
You are questioning the reality of the reporting? OK, here are factual links..

Repeal of mask mandate: Coverings for COVID 19 Prevention.pdf

Feel free to draw your own conclusions to the facts presented.
Children’s Health Defense is famous as a disseminator of antivax horseshit. Facts come from elsewhere.
Children’s Health Defense is famous as a disseminator of antivax horseshit. Facts come from elsewhere.
They are the ones involved in the suit, so they are openly hosting the document. You are welcome to look it up by case number yourself.
I am pointing out that they are purveyors of lies.
You are welcome to your opinion on that. I could also say the same about Biden who just a month or so ago told the nation that they wouldn't get sick and wouldn't die if they got the vaxx, which clearly isn't exactly true. That isn't even the debate though. Facts are some dude sued because of the discriminatory mask mandate, so before a court had a chance to look at and make a ruling (thereby setting a precedent), the rule was changed to something not discriminatory. Why don't we discuss those facts, instead of deflecting about the news source.
You are welcome to your opinion on that. I could also say the same about Biden who just a month or so ago told the nation that they wouldn't get sick and wouldn't die if they got the vaxx, which clearly isn't exactly true. That isn't even the debate though. Facts are some dude sued because of the discriminatory mask mandate, so before a court had a chance to look at and make a ruling (thereby setting a precedent), the rule was changed to something not discriminatory. Why don't we discuss those facts, instead of deflecting about the news source.
Your facts about Biden appear vetted through a hostile filter.

Because the news source is of central importance in these days of “news services dedicated to viewer ideology” and speaks to preinstalled bias.
Your facts about Biden appear vetted through a hostile filter.

Because the news source is of central importance in these days of “news services dedicated to viewer ideology” and speaks to preinstalled bias.
Dude, I voted for Biden, but I don't pray to him. Bias or no bias, the facts stand alone. You are deflecting because you don't want to accept the facts. Sad state of affairs we are in when logical people can become so radicalized as to be opposed to even consider any alternate possibilities from what they have already chosen to believe.