Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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I have so many histrionics. I have the best histrionics.
I'm an expert at identifying histrionics. I've been known to identify a histrionic from one second of recorded sound of a the histrionics of a bird of paradise. I even knew that the histrionics were due to a blocked cloaca during an attempt at mating and the male just started going all histrionical when the hen unblocked her cloaca on his penis and she lost interest. I even knew the island: It was Hispaniola.

That's how good I am at histrionics. You could say I'm a historical Hispaniola histrionic historiographer.
I'm an expert at identifying histrionics. I've been known to identify a histrionic from one second of recorded sound of a the histrionics of a bird of paradise. I even knew that the histrionics were due to a blocked cloaca during an attempt at mating and the male just started going all histrionical when the hen unblocked her cloaca on his penis and she lost interest. I even knew the island: It was Hispaniola.

That's how good I am at histrionics. You could say I'm a historical hispaniola histrionic historiographer.
Did you find that by the end of that post you'd typed it so many times that you started questioning it's spelling altogether?
Bernard quite possibly gave the worst endorsement statement ever:

Bernie Sanders Defends Campaigning For Anti-Abortion Rights Democrat

"The actions today by the DNC to embrace and support a candidate for office who will strip women – one of the most critical constituencies for the party – of our basic rights and freedom is not only disappointing, it is politically stupid," Hogue said. "Today's action makes this so-called 'fight back tour' look more like a throw-back tour for women and our rights."

Mello has co-sponsored several bills in Nebraska's unicameral legislature that would restrict abortion rights, including a 2009 measure requiring doctors to inform women seeking abortions about the availability of an ultrasound.

Sanders pushed back against the criticism. "The truth is that in some conservative states there will be candidates that are popular candidates who may not agree with me on every issue. I understand it. That's what politics is about," Sanders told NPR.

"The truth is that in some conservative states there will be candidates that are popular candidates who may not agree with me on every issue. I understand it. That's what politics is about,"

I don't disagree with the sentiment although some of our histrionic impaired berners would rather swallow their tongues before reading the above out loud. But daaaaaaamn that is a shitty thing to say during a contested election.

As if he said: "Despite all the negative press about Shmiegal Schmaker's unverified sexual use of termites, I can quite candidly say that I don't believe my friend Shmiegal ever harmed a termite. Or that he ever had non-consensual relationships with a termite queen."

In spite of his histrionc statement, Mello lost by a landslide.

I wonder why berners weren't energized? Histrionic even.
Just to point out to the observer trying to catch up with what is now going on in this thread, They are debating whether or not some people vote against their own interests.

It stems from the common Berntard belief that black people are incapable of knowing what is in their interests. It has now spiraled into an unrelated segue since we all know there are plenty of reasons some people do vote against their own interests. However, it is not subject to racial generalizations as the berniebros suggest. Even the author of the comment to which the berniebabies are incessantly alluding has explained that there are reasons, such as propaganda and familial ties which might motivate someone to vote against their objective interests but that such people believe they are voting in accordance with their own best interests.

The bernard supporting clowns would have us believe that black people rejected Bernard because they have a herd mentality and are bigoted against gays and Jews.

No, I did not misconstrue or take it out of context, that is what they are arguing.
Yepper, about as good and humorous of a summary as can be made. In the second chapter histrionics makes it's debut, a threat to declare victory in a fake debate is made the threat culminates in the ultimate punishment of ignore, more histrionics and general merriment ensues.

It's all true, folks.

I can't wait for the next installment. What will it be? More Dank Memes!!!! Sea lions attack!!!! @twostrokenut becomes pregnant? Stay tuned!!!!
Yepper, about as good and humorous of a summary as can be made. In the second chapter histrionics makes it's debut, a threat to declare victory in a fake debate is made the threat culminates in the ultimate punishment of ignore, more histrionics and general merriment ensues.

It's all true, folks.

I can't wait for the next installment. What will it be? More Dank Memes!!!! Sea lions attack!!!! @twostrokenut becomes pregnant? Stay tuned!!!!
too much histrionics buried my dank memes under several pages before people got a chance to get their lulz
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