Mature goes perpetual :-)


Active Member
Loving your grow MS. Keep the updates coming.
Cheers mate, I'll catch up with your thread too :-)

Quick pic of the 2 smaller Snow White clones again today. Just re potted 'Agatha' into her 7"diameter pot, thats the size I'm working with. Shes next into flower in less than 2 weeks time so she should put on a bit of growth yet. Pulled her down hard as shes had a spurt last few days and stretched slightly. I'm happy with her shape now :-)

'Cynthia' remains in her 5" pot as she's going to be a bonsai style mother and will remain in that pot. Again I bent her top right over in a 'U' shape to encourage those lower shoots to produce cuttings :-)

Next update will be the flowering plants.



Well-Known Member
The clones are lookin good MS. Im going to try your cloning method on this grow im setting up, and try and get a rotation like you got going, keep us posted man +REP


Well-Known Member
i see it to jade, that was a great idea!!

i'll plus rep her for you ms cause i am gonna gank that idea too!!


Active Member
is that a wire zip i see?
Hi JS :-).... The idea of using those plastic zip ties came from your thread!!

Gumball, Jades been using them on her beautiful Kush clone and it struck me as a good practical solution so rep+ to her :-)

SICC, I must catch up with your thread, I'll do it now. I think the 'perpetual' thing is begining to take shape now, after Trinny is cut I should be harvesting a fresh plant every 3 weeks :-)

RockSeatdy: I think quite a few threads have been messed up by the software upgrade but theyre trying to fix things. See the 'support' forum for news. Tamjams thread has also been messed up. This one seems OK but I only hosted my images on the RIU servers. Seems a lot of 'photobucket' images have become mixed up.

Need to replace batteries then I'll update the flowering plants. The mutant clones are exploding!!


Well-Known Member
wow MS you are sure on your way to a 3 weekly harvest mate :-P well done.

the way you keep everything so documented is great, theres no way i could do that lol im to messy, i would just remember to flower one every three weeks and chop one !!! thats how simple mine would be lol.

top notch work as usual, looking forward to the mutant updates :-P

have a good day aswell, me and the missus have hit the cider and spliffs already lol, we got nothing to do so why not, just playing some tunes and chillaxing !!!!!


Well-Known Member
hey MS your gonna love this snow white, the high is lush lush lush !!!:-P:bigjoint:

i cant imagine what its like if its left until amber trichs!!! its well strong as it is lol


Active Member
have a good day aswell, me and the missus have hit the cider and spliffs already lol, we got nothing to do so why not, just playing some tunes and chillaxing !!!!!
Cheers mate :-) Its lovely here today too, full of visitors though! The mrs has just bumped into Ann Widecombe over on the beach, shes campaigning with the tory candidate but Cleggs getting our vote. Nice lady though, I must name a plant after her :-) had a couple of ciders myself so dont worry mate! PLus a spliff of Mazar....was going to cut the grass but you know how it gets you :-)

My 3 are outside, camera batteries flat and I cant be arsed to walk down and get more!!!!! I'll try and make the effort later.

have a good day down there :-)


Well-Known Member
your funny, yeah, that early harvested shit is more energetic and i have been bouncing off the walls smoking it! but yeah, some good couchlock i wont do shit either, lay around and surf RIU!!! peace folks!


Well-Known Member
good morning MS i guess you didnt make it down the shop to get new batteries :lol:

you should buy some rechargables and a charger, theres everready ones in tescos for about a tenner, well worth it and last alot longer and save you loads of money in the long run.

lets see those mutants :mrgreen:


Active Member
good morning MS i guess you didnt make it down the shop to get new batteries :lol:

you should buy some rechargables and a charger, theres everready ones in tescos for about a tenner, well worth it and last alot longer and save you loads of money in the long run.

lets see those mutants :mrgreen:
Your'e right mate, thought "sod it" :-) I have got rechargables but cant find the charger!!! I'll have to get a new one.

UPDATE: Going to do this the easy way!! saved a lot of typing by just writing a little note for each plant :-) Its good to be able to follow individual plants progress this way. Right here goes, going to be a few pics to go through but if you enlarge them you should be able to read the note :-)

All 5 looking OK and happy. MsAngel the biggest of the 2 mutants is going wild already, shoots everywhere. Don't forget to check out the mother plants at tamjams thread, they look amazing at 59 days flowering :-)

Anyway, heres my pics.



Well-Known Member
plants are looking great, and the notes are a good idea. can you make the writing bigger? even zoomed in on it was just possible to read and I have good vision. some folks may not bother. but i am sure you can look at the pics and kno just whats what.
Them plants are lookin good bro... I want to set up a perpetual harvest for every 2 weeks, but I don't think my plants will be as good as urs haha but shit Im subscribed to this grow.. Would u have any advice for me starting up a perpetual grow?


Active Member
Them plants are lookin good bro... I want to set up a perpetual harvest for every 2 weeks, but I don't think my plants will be as good as urs haha but shit Im subscribed to this grow.. Would u have any advice for me starting up a perpetual grow?
Thanks for subscribing strictlyblunts :-) I think the key is in planning and keeping track of dates etc to ensure a true perpetual harvest but thats why these threads are useful tools as well as fun :-)

Gumball, sicc & jjmd, thanks once again :-)

UPDATE: day 13 of 12/12 for the 2 mutant SW clones and day 34 for 'Trinny' the Mazar clone.

MsAngel is showing some nice shoots now and beginning to form her flowers, 'perspicacia' is almost identical (as you would expect!!) Pics show the 2 together for comparison, I got a good feeling about these 2 :-) MsAngel in red pot.

The 2 vegging plants are also doing well, one more week and I have to squeeze 'Agatha' in there too, but a bit of jiggling about with the bulbs should do it.

The 2 clones I cut from the 2 mutants are looking strong and healthy, I'm confident both will root in a few more days time. They have approx 4 more weeks until I plan to flower them!

The 3 weekly pattern is established, now its just waiting for the first harvest. I'm down to about a Q max of Mazar now so Trinny wont be able to hang about, luckily the Mazar is good at 7 weeks. I plan to give the SW's a good 9 weeks like tamjam.

Go check the now harvested mother of my clones here.

(Please remove the large image if quoting, thanks again!)




Well-Known Member
wow MS im feeling happy for you that you got it all on track and that everythings established :grin:.

im gonna go for a sort of perpetual style like you but not quite as precise lol, i will just chuck in a cutting or seed every time i cut down a plant :lol:. i only have enough room for 5 5" pots so they are gonna be as small as possible. once i find a really good mum and the perfect smoke for us i will keep a mum and stick with cuttings. but i have alot and i mean alot of learning and experimenting to do yet !!!!

those mutants are looking great as all your plants do. and i wish trinny lots of luck with the re-veg ;-)

keep up the excellent work
