Mature Plant = Better Smoke?


This is more of an inquisitive type question that I can't seem to find an answer to via searching (maybe not wording my search words right). I had a holdover female from my first grow. While the other plants looked really good, she was a bit of a runt and had leaf deformities from the get go. I was going to just kill her as a seedling, but decided to practice on her (cutting and bending her). When my first round of plants were harvested and drying, I decided to throw her into the flowering room and see what happened. She's now at wk7 of flowering and sugary as a mofo. I snipped a sample, quick dried, and smoked it last night. It was awesome and blew away my cured/dried stuff. So, my question is, do more mature plants (this plant sprouted in late July) produce better smoke or is it just a matter of genetics (I'm learning on bag seed)? I'm sorry if this is a real lame question, but I'm just a curious person. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
In a way yes. The more they veg the more they are stable. But if she is the only 1 in the room she is getting all the light and useing it very well. That alone is the making of better bud. And at 7 weeks your gonna get a better head high. At 8 weeks more of a full body stone. And at 9 should be more of a couch lock high. But that is just a basic time frame. It realy depends on the trics.


Active Member
To a point if kept healthy. Larger plants have bigger buds and if u let flower late in harvest window the buds are better usually. Strains vary so experiment with harvest window. Ps stop growing bagseeds and buy some shipping ain't shit!


Well-Known Member
Hay bag seeds are a great place to start. Once you got it down get some good genetics are happy growing.


Thanks for the replies. Right now she's sharing the room with a clone who's at wk4 of flowering. I didn't factor in the lighting situation, thanks for bringing that up. I'm pleasantly surprised at what she's producing (considering I was going to chop her down). As for growing bag seeds, I know there isn't much consistency in the genetics, but I saved only what I thought was good smoke. I'm working on my basic skills and learning to listen to my plants. My first grow, while successful, opened up areas I need to address (watering and nute levels). My second grow, which is getting close to going to the flowering room, looks better than my first. And my third grow that I just started, I'm trying all organic. I just want to get a better base knowledge before I step up into buying seeds. Thanks again!


Well-Known Member
if you have bag seeds. i say use'em. Its nice to see the bud you grow from them better than the buds they came from. they are alot cheaper to practice on too. No matter how much you research. Your first few grows are a learning experience.