Marijuana Tax Stamps?

smoker toker

Active Member
Ok... becoming familiar with my nearly learned info about NORML, I stumbled across information about something called a Tax Stamp, which : " This law mandates that those who possess marijuana are legally required to purchase and affix state-issued stamps onto his or her contraband. Failure to do so may result in a fine and/or criminal sanction.".... Upon further reading information regarding each state, the stamps tax weed at $3.50 per gram... which is a %122 mark up from the usual price (in my area, $20 gets me 7-8 grams, $3.50X7=24.50/20=1.225)... Which, I figure, perhaps, so long as I pay my taxes, get the stamp, and slap it on my bag, makes it legal.. so instead of paying $20, I pay $44.50 for 7 grams, and make my herb legal if I'm busted with it, right?... Wrong... Upon further reading, I found this: "

Not A Defense
If you do buy these stamps, your drugs are not legal. From the tax code-
Nothing in this chapter provides a defense or affirmative defense to, exception to,
or immunity from prosecution under the penal laws of this state relating to controlled substances, counterfeit substances, simulated controlled substances, or marihuana.​

So what the hell is the point?


well thats a good question
but i wont be able to help you out at all because i dont even live in a state where its legal but am moving soon to a state where it is
so if you find anything else about it post it


Well-Known Member
The Marijuana Tax Stamp thing dates back to the 1930's. I don't think any tax stamps were ever actually issued, and the whole thing is unconstitutional (See Leary V. United States - 1969) because marijuana is illegal to possess, so obtaining a stamp would require you to incriminate yourself.

These are laws that have remained on the books but are largely ignored by the public and law enforcement, although if they really wanted to be dickish they could charge you with not obtaining a stamp in addition to possession of a controlled substance.

smoker toker

Active Member
Well I did also read that the people who contact whoever they need to to OBTAIN a tax stamp, that those people weren't allowed to turn over buyer information or it was considered a felony... but it was like... what the hell?.. people would pay TAXES to the government for their illegal weed, and when arrested the stamp wouldn't do shit.. I mean.. I WOULD pay double my price to make my herb legal, but it doesn't soooo...... you pretty much pay for your weed, and pay the government... to still get arrested and slapped in jail?.. ROFL.. that's fucking retarded :-P More or less having a tax stamp means you like to give your money away.

lol.. off topic but I think there's one of those ignored laws in New Jersey too where it's illegal to hang your laundry out to dry on Tuesdays or some shit.. haha (not sure what state or what day, but yeah.. hehe)

gonna look up Leary V. United States - 1969 right now...

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:


Active Member
It's just a way so they can slap another charge on you: Tax Evasion. We have them here in Louisiana but I've never seen one in real life, just on NORML's page.


Well-Known Member
Ok... becoming familiar with my nearly learned info about NORML, I stumbled across information about something called a Tax Stamp, which : " This law mandates that those who possess marijuana are legally required to purchase and affix state-issued stamps onto his or her contraband. Failure to do so may result in a fine and/or criminal sanction.".... Upon further reading information regarding each state, the stamps tax weed at $3.50 per gram... which is a %122 mark up from the usual price (in my area, $20 gets me 7-8 grams, $3.50X7=24.50/20=1.225)... Which, I figure, perhaps, so long as I pay my taxes, get the stamp, and slap it on my bag, makes it legal.. so instead of paying $20, I pay $44.50 for 7 grams, and make my herb legal if I'm busted with it, right?... Wrong... Upon further reading, I found this: "

Not A Defense
If you do buy these stamps, your drugs are not legal. From the tax code-
Nothing in this chapter provides a defense or affirmative defense to, exception to,
or immunity from prosecution under the penal laws of this state relating to controlled substances, counterfeit substances, simulated controlled substances, or marihuana.​

So what the hell is the point?
just the government getting everything screwed up once more.:wall: