Well-Known Member

Buy a light from Tasty LED! It's made from the best parts already!so thankfully i read this before spending almost 3000 on some mars2 1600s and 2 of the big reflector series, i just have a few questions if you guys can answer them. im totally up for the DIY lights but i need lights for the time being while i build the other set. Im moving and already sold all my current setup.
im trying to cover a 5x10 which will then become my veg room when i build the other lights. i can probably throw some lights together for cheap, but all this talk about alibaba made me look up premade lights and on their site I found this
do you guys think these will be better than mars hydros for the time being( 3-6 months max)
im going to try and get the biggest ones they have and like 2-3 of them.... im just looking on anybodys opinion who is saying that cob lights are better. or are these not the right cob lights?. please any info would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance. please tell me if theres something im missing when im searching for lights, light a certain led or something. thanks!
You can order a spare one and send it my way