Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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Sanders polls more favorably with African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian Americans than he does with whites, and men. More women support Sanders than men.

during the campaign hillary outpolled sanders and it reflected in the vote.

are you fucking stupid, curtis?
I'm highlighting the hypocrisy in Fogdog's appeal. Sanders smashes every other politician in the polls, he says the only poll that matters is during the election. Yet the election happened and he constantly criticizes the results. Don't get upset the logic works in reverse, too. I'm not the one that made the argument.
What are you talking about? The EC is an anachronism but it was the law of the land when Trump won. He won because he won enough states electoral college votes in the election, which is the only poll that mattered in 2016. Have you gone barking mad?
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you said black people have a "herd like mentality"
I said "all people" have a herd like mentality, and have repeated this multiple times;
I think all people have a herd like mentality...
I said everybody has a herd like mentality, not just black people
I said all people have a herd like mentality
If A = B, and B = C, then A = C

If black people are humans, and humans have a herd like mentality, then black people have a herd like mentality
Your attempt to manipulate what I said to fit your fabricated accusation that I'm racist is easy enough to disprove in a minute just by using the search function :dunce:
I said "all people" have a herd like mentality, and have repeated this multiple times;

Your attempt to manipulate what I said to fit your fabricated accusation that I'm racist is easy enough to disprove in a minute just by using the search function :dunce:

you said black people have a "herd like mentality" and called people "f***ots" repeatedly, you racist homophobic bigot.

Sanders polls more favorably with African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian Americans than he does with whites, and men. More women support Sanders than men.
Bernie isn't running against anybody in that opinon poll. It doesn't say anything about an election.

Do you know how many opinon polls there are? Did you know the way a question is asked does affect how people answer? The stuff you put up is confection for the simple minds. I watched a youtube video where Kyle Kulinkski claimed the Democratic Party must become hard line about one of his pet positions because of opinion polls. He didn't name the poll or give any reason why it was a fair one, just put out the number. He did that so quickly that it was just a concealment not a revelation. Opinion polls are interesting but don't do a good job at predicting how the electorate will vote.

We continue to get polls that say voters are liberal on issues and then they vote for right wing representation in large numbers in elections, the only poll that matters. Election results say that voters in many states are much more conservative than your opinion polls would have us believe.

Sanders polls more favorably with African Americans, Hispanics, and Asian Americans than he does with whites, and men. More women support Sanders than men.
As long as we are talking about Bernie, what do you say about this quote?

"If we are going to protect a woman's right to choose, at the end of the day we're going to need Democratic control over the House and the Senate, and state governments all over this nation," he said.

"And we have got to appreciate where people come from, and do our best to fight for the pro-choice agenda. But I think you just can't exclude people who disagree with us on one issue."

He was, of course, talking about his endorsement of a pro-life candidate. You have been saying "won't vote for somebody who accepts corporate donations and big individual ones". Have you moved past Bernie?
Bernie isn't running against anybody in that opinon poll. It doesn't say anything about an election.
That's irrelevant, Sanders polls at or near the top of most popular politicians in every major poll, consistently. That's where your aversion to the value, accuracy, or authenticity stems from. Whenever someone cites one of those polls, you fall back on your belief that the only poll that matters is the election in an attempt to discredit the results of the poll outright. You believe that since Trump won and Republicans have murdered across the board on every level of government over the past 8 years, the polls must be wrong.. While the actual progressives on the board repeatedly tell you the Republicans have won because Democrats have not represented poor/middle class economic values. The opinion polls are right.
I watched a youtube video where Kyle Kulinkski claimed the Democratic Party must become hard line about one of his pet positions because of opinion polls. He didn't name the poll or give any reason why it was a fair one, just put out the number. He did that so quickly that it was just a concealment not a revelation.
Link the clip
We continue to get polls that say voters are liberal on issues and then they vote for right wing representation in large numbers in elections, the only poll that matters. Election results say that voters in many states are much more conservative than your opinion polls would have us believe.
Could it be that people vote Republican because they feel like the Democratic party doesn't represent their interests? People who still hold progressive positions, like increasing the minimum wage which is supported by more than 80% of the country, including a majority of Republicans, medicare for all, 61% of the country including almost 50% of Republicans, raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations, more than 65% of Americans, an end to the war on drugs, strong majorities in both parties, etc., who feel like the Democratic party doesn't actually represent them or help progress those issues because they accept corporate contributions from industries with direct conflict of interest? Trump won because of the people in the areas of the country that have been economically depressed the most during the Obama administration.
what do you say about this quote?
I disagree with it
Donald Trump is not the cause of America's ills, but the consequence.

Ten things America must do to secure its future;

First, abolish the Electoral College. Doing so will preclude any further occurrence of the circumstances that twice in recent decades cast doubt on the outcome of national elections and thereby did far more than any foreign interference to undermine the legitimacy of American politics.

Second, roll back gerrymandering. Doing so will help restore competitive elections and make incumbency more tenuous.

Third, limit the impact of corporate money on elections at all levels, if need be by amending the Constitution.

Fourth, mandate a balanced federal budget, thereby demolishing the pretense that Americans need not choose between guns and butter.

Fifth, implement a program of national service, thereby eliminating the all-volunteer military and restoring the tradition of the citizen-soldier. Doing so will help close the gap between the military and society and enrich the prevailing conception of citizenship. It might even encourage members of Congress to think twice before signing off on wars that the commander-in-chief wants to fight.

Sixth, enact tax policies that will promote greater income equality.

Seventh, increase public funding for public higher education, thereby ensuring that college remains an option for those who are not well-to-do.

Eighth, beyond mere “job” creation, attend to the growing challenges of providing meaningful work — employment that is both rewarding and reasonably remunerative — for those without advanced STEM degrees.

Ninth, end the thumb-twiddling on climate change and start treating it as the first-order national security priority that it is.

Tenth, absent evident progress on the above, create a new party system, breaking the current duopoly in which Republicans and Democrats tacitly collaborate to dictate the policy agenda and restrict the range of policy options deemed permissible.

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