Mass Murder by Blade, you Vast Idiots

Do you not see the divide et impera inherent in describing fellow members of our species and society as "scumbags" and "pieces of shit"? Do you not realize that as they are, so are we? Only by embracing the abyssal depths of our every individual's capacity for what is colorfully called "inhumanity" can we be truly capable of judging and understanding our fellow humans. The terms "scumbag" and "piece of shit" perpetuate the entirely wrong fiction that you and I are somehow above thoroughly amoral behavior. I expressly oppose this sort of institutionalized priggery. I recommend that you also resist the blandishments of those who would flatter you into believing yourselves somehow constitutionally superior to the Scumbags and Pieces-of-Shit. Behold them and see us, unchained. Understand that and be immune to the agenda of those who would be kings on the collective back of our own invalid yet cherished moralism.
rope is even cheaper, and you can use it over and over.

it's the environmentally friendly choice.


More chance of a fuck up though.

Rope too short, poor bastard strangles. Rope too long, his head comes off...

Chances of 4 people missing on a stationary target from 15 feet with rifles? Not good.

One problem with convicts is the jails and prisons themselves. They do nothing to facilitate rehabilitation. Essentially all beneficial social relationships are severed, and people are forced to create new bonds while incarcerated. Once released, what type of people are you most likely going to associate with?

Hey Beefy, my favorite part starts at post 351. Beef, why didn't the cops just throw down spike strips? Or just shoot the trucks tires? Maybe they thought the people would just jump out of the way. lol