Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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Near as I can tell, he doesn't want replies, just likes to expound principles to be accepted without review. As you say, dishes it out but can't take it.

I'm guessing only child of well off parents who they eventually kicked out of the home but now support from an arms length.
And the other one loves to demand that you answer his loaded "yes or no" questions which ignore nuance and make assumptions but won't answer what he meant when he said more is expected of him because he is a white guy. Also probably an only child of well off parents.
-Is there any way to know that Trump's tax plan, as proposed during the campaign, will harm poor people?

This is a 'yes' or 'no' question. You either believe that based on the implementation of past presidents tax plans, that lowering taxes across the board, like Trump proposed, harms poor people or it doesn't. We have evidence and historical data to pull from.

-Based on that evidence, will lowering taxes, like Trump plans to do, harm poor people or help them?

These are very straight forward questions.
So, tell me. How well defined was Trump's tax policy at the time of the election? Anything firm and promised? I don't recall that he released details. What I think you are doing is responding to to a position paper, not a tax plan.

You are doing the same when you use the past to predict the future. I'm not saying it's wrong, just saying there was no plan and you don't know what they are going to do or planned to do. You are bringing your own bias and past experiences into making your assessment. And I'm willing to bet that you voted in your own self interest. You probably convinced yourself you voted for most peoples best interest as any good person would.

Ten years from now, we will know what the results were from 2016's vote on the socio-economic status of the general population. There is no way to know that now. We still don't know what tax plan resulted from the election.
And the other one loves to demand that you answer his loaded "yes or no" questions which ignore nuance and make assumptions but won't answer what he meant when he said more is expected of him because he is a white guy. Also probably an only child of well off parents.
I see pad as the youngest of three. Two sisters who as any older sister does, alternates between spoiling the baby of the family and treating him like cancer. But I'm less convinced that Pad was the baby of the family than I am that tty was an only child of well-to-to parents. Tty talks as if he's not used to being contradicted. Pad shows up with a plan and tries to maneuver with leading questions. He must have been a pain in the ass when he was arguing why he should be allowed to stay up late like his sisters do.
I'm not asking you about the results of Trump's tax plan. I'm asking you if there is any objective way of knowing if lowering taxes across the board harms poor people or not?
What tax plan are you using? Is it an income tax, a sales tax, a poll tax, licensing fees?
I see pad as the youngest of three. Two sisters who as any older sister does, alternates between spoiling the baby of the family and treating him like cancer. But I'm less convinced that Pad was the baby of the family than I am that tty was an only child of well-to-to parents. Tty talks as if he's not used to being contradicted. Pad shows up with a plan and tries to maneuver with leading questions. He must have been a pain in the ass when he was arguing why he should be allowed to stay up late like his sisters do.
DEFINITELY too many histrionics.
Income and corporate taxes
Where are the tax cuts to be offset? or is it deficit spending. If it's going into deficit spending then we'll have to start talking about the state of the economy. If this hypothetical economy is expanding, that's one thing, if it's contracting, then it's another. Also, there are different economic models that predict different results. Do you have an economic theory to apply here?
Is there is any objective way of knowing if lowering income and corporate taxes across the board harms poor people in our current economy or not?

Enough with your hypotheticals. You know what I'm asking you. Any further obfuscation at this point will be seen as forfeit. You don't want to have an actual discussion. You're not interested in dialogue. Answer my question honestly. Last chance.
Too many histrionics.
Is there is any objective way of knowing if lowering income and corporate taxes across the board harms poor people in our current economy or not?

Enough with your hypotheticals. You know what I'm asking you. Any further obfuscation at this point will be seen as forfeit. You don't want to have an actual discussion. You're not interested in dialogue. Answer my question honestly. Last chance.
Well, the answer is, it depends. honestly. I guess you think there is a clear answer but to me there is a lot to know ahead of time. Were tax rates unsustainable and killing the economy? In a really bad recession, a tax cut might help, depending on who got the cut. Tax cuts in an expanding economy but a high debt is wrongheaded by my lights. It also depends on if the debt is ever paid back and how that is handled.

Do you really think there is one answer?

What's this last chance bullshit. Am I about to be fired? Divorced? Kicked off the forum. Will you do the unthinkable and put me on ignore? Maybe tell your big sister about my being mean to you?
Is there is any objective way of knowing if lowering income and corporate taxes across the board harms poor people in our current economy or not?

Enough with your hypotheticals. You know what I'm asking you. Any further obfuscation at this point will be seen as forfeit. You don't want to have an actual discussion. You're not interested in dialogue. Answer my question honestly. Last chance.
He likes histrionics.
Well, the answer is, it depends. honestly. I guess you think there is a clear answer but to me there is a lot to know ahead of time. Were tax rates unsustainable and killing the economy? In a really bad recession, a tax cut might help, depending on who got the cut. Tax cuts in an expanding economy but a high debt is wrongheaded by my lights. It also depends on if the debt is ever paid back and how that is handled.

Do you really think there is one answer?

What's this last chance bullshit. Am I about to be fired? Divorced? Kicked off the forum. Will you do the unthinkable and put me on ignore? Maybe tell your big sister about my being mean to you?
Yep. Lots of histrionics.
Is there is any objective way of knowing if lowering income and corporate taxes across the board harms poor people in our current economy or not?

Enough with your hypotheticals. You know what I'm asking you. Any further obfuscation at this point will be seen as forfeit. You don't want to have an actual discussion. You're not interested in dialogue. Answer my question honestly. Last chance.
It's pretty incontrovertible in economics circles that lowering taxes on high income earners and major corporations leads to higher wealth inequality.
It's pretty incontrovertible in economics circles that lowering taxes on high income earners and major corporations leads to higher wealth inequality.

Read his question. It's not the one you answered.

Is there is any objective way of knowing if lowering income and corporate taxes across the board harms poor people in our current economy or not?

Enough with your hypotheticals. You know what I'm asking you. Any further obfuscation at this point will be seen as forfeit. You don't want to have an actual discussion. You're not interested in dialogue. Answer my question honestly. Last chance.
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