Marriage Proposal


Undercover Mod
Man, a lot of naysayers in here!

Don't listen to'em balzac, if she grows and loves pot as much as you do... growing a ring into a bud is probably one of the most unique and romantic things you could do!

A hell of a lot better than the traditional take her out to dinner and get down on one knee bullshit...
Thanks man.

I just think it would blow her away. Who expects to find a ring in the middle of a nug?


Well-Known Member
make it a really good strain too. something she really likes, or some shes never had but you know she will love.


Active Member
A word to the wise my man.... A woman is a hopeless romantic. After being married for 26 years I've learned many things about a woman. #1 on the list is this, a woman takes romance VERY SERIOUSLY.. It may seem cool to do it, but remember she has in her mind this moment of her dream man asking her the most famous question of her life. She has replayed this moment her entire life. Get down on one knee in a VERY romantic restaurant and go old school. It may seem cheesy, but there is no school like the old school my friend. You guys can smoke some killer dank after she says yes. Good luck..


Undercover Mod
I appreciate the advice, but man life is unconventional and I chose not to be traditional. I am not religious in anyway, but i do believe in commitment.


Active Member
seriously man, dont let these guys tell you how to propose to your woman

if you think she would like it then go for it

and as for the dude saying..."dont sign anything"?

are you serious? do you even know what it means to get married?


Well-Known Member
she would never see it coming, sound perfect to me, nice romatic out of the way place, ask her to pack up a bowl for you and bam! perfect moment, she'll never forget it. ever. unless she gets really bad dementia, but thats a whole other can of worms. lol. you can deal with that when the time comes.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
she would never see it coming, sound perfect to me, nice romatic out of the way place, ask her to pack up a bowl for you and bam! perfect moment, she'll never forget it. ever. unless she gets really bad dementia, but thats a whole other can of worms. lol. you can deal with that when the time comes.

....unless she gets really bad dementia :lol:


Well-Known Member
I would have loved that, what a novel idea.... But yeah, she may have to change the story slightly when telling family and friends but so friggin what? This idea is the ultimate proposal idea, but me being a heavy smoker and grower it suits me.... :-)


Well-Known Member
make it a really good strain too. something she really likes, or some shes never had but you know she will love.
or if you wanted to go over the top you could breed up a new strain and name it after her or something like that. maybe name it "our strain", i dunno, just a thought i had when i read this.


Undercover Mod
I would have loved that, what a novel idea.... But yeah, she may have to change the story slightly when telling family and friends but so friggin what? This idea is the ultimate proposal idea, but me being a heavy smoker and grower it suits me.... :-)
See now this is what I like to hear people. I know I am quite brilliant. lol


Undercover Mod
or if you wanted to go over the top you could breed up a new strain and name it after her or something like that. maybe name it "our strain", i dunno, just a thought i had when i read this.
I was toying around with that idea. But it takes years to perfect a strain. That would truely be a work of love.


Well-Known Member
thats true, maybe as a 5 or 10 yr anniversary present it would work out easier/better for it, never hurts to plan ahead, lol, Your idea is quite brilliant imo, your right to be proud of it. I think its one of the best ideas for a marriage proposal ive ever heard of. Is she a crier? might want to have a back up of kleenex with you, I can imagine the look of suprise as she realizes whats going on, and then the tears rolling down her cheeks. I'm really shocked now that youve brought it up that ive never heard anyone else come up with this idea, cuz its a great one and looking back seems pretty obvious.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I was toying around with that idea. But it takes years to perfect a strain. That would truely be a work of love.

Yo yo listen to this

So your all ready to go, ring is in the cured bud.

Say hey baby let's sit down for a session I got some new shit I want to try.

Hand her the bud, tell her its called, "willyou" weed. She won't understand the name at the time, but she soon will. NO WAY she will make the connection. Afterall it is just a nug! Tell her your going to grab something and tell her to break it up for you. Sneak out by the door but stay close so you can watch her, when she breaks it open and sees the ring she will be totally amazed and hella suprised. At that time she should begin to put 2 and 2 together. Now while she's making the connection, walk in, get on your knee and say, "willyou marry me?" She will instantly under stand why the weed is called willyou


Undercover Mod
Damn man this guy has played it all out. I have a feeling that this is gonna be done by more people than just me. I may have just started a fad lol.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Damn man this guy has played it all out. I have a feeling that this is gonna be done by more people than just me. I may have just started a fad lol.
Dude, I hope my girl gets into weed like I am so I can do this.

It prolly won't be an engagement ring but ill figure something out


Well-Known Member
Yo yo listen to this

So your all ready to go, ring is in the cured bud.

Say hey baby let's sit down for a session I got some new shit I want to try.

Hand her the bud, tell her its called, "willyou" weed. She won't understand the name at the time, but she soon will. NO WAY she will make the connection. Afterall it is just a nug! Tell her your going to grab something and tell her to break it up for you. Sneak out by the door but stay close so you can watch her, when she breaks it open and sees the ring she will be totally amazed and hella suprised. At that time she should begin to put 2 and 2 together. Now while she's making the connection, walk in, get on your knee and say, "willyou marry me?" She will instantly under stand why the weed is called willyou
Again, bloody brilliant, my hubby wasn't that creative... :-)