Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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How does anyone know how to vote in there best interest when they believe Socialism is good?

I can maintain my land, farm and family just fine the government can suck my dick if they want to give my blood and sweat to the ignorant masses! I pay far too much for taxes as is.
Your trailer lot doesn't count as "land" and your shitty seeded dope doesn't count as a "farm".
Systematic oppression is not the only definition of racism. It only requires using epithets based on race like you have.

No. You are not a victim of racism, gringo. You are a hypocrite for claiming that but not calling out (actually agreeing with) your bro's rant about how black people do not know what is in their own interests.
I noticed you are giving him a ton of grief for calling you a gringo, but didn't say shit when your buddy was calling anyone who disagreed with him a fagg*t.

I guess that makes you a hypocrite?
Take that up with him, I'm not the site cop.
Fogdog can you expand on this a bit? How do you define someone's "best interests"? I agree that people vote for their own self interests, but is that the same as their best interests?

Trump is a good example of this. I would venture to say that a lot of people voted for Trump because they hate "Libs", or they hate Hillary, or they liked the dog whistling that he did during the campaign. Those would be self interests. But are those their best interests?

Would someone that is racist, who cast their vote for trump solely because they liked his tough guy rhetoric towards immigrants, but who would have otherwise benefited economically if Hillary were potus be voting in their *best* interests?
Remember, since you don't think exactly as they do, you'll be relentlessly hounded because that's the only way they know how to deal with those who have legitimate points of difference.
65% of the people who make up the Democratic party chose Hillary are still there. And you, sitting in your 35% minority that helped throw the election for Trump and rejoice about that, say:

This merges perfectly with the feedback I've read concerning minority's views on why they decided to vote for Hillary. Something to the effect: "another white man telling me what's best for me" and "we've been told to push our concerns on the back burner until later and later never arrives".

Fortunately, I think cooler heads will prevail than yours, tty. Not that your concerns won't be met but a coalition that incorporates the issues you advocate with more diverse ideas regarding social and economic equality.

I'm not saying Bernie's platform or Justice Democrats platform is wrong. It's incomplete. It won't be complete until the people who draw up that platform truly represent the whole of diversity in the Democratic Party.
As if the Democratic Party represents the interests of the diverse group they say they represent.

That's pointing fingers when your chosen party is just as guilty, if not worse.

Don't blame us for Trump; that's all on you.
Remember, since you don't think exactly as they do, you'll be relentlessly hounded because that's the only way they know how to deal with those who have legitimate points of difference.
You're calling his racist rant full of generalizations to explain why he thinks black people do not know what is in their own interests "legitimate points of difference" but me calling you gringo is somehow racism and you're being bullied and systematically oppressed...

Shut up gringo.
You're calling his racist rant full of generalizations to explain why he thinks black people do not know what is in their own interests "legitimate points of difference" but me calling you gringo is somehow racism and you're being bullied and systematically oppressed...

Shut up gringo.
I'm defending no one else. Not my job.

How would more jobs for these groups hurt their cause?
Look at the chart and tell me that malignant racism isn't a part of our economy.


Through good times and bad ones, wage disparity of black men, Hispanic men and women have remained about the same relative to white men. Yours is a riff on the old "rising tides lift all boats". Sure, wages might go up but white men will continue to rake in 20%-30% higher wages until something else changes.

Go through the Justice Democrats platform and tell me how much attention this issue gets. Practically none. One sentence about equal pay for women and a blurb about oppose bigotry which could have something to do with pay sort of maybe. It's not bad, just not complete and needs a second pass with a more diverse group writing it. Unless you don't care about inclusion.
I noticed you are giving him a ton of grief for calling you a gringo, but you didn't say shit when your buddy was calling anyone who disagreed with him a fagg*t.

I guess that makes you a hypocrite?
Since he does so much projecting, I'm thinking maybe all those names he called you apply to himself.
Your trailer lot doesn't count as "land" and your shitty seeded dope doesn't count as a "farm".
My 20 acres of land and 15 hogs, 2 acre garden, chickens, rabbits and a cow does count as a farm I believe. The trailer you see on Google is old a house has been built since but my cousin lives in the trailer and works for rent and eats for free the way life should be.
I'm defending no one else. Not my job.


I'm assuming you're replying to constant conflict? Put him on ignore like I did. You won't be missing out on anything informative, and it makes the riu experience more pleasant.

Please don't take this as me telling you what's in your own best interests though! That's for you, and only you to decide. :bigjoint:
I'm assuming you're replying to constant conflict? Put him on ignore like I did. You won't be missing out on anything informative, and it makes the riu experience more pleasant.

Please don't take this as me telling you what's in your own best interests though! That's for you, and only you to decide. :bigjoint:

"I'm also unable to defend my poor oppressed gringo position."
As if the Democratic Party represents the interests of the diverse group they say they represent.

That's pointing fingers when your chosen party is just as guilty, if not worse.

Don't blame us for Trump; that's all on you.
Who is this "Democratic Party" that you refer to? I see it as about 41% nonwhite. That group is getting larger in this country and more of them see their political views best expressed in the Democratic party. Not YOUR Democratic faction which is much less diverse. And you are the one who says HE knows what's best for the darkies.


Your faction is good. I voted with them, what else could I say? I want a great party and that would be one that is more diverse.
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