Marijuanna drug test pass or fail?

I passed with a faint line. But yours still looks to faint.

All I do is drink water and stop smoking. I am sure those detox things just empty your wallet.
Lemme point out a few things..
When you take a pre employment etc drug test the limit is 50ng, not 20.

I took a drug test for work idk 2 weeks or so ago. Smoked ~40 hrs before the test.. passed

What you wanna do is exercise alot, eat more frequently at lower portions and stay hydrated. It has a pretty short half life, non frequent smokers can pass doing nothing within 48hrs, people test longer cause it circulated through your blood and organs attaching to non polar compounds and being stored.. a majority of thc will be excreted through your sweat and feces. Increase these processes and fat metabolism, staying hydrated flushing your body.. light yellow pee is what your aiming for.

Its pretty easy
I just found out the hard way today that the temp is of utmost importance. I brought Ultra Pure to a pre employment drug screen. I was totally confident, the bottle against my groin was reading 100 degrees when I took it out to use. I poured it into the sample cup and exited. The witch at the lab took one look at it and said it was not up to temp and voided the whole test. She didn't even bother feeling the bottom of the sample cup. Just threw it down the sink and that's it, I won't get the job now.

Probably had one of those infrared thermometers.. You gotta really heat that thang up then put it right underneath your nuts up tight against your ahole (lol idk how else to say it folks)... I like to get it just a little above body temp then give it about an hour right there on the taint getting that good body temp.. You could try and say your test fell in the toilet.. That bought my boy a test one time..
There is a sure fire way. I know because my roomie got a truck drivers job, the one where you line up, haul and dump debris all day long.

Random 15 min call for Piss Test. It can happen anytime. Well he can't stop smoking it just for a job, right?

So, he keep with him, a quart of water and packets of golden seal tea. You put in 2-3 packets of powder into a quart, shake and chug.

You hit the head before the test and the next pee is clean. Worked for him 3-4 times in the 6 months he was there. Ya might want to test it.
It is a fail.
If you have a non-smoking aquaintence, use theirs.

I was in the same situation a few weeks ago and was on the edge of clean when I HAD to go in (otherwise it would have turned into a hair test). Borrowed some piss (any gender will do). Borrowed an extremely stretchy and firm underwear from wife. Put piss in small, clean, plastic bottle and it was held securely between balls and ass. I could actually jump around with it there. I also practiced quick steady removal, pouring, and replacement.

I drove to the facility with the bottle there stablizing heat. The whole drive I contemplated whether I would use it or not ...but the second I shut and locked the bathroom door, instinct kicked in and I whipped that bottle out did the pour, set glass down, took a long piss in the toilet, put bottle back by taint, zipped up, picked up specimen and the rest us history.

When I got the Passing result 2 days later I was also pissing clean 16 days to clean up. Yep, got toasted at that point.

Bottom line... Dont risk it and at least give youself an option. It was really easy.
There is a sure fire way. I know because my roomie got a truck drivers job, the one where you line up, haul and dump debris all day long.

Random 15 min call for Piss Test. It can happen anytime. Well he can't stop smoking it just for a job, right?

So, he keep with him, a quart of water and packets of golden seal tea. You put in 2-3 packets of powder into a quart, shake and chug.

You hit the head before the test and the next pee is clean. Worked for him 3-4 times in the 6 months he was there. Ya might want to test it.
Not sure fire. The bigger labs now test for Goldenseal use. I would not trust any of the snake oils unless I had no friends or relatives who do not smoke. Unless you are supervised during the piss or if its immediate, which seldom happens then smuggling in clean piss is the way to go.
I just found out the hard way today that the temp is of utmost importance. I brought Ultra Pure to a pre employment drug screen. I was totally confident, the bottle against my groin was reading 100 degrees when I took it out to use. I poured it into the sample cup and exited. The witch at the lab took one look at it and said it was not up to temp and voided the whole test. She didn't even bother feeling the bottom of the sample cup. Just threw it down the sink and that's it, I won't get the job now.

Supposed to put it in your armpit man where it is sandwiched against your arm and side. My guess is it wasn't warm enough cause you had half the bottle exposed to room temperature. Ivegged used this stuff countless times in labs. It works. Sorry to hear about your misfortune.
I followed the directions to a T. I wore a hernia truss which kept it safely against my groin with the hand warmer on it. I took it out and the temp strip read 100 degrees. I did read that if it's off by 1 or 2 degrees, they can throw it out, but the bitch didn't even look at it or touch the speciman container. I have another chance to take it Monday, so I'm going to clean up for the next 3 days and ,make sure I'm good to go. Thanks for your comment.
I followed the directions to a T. I wore a hernia truss which kept it safely against my groin with the hand warmer on it. I took it out and the temp strip read 100 degrees. I did read that if it's off by 1 or 2 degrees, they can throw it out, but the bitch didn't even look at it or touch the speciman container. I have another chance to take it Monday, so I'm going to clean up for the next 3 days and ,make sure I'm good to go. Thanks for your comment.
There something else going in here.
There something else going in here.
I think so too, but I can't possibly imagine what it is. I asked my prospective employer to send me to a different lab as the "tech" I dealt with yesterday infuriated me. For fucks sake, at the very least she could have touched the container and seen that it was warm. The guys at the head shop could not believe it and said they have never heard of this being done. She tossed it down the drain and told me to go again. Bitch!!
I think so too, but I can't possibly imagine what it is. I asked my prospective employer to send me to a different lab as the "tech" I dealt with yesterday infuriated me. For fucks sake, at the very least she could have touched the container and seen that it was warm. The guys at the head shop could not believe it and said they have never heard of this being done. She tossed it down the drain and told me to go again. Bitch!!
Do you look like Bob Marley by chance?
I followed the directions to a T. I wore a hernia truss which kept it safely against my groin with the hand warmer on it. I took it out and the temp strip read 100 degrees. I did read that if it's off by 1 or 2 degrees, they can throw it out, but the bitch didn't even look at it or touch the speciman container. I have another chance to take it Monday, so I'm going to clean up for the next 3 days and ,make sure I'm good to go. Thanks for your comment.

They rejected it because it was too hot. the sample must be in the 90-99 range. outside of that is rejected.
" Put piss in small, clean, plastic bottle and it was held securely between balls and ass."

Boyfriend did same thing....temp was off 2 degrees.....back to jail.....1 year... probation violation. It all depends where/when/why you are being tested.

Pain management, court, employers who really care ( many don't/Pot ) will not pass. For every measure you take to fake a pass ( and they know them all) their is a counter measure.

As for a one day cleanse ($$lol). Buy one than go to ( dollar store, Walmart ,CVS) get 2 tests, pee and watch it pop.

If you are lean, consume lots of water daily and workout/sweat a lot you can pass ( generally speaking ) in 2 -3 weeks.

My experiences..... my opinion.
" Put piss in small, clean, plastic bottle and it was held securely between balls and ass."

Boyfriend did same thing....temp was off 2 degrees.....back to jail.....1 year... probation violation. It all depends where/when/why you are being tested.

Pain management, court, employers who really care ( many don't/Pot ) will not pass. For every measure you take to fake a pass ( and they know them all) their is a counter measure.

As for a one day cleanse ($$lol). Buy one than go to ( dollar store, Walmart ,CVS) get 2 tests, pee and watch it pop.

If you are lean, consume lots of water daily and workout/sweat a lot you can pass ( generally speaking ) in 2 -3 weeks.

My experiences..... my opinion.
Mine was secured there for over an hour. Temp was checked...passed. Don't know what to tell you ...i probably run hotter than your boyfriend. ;)