Massachusetts rippers

Ya it’s super cheap for some dank in Oregon. Only reason I know that is they post prices almost daily over on Reddit and I almost shit myself when I seen them. And your right, there a shit ton of dispensaries in Massachusetts but not a lot with the recreational license, it’s like the state is purposely dragging there feet on handing them out. I know in Fall River we have like 9 of them.
it's all supply and demand ... In the early states production went nuts after legalization, and they ended with more supply than they could sell ... and prices fell just to move the stuff. Massachusetts is still in the early stages ...and if the people in the industry have learned anything from what happened out west... they'll keep supply in check with demand to protect the prices ... but that won't happen, it's always fueled by greed and competition .. as more and more retail locations pop up, the dick measuring contest will begin, and the market will be saturated with shit, premature weed within a couple years.

What could really help the entire market is if the state heavily promotes the craft production and distribution operations.... for example, small operations that place an emphasis on the highest quality possible in small batches without the million dollar entry fee. An alternative to the large corporate schwag will help the industry as a whole.
All the cheap schwag in Oregon has driven down to Cali one of our best buyers. Even though it's a legal state he can't find enough top shelf weed to satisfy his customers so he comes to NorCal to buy weed. He's says "yeah i pay more for it...but it sells"
Lets just all hope it never goes legal federally or none of us will be allowed to grow to protect corporate profits. Not to mention after several lawsuits the only stuff we'll be allowed to buy at Walmart will be 5% THC and 2% Weed Lite.
it's all supply and demand ... In the early states production went nuts after legalization, and they ended up with more supply than they could sell ... and prices fell just to move the stuff. Massachusetts is still in the early stages ...and if the people in the industry have learned anything from what happened out west... they'll keep supply in check with demand to protect the prices ... but that won't happen, it's always fueled by greed and competition .. as more and more retail locations pop up, the dick measuring contest will begin, and the market will be saturated with shit, premature weed within a couple years.

What could really help the entire market is if the state heavily promotes the craft production and distribution operations.... for example, small operations that place an emphasis on the highest quality possible in small batches without the million dollar entry fee. An alternative to the large corporate schwag will help the industry as a whole.
we have craft production an distribution here in maine!we can it the black market:bigjoint:
I think the worst part of rippers besides the theft of course. Is the fact that most of these rippers have no understanding of growing weed. They’ll rip a plant that’s weeks away from finishing, then they go home and power dry it, just to smoke some free weed. But they end up with bud that’s doesn’t get you high, it burns your throat, Taste like straight hay or chlorophyll.
These are the things I imagine that happens after they rip some growers plants, wishful thinking I guess ,
...Just be diligent, myself I’ve hooked up sensor chimes that I got off Amazon. Anyone who walks near my plants will set off a loud chime in my house. What other methods do people in Mass use to detour rippers and thief’s?????
Excellent thread! This year, I keep my one plant not truly hidden from view, but instead I keep it "blurry" or "pixelated" by supporting a "clear" shower-curtain that allows light to pass through but makes everything appear diffused & blurry. When close, it's not too difficult to guess that there's some sort of plant behind it, but from afar you can't even really tell that much. It may seem obvious, of course, that something is being hidden behind the blurry curtain, but it is an effective means of "muting" the fact that I'm growing. It goes from loud & unquestionable advertising of the plant itself, to an ambiguous blur that "blends" into the environment better than, say, a wall or a tarp.

This next idea is one I'm not using this year, but worth sharing: I also love using a portable "blind" that I created, awesome for guerilla grows: I got myself some ghille-material, which is the stuff U.S. snipers wear, or some hunters use, to remain brilliantly camouflaged, (mine is a "Blind Ghille" from Mojo), & attached it to a tomato-rack/trellis. The gille-blind is like a net (like for scrogging) but has fake grass clustered in tiny bundles, so it looks like a wall of grass, but totally natural when in a natural environment. I've cut PVC & zip-tied 2 to come-up about a foot from the side-wall of a milk-crate (about 18" of PVC maybe, from the "floor" of the milk-crate to 6 - 8 inches or so above the milk-crate). Now, if I need to, I then can slide the legs of the 3-panel tomato-rack down into the PVC pipes (one milk-crate for every panel of tomato-rack) and this elevates my tomato-rack/ ghille-blind to a height that hides my plants as they get taller. I just put a heavy rock or weight-plates inside the milk-crate to keep it sturdy, because the wind will knock-down the wall, possible onto the plant, which is never a good thing.

This year, fortunately, I don't need to use my ghilles, but I love the electronic sensor idea. Harbor Freight sells them for $14-- $10 on sale. I use them as a "doorbell" for when the cats want to come inside... It alerts me that they're there & need me to open the door. They're made with different sounds & frequencies, so you can know exactly which sensor is triggered, & therefore we'd know exactly where to go in our garden! Awesome thread, thanks!
Excellent thread! This year, I keep my one plant... "blurry" or "pixelated" by supporting a "clear" shower-curtain that allows light to pass through but makes everything appear diffused & blurry... I also love using a portable "blind" that I created, awesome for guerilla grows: I got myself some ghille-material... & attached it to a tomato-rack/trellis. The gille-blind is like a net (like for scrogging) but has fake grass clustered in tiny bundles, so it looks like a wall of grass, but totally natural when in a natural environment. I've cut PVC & zip-tied 2 to come-up about a foot from the side-wall of a milk-crate (about 18" of PVC maybe, from the "floor" of the milk-crate to 6 - 8 inches or so above the milk-crate)... I then can slide the legs of the 3-panel tomato-rack down into the PVC pipes (one milk-crate for every panel of tomato-rack) and this elevates my tomato-rack/ ghille-blind to a height that hides my plants as they get taller. I just put a heavy rock or weight-plates inside the milk-crate to keep it sturdy, because the wind will knock-down the wall, possible onto the plant, which is never a good thing... Awesome thread, thanks!

These images are from a video series I'm currently editing to post on my Youtube channel. If you like any of my ideas or the stuff I've said here, find me on Youtube and be one of my first subscribers! :leaf::wink: (I have presence, but no videos posted yet.)
Ghille Tomato Trellis, 1a.png Ghille Tomato Trellis, 2a.png Ghille Tomato Trellis, 3.png Ghille Tomato Trellis, 4.png Ghille Tomato Trellis, 5.png
It’s that time of year, harvests will be ready to go in the next 4-8 weeks. Now that we’re a legal state they’ll be a lot of teenagers and bums looking to grab someone’s grow out of there yard. It’s not like it was before when someone might stumble upon your guerilla grow. The majority of people know that it’s legal and people will be taking advantage of throwing a plant or 12 into there backyard. Before we had to be worried about law enforcement. Now we have to be worried about everyone, from nosey neighbors, to landscapers or other people doing work around the neighborhood. Even people just going for a stroll that catch a whiff of goodness and then get curious about where it came from. Just be diligent, myself I’ve hooked up sensor chimes that I got off Amazon. Anyone who walks near my plants will set off a loud chime in my house. What other methods do people in Mass use to detour rippers and thief’s?????
I use the "Ill fuck you up method" or "is it worth it method" my dog is on point no worries
The WYZE cameras are really, really good if you can get power to your grow. They're cheap and give you a free cloud storage, an app, and the ability to alert your phone and speak through the app, through the camera to who ever is in or near your grow. They're very sensitive and can be trained and can see at night.

I have one on the front of my house and regularly thank the mail man when he drops the mail off in the afternoon.
Never know the intent of someone breaking into your property/house and whether they are armed or not till things are in motion. Run out there with a flashlight and a bat and just end up getting shot by a criminal. It happens every once in awhile here in Michigan.

It fucking grows on trees, it is not worth killing for.

This is why I voted to legalise it; to get the money out of it so people would not be tempted to rob and kill over a fucking houseplant.

State legislators who vote to raise barriers, costs and add limits should be ashamed of themselves- and must be held responsible.
Never know the intent of someone breaking into your property/house and whether they are armed or not till things are in motion. Run out there with a flashlight and a bat and just end up getting shot by a criminal. It happens every once in awhile here in Michigan.
I’d have to google it but in most states, you have to be in serious danger. If you shoot the guy and he’s unarmed your fucked, shit even if you beat him with a pipe or bat your screwed to. Unfortunately you have seconds to access and you better get it right.
I’d have to google it but in most states, you have to be in serious danger. If you shoot the guy and he’s unarmed your fucked, shit even if you beat him with a pipe or bat your screwed to. Unfortunately you have seconds to access and you better get it right.
In Colorado they just have to come inside.