Mataró Blue First grow Stealth Grow


Active Member
Just a quick update on the beautiful little girl's. some leafs are completely become yellow and fell off when I touched them lol :-| But I guess this is normal as they become necrotic

What do you guys and galls think?
#1 ( Starting to get some blue/Purple in the buds)


#5 ( 12/12 Experiment , topped this one twice! got 6 top bud locations.. Leafs are fat as my hand unlike the other ones!)


Active Member
Almost killed my little plant I think!! Hit the top cola off my reflector.. just kinda pushed the tric's down a bit... Should recover! Shes going to be a slow girl anyways!
#1 - Pictures just can't quite get the colour from the light.... lol. Starting to get some dark blue/purple hues in the bud

#2 - hope she recovers! if not still has bigger buds then my #1

#3 12/12 experiment. Topped twice. 30 days old I believe :)


Very nicely done my friend. The no nutes seem to be working great for you and after reading your post i dug through the cabinet and found some molasses LOL its organic also so thats a plus.

Sorry bout number two :-( she will be fine im sure ive seen worse accidents but this brings me to my next point dont burn one then tend to the garden lol work first then sit in the "sun" to admire with a phat one :-)

im anxious to see how this one turns out dont really know how to use this place yet but i will find the post again im sure so i will check back

so as for lights i noticed you were adding some here and there how much total and how well does the thing exhaust the heat im having a few heat troubles now but only have a 70cfm bathroom fan to suck it out but i dunno still tweaking

check my setup out its still coming along nothing in the cabinet yet as im dealing with the issues first and configurations here.


Active Member
Ive read some good things about the molasses so its always worth the try :) Just make sure to not use to much!

Yeah that's basically what I did, Just let it sit out for a bit while I emptied the water tray and cleaned it. She has been slowly recovering ( plus the extra lights help)

Also the profile tab is a great way to keep up on the topics you took the time to post on! since you can see all your posts! :weed:

As for the heat issues I would try just adding a better intake and exhaust fan to the cab. Currently I'm using 2 Syth Ultra Kraze fans ( Computer Fans rated at 150CFM) for my box. then a 80cfm fan to move around air in the inside :) .. Should be able to find at any computer shop my friend! for about 7.99$! And Just hook up a old power supply with the jumper trick to get some computer fans running. Then after that you should worry about getting the ducting hooked up over them ( if necessary). shall do you wonders getting more air in their! get some air on the blubs!

EDIT: New Pictures Will be up soon! Once my lights turn on! Big difference since I'm 10 days from harvest!


you make a great point with the computer fans i guess i just dont know how to wire one up to a power supply i do have an old computer sitting in the closet she could be scavenged for the fan easily

cant wait to see your end results on your grow m8 looks gorgeous

thanx for the advice will get right on it


Active Member
As for wiring up the old power supply, Completely disconnect it from the computer. then the 24 ( or 20 ) atx connector that goes to the motherboard. you'll see a green wire ( theirs only one green wire!) . just cut and connect it to one of the black wires beside it!Can't mess it up since any of the black wires will work! just need the one beside it tho! will act as a jumper so doesn't need to be plugged into the computer to turn on!..Use the little twist caps! tape does work tho! but After that its all plug and play for your fans! If they blow a lot of air throw them in! but I recommending buying some 120mm fans for the cab! ( should be perfect size to fit over your 6" ducting)
Think of it almost as a computer. theirs intake and exhaust for proper cooling! normally the cool air comes in the bottom. then out on the opposite top side, and on the top of the case!

Wait tell you see the updated pictures! And no problem, always like to help!


thanx for the information i will definately look into getting a high cfm comp fan i hear eeggs has them cheap too

9 days left give or take :-)


Active Member
Its hard to get some really got shots but its differently some frosty bud. No Idea what she's going to weigh in at! next grow I'm adding some UV-B CFL's. Ill Post a smoke report and some pictures of the final product when its done of course ! will have to read about it instead :bigjoint:

EDIT: Will get some pictures up little after the lights turn on.. Also will get some pictures of my other 2 in my veg tent! (since I have 5 plants going!) I think ya'll are going to like the next grow. Much Higher Yield's since Im starting to figure out when to top them properly. And going with a 600w HPS light Cool hood, With a special HPS bulb that put's out same lumen's as 1000w, but less heat found from a local hydroponic store, and got a homemade tent for next time around ( can't go wrong with spending 30$ on a 6x4x3f tent


get some pics of the tent and all id like to see the setups special ventialtion parts and all i think im going to upgrade from the shower stall soon its becoming a hassel sitting around the toilet on the floor already and the seeds have just started standing

as always cant wait to see the updates mario.


Active Member
The tent is still a work in progress! still need to get 2 ultra kraze fans. right now just using 2 60cfm fan's I had laying around. but I only have 1 plant in there now! and still need to get some more emergence blankets ! but oh well. Ill post pictures tomorrow!

HARVEST came early! plants are finished a few days earlier then i thought! took only 52 days! will get some pictures up tomorrow when i chop down my big gal! show you my pc dry box. and my other 3 plants :)

EDIT: Here's a little sample for tomorrow. This was the smallest plant that got the top hit of the reflector :joint: and 2 of the other plants :) I think I might have add my upper corner fan for these's they're already over 30cm



awesome you got some scales to get a final tally?
never did get to see any color in the pics maybe some under regular light once cured will show off the colors.

where did you get the tent if i can ask.


Active Member
oh yes I do! ill post a weigh-in of my big gal tomorrow. and the total for both when dry of course :)
this plant doesn't have a heck of a lot of colour. the big gal has some deep blue/purple hues with kinda a light golden with slight orange look to the buds since their so frosty! this one turned more of a white colour! Ill try to get clearer pic's in the daylight. my cam sucks without lots of light.. damn iPhones

also I got the tent a Canadian tire, should be able to find at most stores like walmart or something.. Its just a garment closed ;) with B/W poly stuff and some mylar ( since I find it more reflective!) Can't go wrong for 30$ spent so far


Active Member
Well thought Id be nice and upload some pictures early for everyone! what do you's think?
Hard to get a picture of a almost 70cm bud :weed: 61.9 grams, but that include steam and wet weight! ( which is fine but not even close to damn a watt per gram lol. more like a 0.5)
Second one from other post came in at 26.5grams... to bad it got fucked up :cry: could of had so much more potential
New pictures of second grow and tent will be in tomorrow! second batch is topped properly, and will have a much higher yield's this time around


I used to live in Westmount, Montreal, but that was a long time ago^^ My parents still got a little vacation house close to St-Faustin.
Your plants finished nicely, what's the smell like (before harvesting)?


Active Member
looks great m8 hope to hear a smoke report soon :-)

good luck with #2 grow
Thanks man! smoke report will be up soon!but So far smoked a little nug off my 2nd plant and it was potent as fuck! really great blueberry taste (kinda taste like candy! or something lol), makes ya kinda cough lol. hits ya hard and that's probable the Afghan traits! dried it for 3 days. and kinda dried this one out on the plant before chopping and smoking a little piece. Second grow should have 3x times the amount! their some lovely baby's! bud's are already almost bigger

I used to live in Westmount, Montreal, but that was a long time ago^^ My parents still got a little vacation house close to St-Faustin.
Your plants finished nicely, what's the smell like (before harvesting)?
Straight blueberry's! really strong danky smell! wonderful taste off the little bud I smoked

Love that Mataro Blue

Easy growing plant

Hope you don't regret taking it down early
No regrets here! got it at a perfect time according to one of my family members who's been growing for 20 years.. tric's were probley about 90% receded. Buds are very covered and sticky! great plant for a first grow! glad my local shop recommend it. very easy growing. very resistant to almost everything (overfeeding,bugs,drought), all around just great plant to start with


Active Member
Another little bud shot! hard to get good pictures without good lighting . but this is part of the second plant. very tasty ! half q bud
