%%%%% Mars %%%%%


Well-Known Member
HoLE asks one question,,,Hey,,,do we got any of that Plutonium Nyborg left man????:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



New Member
I believe mars is getting ready for life... whether this has something to do with the sun heating up, I don't know.

Either way, mars does seem to be getting ready for it. We of course could have instigated this. The so-called beagle missions could have planted the start of life. Certain energies collide, and it could start life... or at least the processes needed to sustain life.

It could also be, that beneath the ground on mars there are buried civilisations... long dead of course... who knows...


Well-Known Member
I believe mars is getting ready for life... whether this has something to do with the sun heating up, I don't know.

Either way, mars does seem to be getting ready for it. We of course could have instigated this. The so-called beagle missions could have planted the start of life. Certain energies collide, and it could start life... or at least the processes needed to sustain life.

It could also be, that beneath the ground on mars there are buried civilisations... long dead of course... who knows...

all it would take is a speck or 2 of DNA left behind from some technician on that mars rover. ta da, the seed is planted. :mrgreen:


New Member
I know scientists run tests all the time just with energy. They collide different energies together by sending them the opposite way around a circuit, then when they collide they make notes of wht happens or forms from the collision.

This is the very essence of life, or what life needs to begin with... the smallest form of life, I believe, is the protein. Even this needs a habitable environment in which to live and evolve.

These environments are created by certain energies colliding in a certain way.

It is reasonable atm to suggest that we are capable of causing some type of 'genesis' effect on mars.

It would also make good sense. Mars would be the ideal sister planet for earth.


Well-Known Member
this is like that bible prophecy u have so many words in a book you can have a computer search it up down left right diagonal and backwards and come up with phases like "god is here" "kenedy will die"

but mars is huge man I can prolly look up at the clouds for a few min baked and show you the giza plantue

i would say if there was bugs bactiria creatures on mars at one time chances are they would not be inteligent and are obviously long ago dead except maybe below the poles near like valcano vents or somthing like that. terra forming mars would take at least 100 years to do.


New Member
terra forming mars would take at least 100 years to do.
I agree, at least... doesn't mean they haven't started yet.

Where did the polar ice caps just suddenly appear from? We've had the capabilities to look at mars for decades, why haven't the ice caps been spotted until recently?

Maybe the first beagle mission was such a success that they sent a second to help speed things up further.


Master of Mayhem
The Sirians incorporated worship of the cat idol into the Egyptian religion to ensure the perpetuity of this method of spying. The Sirians also built the Sphinx as a symbolic reminder of the blending of human genetics with lion frequency. This was a way to energetically bind future civilization to the Sirians. The Sphinx was designed to face the morning star Sirius A every day. The face on the Sphinx is identical to the face on the Mars monument that looks down to the Earth at the Sphinx.

Selected excerpts from: Blue Blood, True Blood, Conflict and Creation - 2