Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club

I live just under an hour away from this location. Sad though, I have a few gay friends in Downtown Orlando I went to Daytona College with, but the clubbing they do is in Dungeons and Dragons.
I'll send them as many 7.62mm NATOs as their malnourished, filthy bodies can handle.

I'm anti-modern military, likely because I was raised by my WWII-era dad who is probably rolling in his grave at what bullies the US has devolved into.
However, when it comes to Isil and similar damaged lunatics (KKK, Westboro Baptist Church, the GOP, etc.), I couldn't agree with you these cases a vigorous spanking is often called for, on several levels...

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This was a false flag operation perpetrated by the government to distract you all from what is really going on. All these people are actors. Where are the cell phone videos and pictures? Why are there no dead bodies? Do you even see any blood? Sheeple everywhere.
I'll send them as many 7.62mm NATOs as their malnourished, filthy bodies can handle.

Not if this guy has anything to say about it:

i wish the best of luck to ISIS fighters in their quest for revolution against their barbaric and murderous oppressors!

ISIS only exists because we invaded iraq and killed half a million innocent civilians.

those freedom fighters are waging a revolution to keep foreign invaders out of their land.

i for one wish them the very best of luck in their mission.

well excuse me for rooting for the little guy.

americans tend to love to root for the underdog. and in this case, the underdog is a ragtag group of fighters who decided they were sick of foreigners invading their land and killing their brothers and sisters. so they banded together to reclaim their land.

how can you root against a story like that?

who says what ISIS is doing is wrong?

maybe they are going around finding american sympathizers and killing those people.
Guns are illegal in Mexico.

That's actually technically not true. There's just only one legal shop to buy them in Mexico City and it's very heavily regulated. But obviously you can buy them anywhere there, as the full auto battles there can attest.

I do wonder if the Islamic murderer was a closeted gay himself. That level of hatred is often a reflection of oneself.

Personally, I would like to see a proper response to this type of barbarity. And by that, I mean flooding Syria/Iraq with the raunchiest, most ball-slappingly, mouth-chokingly, gay porn ever made. And I mean flooding it. Leaflets from the air. Hacking the TV stations and internet. Skywriting stick drawings of dudes blowing each other. Everything.

In a way I'm almost relieved they targeted gay males. These Muslim goatfuckers that believe in this shit are gonna find out that we in the West love and support people that are only as their God made them. And we'll convert them, either at the end of a JDAM or the end of a nice fat donger.
Truly disgusting. Tell me again why feces like this is permitted to exist here? As I mentioned previously, opinions are one thing, but the outright advocating of hate speech and oftentimes murderous behaviors? Reflects badly on the scene as a whole, sigh....
Uncle buck calls people gay all the time as a negative slur.
So where's the video? Where are the pictures? Not one person there took any?

Beats the hell outta ME; the burden of proof is not on me - YOU are the one questioning the sincerity of the entire massacre, do some research!

I respect your opinion, @Flaming Pie, but I don't see things that way. I will say that I often disagree with Buck's vulgarity and personal attacks, but even though his head might not always be righteous in motivations I believe his heart is.
(Or not, and he is truly a TERRIBLE person; this IS the internet after all! :lol:)

Beer ~
Beats the hell outta ME; the burden of proof is not on me - YOU are the one questioning the sincerity of the entire massacre, do some research!

I respect your opinion, @Flaming Pie, but I don't see things that way. I will say that I often disagree with Buck's vulgarity and personal attacks, but even though his head might not always be righteous in motivations I believe his heart is.
(Or not, and he is truly a TERRIBLE person; this IS the internet after all! :lol:)

Beer ~

I'm not questioning anything. It never happened. It's not up to me to prove that. The burden of proof lies on those who are making the claim.
There were armed "good guys" at the bar. An off duty Orlando cop as well. What this proves is that good guys and their guns can't do shit when the rubber meets the road.

So yeah, more guns. Derp
Actually.....i believe it was a man with a concealed carry permit that stopped the aurora movie theatre shooter.... But the thing is....NOT EVERYBODY is gonna be your bad ass john wayne type......