Mass Medical Strains

I prefer to support ethical businesses.

Those kinds of personal opinions have little value to me, by all means live by your own values but as I've said many times the genes are the facts I care about. Is any company ethical when their selling seeds for $5+ when they cost a fraction of a penny to produce? It's a seedy business no matter how you look at it...

You'll note I said nothing about any seeds he makes or allegations about star pupil or any other strains he's marketed. That's because all of the slimy, victim behavior speaks for itself--before ever taking seeds into account. Further, the fact that you refer to everything as opinion (including the things that are easily proven to be fact) tells me that you're not interested in discussion--only in proving your opinion correct.

Interesting interpretation to deflect from the point which is whether his seeds are as good as other seeds on the market. From my experience they are, which as I've stated are the only facts I care about. None of your criticisms are facts but your interpretation of his actions. Considering none of them are based on direct experience growing his seeds as you've decided his "slimy, victim behaviour speaks for itself", so your opinions are subjective based on your experience and values without being based on his genetics.

Your what-about-ism speaks volumes.
Seems like a convenient way to dismiss my points by holding MMS to a different standard then the rest of the companies. Read the forums long enough and you'll hear the same complaints about all the companies which is why I ignore opinions from people who haven't grown the seeds they're complaining about.
I know of 2 that said he used their gear, melvenetics and stoned ninja. And I think one or two more. There is just better gear out there. Hell, wait a day or two and between IG and the seedbanks, they are adding more as we speak lol no really!

Which of his seeds have you ran and which do you think are better? Saying others claimed he used their seeds is exactly the kind of irrelevant chatter that can't be confirmed either way until we have clearly mapped the genome and can show the relationship between varieties.
Which is basically how I see the whole situation, Prof P, MMS and most IG pollen chuckers rely heavily on marketing to push their gear which often influences peoples opinion more then the genetics themselves.

Just as long as we acknowledge Professor P is not by any means, a pollen chucker. I don’t do Instagram, so I don’t see the drama but if anyone has room to talk that’s not someone I would doubt
Just as long as we acknowledge Professor P is not by any means, a pollen chucker. I don’t do Instagram, so I don’t see the drama but if anyone has room to talk that’s not someone I would doubt

I have no clue who he is. I seem to remember something about a falling out between them after their collab around Mr E Pupil when I first heard about MMS but really don't know much about him. Unless of course I'm mixed up and thinking of someone else as I really could care less about peoples personal drama around business. I assume it's the same kind of drama around MMS "preservation" project with the acapulca gold they were gifted and ended up trying to sell packs at their normal prices and caused the backlash. Which clearly shows he's motivated by profit like everyone else more then his peace/love/community tripe. Which again is the politics I could really care less about as it has nothing to do with the actual genetics in the seeds, just people's ego's and opinions which really don't matter much to me when most people are motivated by the profit potential.

As a side note I've found as many good plants from pollen chuckers as I have from "reputable" companies, it's kinda funny to me it's become an insult quite honestly as most "breeders" are probably more accurately described as pollen chuckers with the limited selection pools their working with. I don't personally use it as an insult but unless someone is making selections from thousands of plants at a time, actually line breeding to test males and increase homozygosity and maintaining a collection of all parent stock used; I consider them a pollen chucker not a profession plant breeder. The simple fact most varieties wouldn't qualify for breeders rights shows the low standards pot growers have from breeders which is perfectly rational in the context of the laws limiting actual scientific plant breeding which needs a large scale or a long period of time (like with heritage vegetables stabalized over generations of selective breeding through saving seeds of the best plants).
For the purpose of research I’ll continue to buy his seeds alongside other breeders that I’ve good experience’s with and let you know if I have any bad experiences when I do.
If mass medical has the best genetics, and in his spare time, kills infants, I will not buy those seeds.
If mass medical has the best genetics, and lies about where they came from, I will buy those seeds.
I don’t care about the back story, as long as you aren’t some crazy bad dude.. if you have good genetics I want a run at them
But lots of breeders have fire gear. Why not buy from one of the ethical ones?
Which of his seeds have you ran and which do you think are better? Saying others claimed he used their seeds is exactly the kind of irrelevant chatter that can't be confirmed either way until we have clearly mapped the genome and can show the relationship between varieties.
Old news son. If you had been around when it happened you’d know. Apparently you weren’t. Been a minute, that’s why most have their mind made up one way or the other over it. Either you like mouse weed or you don’t . Same thing goin on with the snitch’s sour d lol. Some are too young to remember Rez deal. Some ain’t. The youngsters believe his hype too. Good luck with that ninja fruit and buckeye purple.
Old news son. If you had been around when it happened you’d know. Apparently you weren’t. Been a minute, that’s why most have their mind made up one way or the other over it. Either you like mouse weed or you don’t . Same thing goin on with the snitch’s sour d lol. Some are too young to remember Rez deal. Some ain’t. The youngsters believe his hype too. Good luck with that ninja fruit and buckeye purple.

Lol, I've followed Rez since he got his Sour D cut and started working it back on CW, I know all about how sketchy he ended up being but you've lost me on how that effects the quality of the genetics in his plants? Enjoy your high horse based on hearsay, rumours and anecdotes. I'm too busy growing plants I enjoy, that meet my needs to care what randoms on the internet think without having actually grown the gear their running down.
But lots of breeders have fire gear. Why not buy from one of the ethical ones?

Spend enough time growing and on the forums and you'll hear sketchy stories about every breeder from dissatisfied customers. What are these supposedly ethical companies that don't heavily rely on marketing? Having grown seeds from most of the big companies it's more smoke and mirrors then substance in my opinion.
Many dissatisfied customers aren’t the best growers, so there’s that. I just choose to not run what you run and that makes me no better than you, just different experiences. For diff reasons. You just choose to wax poetically about it and I don’t. Carry on grasshopper!
For my sativa varieties and berry leaning stuff I go dynasty. For chems and purples I go csi. I’ve never heard a bad thing said about either breeder and I’ve never had a bad experience with their genetics

Nspecta is a solid grower, he's another one like Katsu or Dman that I've followed since CW. Dynasty/Prof P I have no opinion of, after looking at his site I remember I stopped following him shortly before dropping MMS on IG as they both seemed drama prone/marketing heavy. Ironically I've got some of the Pupil Magoo growing now and maybe 10-20 seeds left that Dman gave me along with his Stellar Collision F2's and a bunch of other MMS gear. Soon enough I'll see if his Blue Magoo was worth all the drama that got kicked up by that collab
I ran star pupil was the first time I had a herm and the only plant to herm that run. Ran her a second time same thing straight to the bin. Tried a friend's organic grown flowers let's say nothing to brag there.
Stellar Collision didn't have any herms out of the 16 seeds I grew. Katsu Pupil had a couple nanner's late in flower on one or two plants out of 6 seeds but nothing to worry about, Bubba Pupil didn't show any herm traits out of the 6 pack. I've only grown collabs with other growers I follow, other then all the MMS seeds Dman gave me of course.
Stellar Collision #5 at 7 weeks, I usually harvest around 9.
“I was very impressed with the unique strains that weren’t heavy indica, organic methods, good morals and seeing the passion through the whole process instead of just dropping new seeds.”

Geez the kid drops a million crosses a year… what you talking about?

I have followed him from the beginning. I just can’t stomach him for the Woodstock farmacy Acapulco gold and Irrizine incidents…both of which I witnessed unfold. Don’t screw with preservations.

Also he has this irrational thing against cookies. I get it..cookies is everywhere and it’s boring and lame…but to say it’s used by people who have bad intentions and it brings the worst out of people is just stupid. That is someone’s medicine…that and it’s just a bag seed…it’s wierd he gives these attributes to a random plant…then he used it in crosses 2x…first because “this cut was different” the next time because it’s to “give people what they think they want” whatever.

He does love to block people. I have seen thicker skin on a peach. Likes to control the narrative 100%

All this being said I did grow a few of his things out in the beginning and they were very good..not excellent but very good, I was pleased. But there are plenty of good genetics out there so I don’t have to support him.
“I was very impressed with the unique strains that weren’t heavy indica, organic methods, good morals and seeing the passion through the whole process instead of just dropping new seeds.”

Geez the kid drops a million crosses a year… what you talking about?

I have followed him from the beginning. I just can’t stomach him for the Woodstock farmacy Acapulco gold and Irrizine incidents…both of which I witnessed unfold. Don’t screw with preservations.

Also he has this irrational thing against cookies. I get it..cookies is everywhere and it’s boring and lame…but to say it’s used by people who have bad intentions and it brings the worst out of people is just stupid. That is someone’s medicine…that and it’s just a bag seed…it’s wierd he gives these attributes to a random plant…then he used it in crosses 2x…first because “this cut was different” the next time because it’s to “give people what they think they want” whatever.

He does love to block people. I have seen thicker skin on a peach. Likes to control the narrative 100%

All this being said I did grow a few of his things out in the beginning and they were very good..not excellent but very good, I was pleased. But there are plenty of good genetics out there so I don’t have to support him.
I’m going to give you credit on this response, you’ve got god reasons for what you say and have actually tried his strains. Certainly beats “he’s a fake as he uses a voice changer” or “my mate says he’s reselling xxx strains” I like what I’ve grown so far and had good results and he’s always responsive to any questions I’ve had. I don’t worship him but I have had more problems with other breeders and happy to share that I’ve been more than happy with what he’s doing.
I know everyone has an opinion and experience that they will share. What was the incidents you mentioned about Woodstock farmacy, irrizine and Acapulco gold? I’m thinking you mean Irrazing, but I follow his work and not seen any conflict.