Massachusetts growing


413 and 617 here, I tend to switch but regardless got some nice 2 footers getting ready to go out in a week. Let's hope for a good summer fellow massholes. Go pats.


Well-Known Member
should be a good summer. im so late planning. sucks
Not too late, if you get a few started in the next 2 or 3 wks you'll be fine. You can figure out the rest while they're vegging. If you keep them in until Memorial Day the plants will be much happier when they go out. The cold ground shuts them right down and they take awhile to recover, some become stunted and never catch up. If you gamble and go out before the last frost you may win, but the cold ground is still going to be detrimental to your plants. I grew outside from '84-2000 and was able to glean a little knowledge from my experience, I hope you may benefit.
When you are able to veg longer the plants are much bigger and less likely to fall victim to pests because what might kill a seedling can be shrugged off by a plant. Also, if you have deer around scatter some Milorganite and they'll stay away. It's a lawn food made from sewer sludge, avail. at Home Dep, etc. (Works for your other gardens, too, if the deer like to browse there.)


Word, love gettin some knowledge
got those seeds in, they're going good, prob just gonna try to take clones and put those outside..and keep these in here or vice versa

justa hobby

Not too late, if you get a few started in the next 2 or 3 wks you'll be fine. You can figure out the rest while they're vegging. If you keep them in until Memorial Day the plants will be much happier when they go out. The cold ground shuts them right down and they take awhile to recover, some become stunted and never catch up. If you gamble and go out before the last frost you may win, but the cold ground is still going to be detrimental to your plants. I grew outside from '84-2000 and was able to glean a little knowledge from my experience, I hope you may benefit.
When you are able to veg longer the plants are much bigger and less likely to fall victim to pests because what might kill a seedling can be shrugged off by a plant. Also, if you have deer around scatter some Milorganite and they'll stay away. It's a lawn food made from sewer sludge, avail. at Home Dep, etc. (Works for your other gardens, too, if the deer like to browse there.)[/QUOTE

thank you for the knowledge. i want to grow outside this year to try it out. i need to get a quad or dirtbike to get remotley into the area. i dont know strains or anything i want to use. so i might abandoned the thought this year. uprgrade the hell out of my indoor site. then throught out the year learn and plan properly for an outdoor site next year. we will see in do time thank you again for the info and any other info you want to shell out.

I'm from 781/South Shore area. I'm growing bomb Haze off a bagseed batch I got a few weeks ago behind my bed in a nasty attic (kinda sketchy). I really wanna put it outside but of course the weather has to be gross, I'm worried my plants are gonna get too big for the grow box though. Heres a picture:

