#Marshydro Lovely stickers now are under production and will be available soon in warehouses, you want it?

I pay joe 10; dollars a pack now and I started smoking in 83

I got hooked on Camels on a trip down to Oregon in '92 but lived in BC 3 miles from a border crossing so a quick trip down to Lynden, WA every payday for 2 cartons tucked under the back seat for the ride home fed my habit for years. Got all sorts of cool Camel stuff still sending in the Camel Bucks and having that sent to my uncle's in OR for my mom to pick up for me when she went down in the motor home for visits. My boys loved the boxer shorts. :)

The filter 100s were my fave.

I got hooked on Camels on a trip down to Oregon in '92 but lived in BC 3 miles from a border crossing so a quick trip down to Lynden, WA every payday for 2 cartons tucked under the back seat for the ride home fed my habit for years. Got all sorts of cool Camel stuff still sending in the Camel Bucks and having that sent to my uncle's in OR for my mom to pick up for me when she went down in the motor home for visits. My boys loved the boxer shorts. :)

The filter 100s were my fave.

I'm still smoking 99s full flavor all of these years later.They are now almost 10 dollars us per pack I'm almost ready to quit ha
I'm still smoking 99s full flavor all of these years later.They are now almost 10 dollars us per pack I'm almost ready to quit ha

Walk into any gas station here in Alberta and a pack of 25 premium cigs is almost $20. Tobacco is almost $1/g and I've been smoking hand rolled for 10 years now. Wife and I both need to quit and will be having another go at that pretty soon. Too old and broke for this BS.

Kind of reminds me of Joe Camel selling cigarettes to the kiddies back in the day.

They did sell a lot of cigs to kids tho. ;)

I remember Joe Camel but, I can't remember him selling me a pack of smokes though. I don't recall Philip Morris, or RJ Reynolds selling me a pack of smokes either. What I do remember was the guy behind the counter that didn't give a fuck and just wanted your money selling me basically anything I wanted. Ultimately the blame is on me.
For buying them.
I remember Joe Camel but, I can't remember him selling me a pack of smokes though. I don't recall Philip Morris, or RJ Reynolds selling me a pack of smokes either. What I do remember was the guy behind the counter that didn't give a fuck and just wanted your money selling me basically anything I wanted. Ultimately the blame is on me.
For buying them.

So you don't believe that advertising can influence young impressionable minds to buy something they otherwise might not? The US gov't would seem to disagree with that in that they banned Camel from using Joe Camel and other cartoon characters from being used as they targeted children. Supposedly.
So you don't believe that advertising can influence young impressionable minds to buy something they otherwise might not? The US gov't would seem to disagree with that in that they banned Camel from using Joe Camel and other cartoon characters from being used as they targeted children. Supposedly.
No, no, advertising works, and children are particularly susceptible, but if the penalty for underage selling were something the individual clerk was held accountable for (rather than the company) there would be significantly fewer young smokers in the world. I also put some accountability toward the parents, when I told my dad I smoke all he told me was "I can't condemn you for something I do myself", and "quit stealing mine". Points for the lack of hypocrisy, demerits for overall parenting. I told my son I would be so much more proud of him if he never touches tobacco. He turns 20 in a couple weeks so I'm calling it a victory because he don't smoke tobacco and doesn't like the taste of alcohol. Again, it is ultimately my own fault that I'm addicted to tobacco.
I just bought a new FC -E 6500 and it didn't have a sticker pack or my shirt or hat in the box with the light,I'm super pleased with the light I'd really like the stickers and a shirt though for sure thanks in advance in the last 3 months I've bought a FC 3000 and a FC-E 6500 I'm definitely a Mars Hydro fan.I can email all recipes I didn't want to make all my info public so thanks in advance Mars Hydro