Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

Personally the best bet would be a ultracap. One inline with driver would probably do the trick wouldn't you think? Just match capacity to time you want to run after power is cut. Not sure how driver would act though. I guess it would depend on driver type for sure. Once it was at capacity it would just pass straight through id imagine. I could be totally off on this though lol.
Ultra caps are a big NEW thin in car audio these days, this is an interesting use for them...I like i
nice work congratulations Growmau5!
a question, I had read your disappointment for the kingbrite lens 100mm/80° solution..
in the case of exterior application,realy hard space,
which solutions or better lens suggest for correctly protect 100% cob and wire against water and dust?
have you test other part?
I'm planing to create passive bar with 3070 or 3590.
thank you for the hard work!
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Dec 1, 2015 CXB3590 @ 700ma Harvest Day

Firstly, I want to say WHITE POWER. Secondly, I want to say: if i had a honey pot, i would be rubbing myself to sleep tonight. I started my all white cxb3590 harvest tonight, and it is looking juicy, greasy, and extra delicious. 12 day flush and cool nights has these girls exuding and excreting alien jet fuel.
**strains: la plata Alien Blues & Sin City's "the rem" (white nightmare x BD)
*** got a little help from Terpinator (hype train) & first time with MammothP, the phosphorous liberating bacteria...

data & video to follow...

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Looks like an awesome harvest! I'd like to see you flower under that CXA 2530 light, would be interesting! And i've decided to put off building a light until I've completed other upgrades to my growroom, one being switching to AutoPots. I'm also thinking on switching to coco for a while. Hauling dirt in the winter and mixing indoors is a pain in the ass! ( BUT I love growing organic! ). After my Auto Ultimate is done, then I'll roll out the light build!
Thanks GrowMaus! your thread is an inspiration!
I have been lurking on the side and reading your thread…excellent information. And, like many, I am waiting to see how your low-power (relatively…just 25w a sq/ft) grow turns out. I too only have a lux meter. So my question is how high are you keeping your lights off the canopy and about how many lux are you reading around canopy level. Thanks.
some of the best DIY i ever learned, thank you again, GM and Supra started this insanity..and it will continue :fire:
my PDP1 r getting juicy @ w7 didnt wanna know where my thread it brother
Now that my garden is 100% led and pretty damn full, there is not much room to build any new fixtures. BUT, i still want to build shit. I feel like I have mastered building lights with hand tools, so I am going to need to step it up a notch...

I recently joined a Makers workshop in my city (to my surprise, there are many options all over the US). It costs $100/mo and grants access to 4 million dollars worth of equipment. The catch is that you have to take safety and basic use classes on the equipment before you can use it. So far I have learned:
-3D printing
-CNC mill
-Laser cutting/etching
-AutoCAD inventor, illustrator, cut3d
-MIG & Tig welding
After Thanksgiving, Ill be taking sheet metal fab, carbon fiber basics, injection molding, vacuum forming, hydrojet cutting, arduino classes, and the list goes on.

So stay tuned... I should be able to make some pretty cool stuff. Today, I am screwing around, trying to 3D print an all in one cob holder/reflector that snaps onto an arctic 64plus without drilling or tapping.
All in one cob holder, awsome!!! Put me down for the first order