Married stoners w/ non-smoking S/O, where do u smoke?


Well-Known Member
I am married to a woman who has FINALLY accepted the fact that I smoke a lot of pot. I used to do it in my office in the house right next to a window. It was perfect for me because while I smoke I like to game/work/watch stuff on the computer and my best machines are in the office.

She hated it because as soon as she would walk in the door to the room she would smell it. So she ended up asking me to take it outside. Just because of the design of the house and the fact that we are on a slope, there are only a handful of places where I can be outside and not be seen by neighbors, on the other hand we do live in a rural neighborhood and even smoking it the backyard the neighbors would smell. Being a closet stoner I don't want any of that.

So I ended up taking over the garden shed. I used to grow in there so I had to remove allllllllllllllll of that crap. I bought a card table, moved my beer mini-fridge out there, put the window AC on a timer and rigged up an extended WiFi network as well as a couple of computers. All of my air movement/filtration gear was already out there and while I can still make the room stink, I am the only person ever in there.

Now I get up in the morning, shower, get dressed, get ready for work then go out to the shed, watch The Daily Show, hit the bong or vape a bit and sip my coffee. I can't think of much more peaceful than watching the sun come up with a bong in your hand.

So where do you smoke? Is your significant other ok with you smoking inside?


Active Member
My second mom is married to a smoker, but she really doesn't like it. He hits his bong in the hot tube, which is really awesome. She'd get mad at us on occasion when she was on a bad mood when we used the pipe the house, but most of the time she just ignored it. I'm lucky enough to be with a smoker, so I don't have to worry about any of that.


Well-Known Member
My second mom is married to a smoker, but she really doesn't like it. He hits his bong in the hot tube, which is really awesome. She'd get mad at us on occasion when she was on a bad mood when we used the pipe the house, but most of the time she just ignored it. I'm lucky enough to be with a smoker, so I don't have to worry about any of that.
The thing that pisses me off is that she only knows about it when she catches me. I can smoke my balls off when she is gone and she never knows when she gets home. On the other hand if I smoke with her in the house AND she walks in she smells it and claims it is stinking up the house.

Part of this is because I am a POS and used to lie to her about smoking (she would walk in, smell it and I would deny it with a loaded bong not a foot from me out of sight).

Being the tinkerer that I am I built 2 devices to help with this. The first was a 1/2" PVC tube filled with carbon and capped with dryer sheets. It worked well enough but didn't do shit for the smoke coming off the bong.

The next idea was a 150 CFM exhaust fan like in bathrooms that I ducted out an open window. Now this room is like 12'x12'x10' so the fan was moving all of the air in the room out the window every 10 minutes. No only this but it sucks that room into a negative pressure which means the smoke stays in that or is exhausted.

The fan solves the problem 100% but she still doesn't like it.


Well-Known Member
my gf smokes also, we usually smoke in our house or on our font porch, neighbors smoke too so its straight. you should just make a carbon filter for ur shed lol. and then when u smoke she cant say shit cuz there will be no smell. but i like ur shed, i think i might fix mine up like that someday.


Well-Known Member
my gf smokes also, we usually smoke in our house or on our font porch, neighbors smoke too so its straight. you should just make a carbon filter for ur shed lol. and then when u smoke she cant say shit cuz there will be no smell. but i like ur shed, i think i might fix mine up like that someday.
I am working on filtration tonight but I will also be adding quite a few plants to the room to help brighten it up (not pot plants).


Active Member
Try a humidifier. Dunno about pot smoke, but it clears cigarette smoke. You can get a small one for fifty dollars at Bed Bath and Beyond. Comes with fragrances.


Well-Known Member
My girlfriend thinks I am "breaking her heart" every time I smoke.... The first week I started seeing her (3 years ago), I told her straight up that I smoke, and always will.. Its annoying listening to her complain about me "wasting my money" on new pipes and grass, but I just told her she should come to terms with this, and stop making a big deal.. She doesn't want to smoke, and I respect her choice, but I think its about time that she respects my choices...

I use a Hepa filter in my room everyday when I smoke, and within 15 mins, the smell is completely gone. Man I love carbon filter!


Well-Known Member
I am working on filtration tonight but I will also be adding quite a few plants to the room to help brighten it up (not pot plants).

take dryer sheets and stuff them in a cardboard tube(the middle of a paper towel roll) blow the smoke through that.


Well-Known Member
She doesn't want to smoke, and I respect her choice, but I think its about time that she respects my choices...

Haha i dont have that problem with weed, but I do play a game called World of Warcraft (WoW) and i get the "if you loved me you would quit", etc.. Women are always tryin to change their partner imo.


Well-Known Member
take dryer sheets and stuff them in a cardboard tube(the middle of a paper towel roll) blow the smoke through that.
he said he has a "spoof" already i think

Haha i dont have that problem with weed, but I do play a game called World of Warcraft (WoW) and i get the "if you loved me you would quit", etc.. Women are always tryin to change their partner imo.
i know people who have ruined there lives like people do with drug addictions with that World of Warcraft.


sux your wife dont let you toke in your own house. at least your man hut sounds pretty cool. if you cant get her to change her mind and smoke with you you might end up chillin in this shed feeling ostrisized from the rest of your house for as long as you smoke/live


Well-Known Member
I am working on filtration tonight but I will also be adding quite a few plants to the room to help brighten it up (not pot plants).

My girl doesn't like that I smoke but as long as I'm honest with her and admit it if I do she just shakes her head. I usually smoke in the garage becuase she doesn't like the smell and she don't go in there. I also smoke in my backyard. I'm in a rural area and the neighbours ain't that close, or I go for a walk to the park up the road cuz there is a a great view there to just sit and smoke.

If you want a way to get rid of the smell, check out sunblaster. They have an ionizing CFL. I talked to the guy at my hydoponics shop. He told me that he's not sure how good it is. I know it's rxpensive, like $20 - $30 CDN. He said one guy bought one from him to try it cuz he smokes (ciggs, not weed) and she don't. The review was it works! The guy said that hw would turn on the light and smoke next to it and the smell would be gone and she didn't mind that way. So I've heard one really good review about it. It's supposed to work. Check it out and hey if it helps then great.

Good luck.


Active Member
Doesn't Snoop Dog have a man shed that he smokes in outside his house too?? I remember watching his show one time and his wife came out to said man shed and saw containers of fried chicken sitting around and Snoop's eyes chinked the EFF out.

My fiance doesn't smoke and I usually smoke in the living room. I'm looking into converting our basement to my smoke room and have started collecting decorations to hang up! If he had a problem with me smoking, he would go upstairs where his computer/tv/movies are or goes downstairs to play pool. If he didn't want me doing it in front of him, he would ask and I would gladly oblige! :)


Well-Known Member
How many people's partners who dont toke have tryed it? or do they refuse to try it?
Apparently my girl friend will never smoke pot. I asked her today to stop giving me a hard time, and she said she would as long as I don't ask if she wants to get high. Personally, I just think she is afraid of smoking in general, not the fact of being high.


Well-Known Member
How many people's partners who dont toke have tryed it? or do they refuse to try it?

My Fiance has never tried and does not want to. She just doesn't want to. I repsect that and I don't ask her to. She's really good about it and knows it was who I was when she met me and respects that. She wouldn't have been with me if it was a problem.


Well-Known Member
My gf smokes right along with me, so we smoke wherever in our place. She doesnt smoke quite as much as I do (I'm pretty much high all the time), but she has accepted the fact that this is who I am.

It wasnt always like this though. When we first met she didnt smoke and was against it. I told her I smoked on occasion (didnt want to scare her off haha) and she didnt really want me doing it. Well, i stayed persistent and eventually she was ok with me smoking. Then it was well, why dont you try it? She wasnt very educated about marijuana so I schooled her on it a little bit. She began to smoke with me every once in a while and when we moved in with eachother, she started smoking everyday with me. Now she's a pothead like me :)


New Member
My wife smoked in college and the first couple years we dated. Now she looks down on me.
Same story here. Our first christmas together while dating, she got me a $100 bong.

Fast forward about year later, after we got married...SHE decides I am going to quit smoking. That led to a few miserable weeks, before I put my foot down. It was a long hard fight, but 6 years later I grow my own and sometimes she even suggests I go outside for a quick smoke break. I can be one unpleasant SOB to be around if I don't medicate daily, it just took her a while to realize it.

PS- matthew I like the man shack idea. Someday I plan to build a detached garage for the same purpose.