Well-Known Member
So your saying that can't read very well? Or could it be your comprehension or lack there of.
Are you really that stupid?
By all means, please explain to us in great detail what "sub-caliber" means.
So your saying that can't read very well? Or could it be your comprehension or lack there of.
Are you really that stupid?
If it helps people who are having hard times, then I say, yea, it can be awesome.Ain't nothing awesome about religion.
Actually, FP, I don't think you do use Jesus Christ as a model for your Christianity. I actually think your fear and bigotry is more like what Jesus was teaching against rather. He didn't preach the kind of shit you say should be done to Muslims and illegal Mexicans. He was an inclusive force not a divisive one.P
I was answering his question. Fact is Jesus Christ is the model of Christianity.
Edit: I wrote 6.8 when I meant 6.5. Though I often dream about owning an SPC
By all means, please explain to us in great detail what "sub-caliber" means.
By all means, please explain to us in great detail what "sub-caliber" means.
you giving mouth hugs?lmao. now THAT hurts. you need a hug bro?
I don't have a problem with Muslims. I know a number of Muslims. Served with a few.I was poking at one of our resident fundamentalist Christian to make a point. People who worship in Islam say almost exactly what you do, not exactly but the same intent as you. There are extremists in all religions including Judaism and the many others such as the Hindu and Sikh for example. They stir the shit up while most would rather get along and live. This idea that 1.5 billion raving mad Muslims are plotting the death of Christians everywhere is nuts.
What I hear from people like Trump, Flaming P, spiderass, shorline and Nitro is fear and bigotry, not religious differences.
I'm your huckleberry. So, tell me. Who was your original account? Why were you banned? Was it because of your intolerance for Muslims, or was it something more specific?you said it, so it must be true, and i'll return the favor. truthphobe.
I'm your huckleberry. So, tell me. Who was your original account? Why were you banned? Was it because of your intolerance for Muslims, or was it something more specific?
Sure you do, Socky-McFuckmop.original account? i'm sorry, i don't follow there chief.
Muslims just rape men and women, cut people's heads off on the internet, throw gays off rooftops, and strap fucking bombs to themselves. you are absolutely right, they are quite reasonable!
You have posted examples of what a few extremists have done. And, talked about "roasting" gays and beating up women.i posted shit that they've done, i don't see how that is in the least bit phobic. i've been there and seen that shit firsthand.
Does this mean that we aren't dating anymore?if you want to get butthurt(lol) when people don't agree with you, that all you dog. i could give a fuck. but the notion that you can just spout "homophobe!!" and think that's going to shut me down, you couldn't be more wrong.
I already did. Stay stupid.
I just assumed it was the mop used on porno sets and in sex booths. (shrugs)
"Better grab dat FUCKMOP, Larry....looks like it's gonna be a lonnnggggg night...."
Is that you Ginwilly?"who the fuck do you think you are?"