Mass Arrest at Republcian Convention


Well-Known Member
I dunno if this has been posted or not but you have to check it out..

I'm sorry but I really had to lol at Americans and your ridiculous, corrupt politics.. you people and your so called 'democracy'.. and you claim to be the 'leaders of the free world'.. what bullshit that is

It's an outrage that this actually happened and my heart does go out to all the unfortunate people who were involved in this fiasco..

Incredible Documentary Footage of Mass Arrest in St. Paul | PEEK | AlterNet

(i hope it works)

fucking pigs, that is what makes me want to move out of america... but the pigs got me locked in here for another year >.<:wall::cuss:
"I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and I understand."-- Confucius (c.a. 500 BC)

This is an awesome quote
dude that was like reminding me of v for vendetta, which is an awesome movie that explores the corruption of government in a futuristic England. very moving.
call it what you will, but that is only one side of what happened. i am not saying that any side would give the police the right to act that way, but we do not know what happened before hand. the truth is for all we know the performers across the way saw people attending the concert in a way that didnt pay and they called the police and when the police asked them to move they didnt. that gives them the right to escort you away from the property. if you wont willingly then that gives them the right to use tear gas on your ass. as for the mass arrest that was just the pigs being pissed and assholes, no excuses for that from me
Yup.. f*cked up shyt.. we were ranting about this in the political forum when it all went down..

And from all the footage (youtube) and accounts at the time, you could not hear any warning to disburse before this shyt..
People need to fight back. I dare any officer to arrest me without a reason. I may get beat down, but I surely won't go quietly into the night as they say, but I do agree that there could be more to the situation. The concert theory isn't valid though because if the people were so worried about people seeing a free show they should have done it elsewhere less public in my opinion.
call it what you will, but that is only one side of what happened. i am not saying that any side would give the police the right to act that way, but we do not know what happened before hand. the truth is for all we know the performers across the way saw people attending the concert in a way that didnt pay and they called the police and when the police asked them to move they didnt. that gives them the right to escort you away from the property. if you wont willingly then that gives them the right to use tear gas on your ass. as for the mass arrest that was just the pigs being pissed and assholes, no excuses for that from me

The evidence is plain and clear. I saw not a single citizen affront an officer. I heard no public announcement for any legitimate reason to leave the area. Those people were herded into that park. They were forced to stay, not allowed to leave, and arrested for..... what? There is no such law as loitering in a public park, period. That was those peoples land, the american peoples land. In that instance, without due process, and notification of legal action, the people had the right to physically defend themselves, to include matching force. Damn, they almost started the revolution right there. Damn, my blood is boiling. I am not easy to anger, not one little bit, but I am furious. It is time to hit the streets!

This is a quote from some one that posted a comment about the video:
"The girl who said "Are you serious?" in response to the arrest order really encapsulates the vast majority of Americans. We have it good, really good in this country, and our freedom to be hedonistic is great. But in exchange for enjoying our materialistic world, we've given up our most basic political rights, among them the right to assemble peaceably and protest government policies and actions.

I frankly think it's time for another revolution, something I thought Mr. Obama might give us in a nonviolent way but now realize he will not.

So maybe we need to really take to the streets again. "

I completely agree with this. My blood is boiling!
Won't happen until these atrocities reach 'normal' people... right now it's just "crazy protesters" and "anarchists", and most people who hear about this shyt and see it with their eyes go "oh, there must be a reason the cops did it, they weren't listening to the cops or something".. just complete disconnect, they obviously haven't protested before, protesters get harassed everywhere..

My family has personal lines in the sand, and if one is passed, lock and load baby.
Won't happen until these atrocities reach 'normal' people... right now it's just "crazy protesters" and "anarchists", and most people who hear about this shyt and see it with their eyes go "oh, there must be a reason the cops did it, they weren't listening to the cops or something".. just complete disconnect, they obviously haven't protested before, protesters get harassed everywhere..

My family has personal lines in the sand, and if one is passed, lock and load baby.

Yah thats true but I think that the energy crisis will reach "normal" people I can't wait until gas is $7/gal then maybe people will get off their asses and we will see some unrest around here. It amazes me how much people don't care about their rights as long as it does not happen to them.
I dunno if this has been posted or not but you have to check it out..

I'm sorry but I really had to lol at Americans and your ridiculous, corrupt politics.. you people and your so called 'democracy'.. and you claim to be the 'leaders of the free world'.. what bullshit that is

It's an outrage that this actually happened and my heart does go out to all the unfortunate people who were involved in this fiasco..

Incredible Documentary Footage of Mass Arrest in St. Paul | PEEK | AlterNet

(i hope it works)

Oh, please, tell us where you live so we can all move there! Because, apparently, where you live the government has no corruption and politicians are honest. Apparently where you live the police aren't even needed, for anything! Apparently where you live, it's a utopia, and we all want to live in a utopia. Can we live there with you?

So, how would you explain the falling value of the U.S. dollar and its effect on the global economy, seeing as how our "world leader" stuff is bullshit? :D

Now, I'm not happy at ALL about what happened at the RNC or the DNC. But that's our kettle of fish to stew.
I dunno if this has been posted or not but you have to check it out..

I'm sorry but I really had to lol at Americans and your ridiculous, corrupt politics.. you people and your so called 'democracy'.. and you claim to be the 'leaders of the free world'.. what bullshit that is

jesus fucking christ shut the fuck up!! I hate it when those who don't live in America have to remind us of this shit and call us stupid whenever something like this happens! FUCK YOU!! IT'S FUCKING ANNOYING AND OBNOXIOUS OF YOU!!!
The evidence is plain and clear. I saw not a single citizen affront an officer. I heard no public announcement for any legitimate reason to leave the area. Those people were herded into that park. They were forced to stay, not allowed to leave, and arrested for..... what? There is no such law as loitering in a public park, period. That was those peoples land, the american peoples land. In that instance, without due process, and notification of legal action, the people had the right to physically defend themselves, to include matching force. Damn, they almost started the revolution right there. Damn, my blood is boiling. I am not easy to anger, not one little bit, but I am furious. It is time to hit the streets!

This is a quote from some one that posted a comment about the video:
"The girl who said "Are you serious?" in response to the arrest order really encapsulates the vast majority of Americans. We have it good, really good in this country, and our freedom to be hedonistic is great. But in exchange for enjoying our materialistic world, we've given up our most basic political rights, among them the right to assemble peaceably and protest government policies and actions.

I frankly think it's time for another revolution, something I thought Mr. Obama might give us in a nonviolent way but now realize he will not.

So maybe we need to really take to the streets again. "

I completely agree with this. My blood is boiling!

if you think for a second that what we saw in the video is the whole story, then i have a bridge in arizona i can sell ya real cheap ;)