Mature plant questions...

Before you flower must your plant be in full maturity , or can you just grow to the size you want then flower .And if you should wait till its mature , how long / how tall show you grow you ladies till there mature and safe to flower to get the best results . thanx alot for your time ..

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
Before you flower must your plant be in full maturity , or can you just grow to the size you want then flower .And if you should wait till its mature , how long / how tall show you grow you ladies till there mature and safe to flower to get the best results . thanx alot for your time ..
you can go to flower whenever you want. i usually flip when my plants are around 10-12". if you wait much longer, you may end up with some too big plants. if you have tall ceilings, you can get away with it. problem there is, even with 1000 watts, the light only penetrates so far into the canopy. you end up having a lot of pop-corn buds, which i don't like.


Well-Known Member
Depending on the strain, toping and lst is a good way to go
gives you plant a good shape keeps the plant short and bushy, also increase you yeild loads

If you growing from seed and flower too early the plant will strech loads


Well-Known Member
I flower depending on container size. Anything less than a gallon you might as well do 12/12 from seed. Otherwise a 3-6 week veg period to let roots fill up some of the container and then flower. Generally somewhere between 18" and 30" is a good time to begin flowering. Some of the indica strains won't stretch much during flowering but some sativas stretch 3x their length. This 18-30" window allows your finished plants to finished around 24"-60"... Shorter plants can be put under the light and larger plants can be put the side. Even tilt the light or move it to vertical if necessary.

If you have multiple 1000s you could get away with bigger plants.
Thanks , thats some great ideas .

One crazy question that comes to mind so please dont laugh to hard but .. what would happen lets say you had your normal over head light , and you put say an led completely under the plant pointing up .So its getting light from the top and bottom , do you think it would really help much on the top colas or just grow a bunch of pop corn under the plant . Ive just allways wonder about that since there making led so small and power full theses days . Well thats all I got , thanx for your time and advice gentlemen... Cheers

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i've read of folks doing the side lighting thing. i don't know that i'd use an led for that though. i've seen a lot of t-5's used. i don't use side lights myself. but i do use astro-foil all around my grow area though. it really kicks a lot of the light back on to the lower areas of the plants. it's a little pricey, but instead of light spilling all over the room, it bounces it back to the plant. i get the 4 foot tall roll. can run into some coin, but imo, well worth it.


Well-Known Member
Don't think the underside of the leave can absorb light

side lights are good but it will produce more heat and use more electria