseball anymore, or even skip stones. It pops out, then back in.....and when it does it unexpectedly, that's when it hurts real bad.
When I pop it myself...for example to show the doctor (even he was like WTF !?!?!), it doesn't hurt too bad.

The worst is when I am pulling the kingpin release on a commercial transport trailer................BANG...out then back in. Fuckin drops me to the ground everytime. Hurts for about an hour or two.....then gets me again at a later time.

I tell you this though, if I lived where you guys do, I would be broke...........simply because of hospital expenses. Not one of my MANY injuries......I've had 5 hernias alone...... cost me anything more than the prescriptions (which I get nearly 80% back in refunds and extended benefits), and my $55 a month Medicare bill.

Another thing I love about being born and bred Canadian.


Well-Known Member
most everyone is "poor". what is the statistic, 1% has 90something% of the wealth in this country? It is a ridiculous statistic and something needs to be done about it but that's America... the land where money stays in the family and the poor will always remain poor. I feel bad for the people who think they are going to come here and be something, such an old fashioned idea. Getting ahead is like hitting the lottery. Everyone is so innundated with debt and taxes... goodluck!


Well-Known Member
most everyone is "poor". what is the statistic, 1% has 90something% of the wealth in this country? It is a ridiculous statistic and something needs to be done about it but that's America... the land where money stays in the family and the poor will always remain poor. I feel bad for the people who think they are going to come here and be something, such an old fashioned idea. Getting ahead is like hitting the lottery. Everyone is so innundated with debt and taxes... goodluck!
There is no single greater way to ensure you have stock to supply a large standing army/military, than to keep a large portion of the population below the poverty level.


Well-Known Member
There is no single greater way to ensure you have stock to supply a large standing army/military, than to keep a large portion of the population below the poverty level.
that makes sense. that's where a lot of cuts could be made imo, defense. that and public schools. bill & melinda gates foundation is attacking the latter and with all the money they've got, goodluck beating them. it will be interesting to see where that goes. i think it's probably a good thing. the population is too high, people don't need any more incentive to have kids, lol. how about a tax for having a kid instead of a tax cut for having them? they are expensive and the population is too high. i think universal healthcare should be priority over public schools.


Well-Known Member
I think its like saying that People who drink 30 year old scotch at rich. Yes.. because you have to have a ton of cash to buy that product.

Weed is the cheapest drug out there so therefore more people can afford it in the lower income brackets. (which is a GREAT thing)

I don't believe there is a correlation between income & pot use other than like anything else relaxing (drinking, napping in the daytime, fishing, golf) if you do too much it will certainly have a detrimental impact on your income.

So, you could also say that People who watch Judge Judy (My personal favorite) all afternoon are poor. yes.. that's probably true 95% of the time. I watch it at night (time shifting channels) because I'm at work all day.

If you spend your time doing things other than being productive, you will probably, just by that nature of things, be in a lower income bracket.

These are some of the reasons I am a hypocrite with weed & my kids. I smoke pot & I don't allow the kids too nor will I.

I am over 40 years old. I worked my ASS off to get where I am & now that I'm here, I smoke all the pot I want. I can afford it. I don't have to be at the office at 6 am anymore, I can sit back on my laurels at this point because I have a staff I oversee. But I also understand that this means I am where I am & will probably not go any further (Im the boss other than the owners so I can't go any higher anyways). If I decide I want to go work for a larger company or what ever I will have to look at my time management skills but I am happy where I am.

When you're starting out or on a path to success, it take a lot more time & energy than you realize & you can't afford those kinds of distractions. I'm a dick for saying this but yes, MJ use will probably have a negative impact on your income especially when your young.

Please understand this is not the case 100% of the time. Old Willie's doing OK financially I would think.. but most 18 year old pot heads (The negative kind, lazy, unmotivated etc) not so much.

But most of those people (lazy, unmotivated etc) would be broke wether they smoked pot or not. I am speaking in generalizations & yes there are exceptions.

Get your shit together, get a good job or career that you like/love THEN you can handle all the distractions in the world.

My list of distractions are Golf, Jeeps, Smoking Pot, Growing pot, reading about pot, discussing pot etc. & I have discovered all this in the past 5 years. Honestly I don't think I would be where I am today if I have discovered pot in my early years. Would have been still ok if I found it in my late 20s I think instead of my late 30's. Maybe not quite as successful, but darn close.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to say it, but most pot users that are poor are poor because they lack values and work ethics. before anyone refutes my opinion, let me say that I consider myself well off, and I know tons of successful smokers so it is possible to be average and still use. All of my successful friends share the same qualities of everyday value and strong work ethics. All of the struggling smokers I know all lack a sense of responsibilities. Example, a father has a new born that is allergic to regular milk so the grandma buys soy milk and the baby's reactions to milk go away. They run out of soy milk and switch back to regular because it's cheaper and the husband wanted to buy a sack too. Just one example of poor smokers not having any sense of responsibility. If getting high is the best way to improve your quality of life, you have no common sense. take a break from the smoke, get your life in order first, then when you have the means without sacrificing important stuff, then smoke away. Goodluck in life, I wish you all the best


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to say it, but most pot users are poor are poor because they lack values and work ethics. before anyone refutes my opinion, let me say that I consider myself well off, and I know tons of successful smokers. All of my successful friends share the same qualities of everyday value and strong work ethics. All of the struggling smokers lack a sense of responsibilities. Example, a father has a new born that is allergic to regular milk so the grandma buys soy milk and the baby's reactions to milk go away. They run out of soy milk and switch back to regular because it's cheaper and the husband wanted to buy a sack too. Just one example of poor smokers not having any sense of responsibility. If getting high is the best way to improve your quality of life, you have no common sense. take a break from the smoke, get your life in order first, then when you have the means without sacrificing important stuff, then smoke away. Goodluck in life, I wish you all the best
sorry but that just doesn't correlate well with the daily users who can't get a job because of piss tests...

I don't see why we should have to quit for OVER A MONTH just to pass a test for a job??? when this shit doesn't even negatively affect job performance in most people as long as you're not high at work...


Well-Known Member
how does it not make sense to you that you just need to give it up for a month or two to land the job you want and then you can go back to getting high if you want? Call me logical but that seems like the responsible thing to do...Not having a sense of responsibilities, prime example of what I was talking about.


Well-Known Member
how does it not make sense to you that you just need to give it up for a month or two to land the job you want and then you can go back to getting high if you want? Call me logical but that seems like the responsible thing to do...Not having a sense of responsibilities, prime example of what I was talking about.
because there is NO other drug on earth that you have to do that with, and cannabis is one of, if not THE safest drug on earth.

it is complete idiocy that because someone smoked pot a month ago they can't get a job, fuck that logic.

common tell me it's fair that meth heads, crack heads, heroin addicts, just about all drugs harder than cannabis are out of the system within 3 days.

and you think it's RESPONSIBLE to quit for a MONTH on the safest drug on earth that has more medicinal benefits than drawbacks???


if anything it's irresponsible for a system to encourage use of hard drugs indirectly by making cannabis illegal and punishing people who smoked it within a month to a month and a half. what kind of message does that send to people? hey you can drink, shoot up, do a line of coke in one weekend and piss clean by tuesday.


Well-Known Member
Ok I obviously agree wholeheartedly that pot shouldnt be illegal or users be discriminated against...but I think youre missing the it stands today, most companies drug test. And if you smoke, and unless you use an alternative method to pass other than staying clean, then you will not likely get that job you applied for. What I am saying is, a handful of stoners, looks like yourself included, arent willing to do take responsibility for their actions especially if it deviates from the social norm. If a job you want requires you to pass a drug test, then the responsible thing to do is to pass it; not sit around getting high, complaining, and not doing anything to advance your situation.


Well-Known Member
Ok I obviously agree wholeheartedly that pot shouldnt be illegal or users be discriminated against...but I think youre missing the it stands today, most companies drug test. And if you smoke, and unless you use an alternative method to pass other than staying clean, then you will not likely get that job you applied for. What I am saying is, a handful of stoners, looks like yourself included, arent willing to do take responsibility for their actions especially if it deviates from the social norm. If a job you want requires you to pass a drug test, then the responsible thing to do is to pass it; not sit around getting high, complaining, and not doing anything to advance your situation.
nah I'll continue my silent protest thank you.

I don't think I should have to make myself miserable too make someone else rich ;).

and I"m living just fine this way.... and california is working on getting legislation that passed before but our last governor vetoed it for protection against descrimination for medical patients getting jobs. of course the federal laws will still fuck it over but it'll definitely open up /some/ jobs....


Well-Known Member
conform to the beast and get your own brown tongue? :D

(oh yes and that unnaturally wide asshole? :D)