Matt Gaetz

Please explain the manner in which a person can share public information on the forum that is acceptable to you and which words they used which you specifically object to.

i'd like to know too..i don't see libtard or snowflake anywhere.
The only things it could be is the sarcasm/ribbing at the end, or taking offense to the content itself. One would have to be a giant hypersensitive princess for such a soft comment to be offensive, then of course to complain about the subject would be ridiculous, as if to imply that we should all hide ourselves from information because it hurts the feels. Maybe they think the tone here is a little harsh and that's fine, but if so, they sure chose the most mellow comment around to highlight it.
I don't quite know what that is, but I suspect it has something to do with fluid extraction.
not a fan of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia? funny show! they discuss in great detail. in essence, you generate power from the bottom. lol
Hahaha, my buddy loved it and recommended it, but I've never sat down and watched an episode. What's a hook episode you can recommend? Like if you were wondering about Bob's Burgers, I'd recommend either A River Runs Through Bob, or maybe Sheesh! Cab, Bob?, because they're strong episodes that will likely get you hooked.
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You can say what you like about his dating habits, but Matt is the best stuntman in the House. It's not even close.
