Mature plant issues need some help


Active Member
got my girls outdoor there older then most was already 2.5 to 3 foot tall when I put outside .
Had em in 7 gal smarts still got 5 of the 9 in 7 gal smarts the other 4 are in 18 gal totes , soil mix is FFOF , happy frog , happy frog 3-4-3 , bat q 0-7-0 and kelp meal , my smart pots are doin good but starting to look like a over fert issue , the lower leaves are turning brown , rolling up on the edges mostly lower leaves couple plants it's workin up toward the middle . The smart pot soil is just FFOF happy frog and marine cruisne they been I that for a month now and just started this issue , the 18gal plants have been upppoted last week and two r lookin rough , we had a bunch of rain these last few days hoping that will mellow things out , I haven't got a ph run off reading but did fuck up I tbink two waterings my meter was off a few points .. Can't really get any pics but does look like a over fert or mayb even a calcium issue .. These plants are budding due to the lower hours of light but r reverting back slowly so idk if it was part of them
Tbinking it was time for fall or what , I've picked the bad leaves off and gave em
A light watering but with all the rain hoping for a good flush the next few days ... And clues as to why this just started happing ...


Active Member
Yea imma try and get pics today ... Water is same I use for indoor , I let it set for 2 days before using ppm is 117 from tap , I think I might have gotten a ph issue . I've not given any liquid nutes as my soil was doin the trick but it may have took my
Ph down , along with those two good waterings of a lower ph due to my pen giving me a issue ...

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
I meant it could be an over watering issue. But with it being in smart pots and being more mature that shouldnt be the issue unless your soil is retaining water.


Active Member
I've looked all over , like the edges of the leaves look burnt crisp on the lower fans , mostly the bottom
Half , but the rest of plant is looking good nice leaves not droppy or anything , there is 2 in smarts and the other is in a 18 gal rubber tote ... The 18gal on its leaves r more like a nitrogen issue Lower leaves turnin yellow just all over . These plants r or was flowering due to the lower hours of light so I was expecting some leaf change I but hell that one silver haze I got she almost could be considered lollipoped ... Them smart pots r a botch to keep up with when ur using smaller ones ,