Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club

Your post highlights educational failure.
You can look at El Salvador, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and many other countries where gun control doesn't work. Or you can look at Chicago and other cities where disarming citizens failed. Lots and lots of guns in Austria, Switzerland and Germany per capita, so lets not compare apples to oranges if you want credibility.
before that browning deal i pm'd you about came up, i was looking at the AR in 300 blkout or 6.5 grendel. you ever shoot the grendel? what do you like so much about the blackout? accuracy?

6.5 is like a hard 308 on the shoulder. After shooting 200 rounds with it, you start to feel it in your shoulder.
300 shoots like a 223 with an impact of a 308.

As impacts go, 6.5 is a fucking hammer. But accuracy, I get sub moa at 100+ yards with my 300 all day. And it's an SBR.

I like both calibers, they both have a special place in my heart. lol. But 300 is easier on the shoulder after a day of plinking.

Edit: I wrote 6.8 when I meant 6.5. Though I often dream about owning an SPC
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You can look at El Salvador, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and many other countries where gun control doesn't work. Or you can look at Chicago and other cities where disarming citizens failed. Lots and lots of guns in Austria, Switzerland and Germany per capita, so lets not compare apples to oranges if you want credibility.
I was commenting on your ignorant perspective and failed use of irony. *educational failure
they (sig sauer) offer a kit to convert the MCX/MPX from 300 blkout to 5.56.

so yes it does come in 5.56 either by conversion or from the factory

that gunbroker ad is for a MPX in 5.56 which you said does not exist.

I had only heard of the MPX in sub-caliber SBRs and to change to 5.56 you need to change almost everything, the mag well sizing and locking, barrel, bolt ect..
With an AR with uppers for blkout and 5.56 can be picked up for close to a grand. Quick change, 5.56 for pest control and 30 cal. for larger game or sub-sonic with suppresser for quite wet work.
What about them?
You can make a bomb fairly easy if someone wants to kill a lot of people they can do it. Also the US is a little bigger than Australia so we have more crazies and we really don't have many actual mass shootings the media will claim some gang shooting a mass shooting but it's not random people.
You are correct

I just meant its never been illegal to get full auto weapons, just expensive.

True that.

And to be honest, the ban on full auto is silly, well the reasons are silly.

I'd much rather have a crazy fuck run through a clip of 30 rounds in 2.5 seconds shooting wildly and likely missing most of his targets than have him take aim with all 30 rounds being much more effective and accurate with his shots.

Just my two pence.
None taken man. I'm the same, I don't believe all guns should be banned. In Australia you must go through a rigorous process to get your gun licence. First, you need a genuine reason. have a read of this. After proving your legit, you have to study and past theory and practical tests in order to get your licence. Plus an extensive police check. After you've got your licence you must store it in a gun locker at all times unless traveling, then you must have it dismantled.

Of course you're limited to rifles/shotguns (unless you do competitive pistol shooting with a registered club).

I don't feel "its my right to have assault rifles" is a good enough reason to own one. You cant hunt with them, you'd be eating lead.
That's just it. You can hunt with them. The ar-15 has become a real work horse in the hunting community. Good from varmints to big game.

My belief is if your not a criminal you shouldn't have restrictions on what you own.

I don't care what anyone believes, our 2nd amendment right is about more than hunting. It is protection from tyranny and also as a defense to our nation.

We just got done fighting a war for out independence. The 2nd is there for good reason.

Now I'm not scared or worried about anyone coming for my guns. I'm not scared of those things happening.

Its just that no matter how far we have come we must not forget why we have the rights we have.
You can make a bomb fairly easy if someone wants to kill a lot of people they can do it. Also the US is a little bigger than Australia so we have more crazies and we really don't have many actual mass shootings the media will claim some gang shooting a mass shooting but it's not random people.
We have laws regarding bomb making that address it, eg restricting amounts of certain chemicals bought.
One mass shooting is too many, and you've had several.
That's just it. You can hunt with them. The ar-15 has become a real work horse in the hunting community. Good from varmints to big game.

My belief is if your not a criminal you shouldn't have restrictions on what you own.

I don't care what anyone believes, our 2nd amendment right is about more than hunting. It is protection from tyranny and also as a defense to our nation.

We just got done fighting a war for out independence. The 2nd is there for good reason.

Now I'm not scared or worried about anyone coming for my guns. I'm not scared of those things happening.

Its just that no matter how far we have come we must not forget why we have the rights we have.
I'm sorry, but you sound like a nut that's living in the past.
I'm withdrawing from this discussion/thread.