I need help, leaves are falling everyday new growth and older on bottom half of plants. Plenty of new growth on top half of plants and now they have started to get white spots. Any help would be appreciated. Very new at this.
This question is very vague. It could be a ton of things. The white spots leaves me to believe its powdery mildew which will fuck up your plants bad. There is some anti fungi stuff you can buy at your local nursery or garden store.
Make sure you have good air circulation and try to lower your humidity.
(just let them know of your problem and they may be able to help even better, just dont say its weed. lol)
The white marks just started to appear this week. The plants were started April and coming along fine then healthy leaves started falling off mostly from the bottom half of the plants now all the bottom stems have no leaves but there is new growth at the top. We haven't been using anything but rain water, spraying leaves and miracle grow once a week when watering from the bottom.