Back to the regularly scheduled program for a minute....
Here's some picture updates with the Bodhi testers. They growing pretty fast now especially considering all things. I don't live at this spot and someone unplugged my supplemental lighting for 2-3 nights which caused some photo period stress. It wasn't really noticeable on the testers besides about a week of little growth while they were trying to figure out what was going on. One Skywalker OG x Pipelines started throwing single finger leaves, but other than that they're growing just fine. These pics were taken on Friday. The bigger ones are close to five feet tall and will be going into flower shortly. I'm in the process of building a greenhouse. I was hoping to have it done by the time these testers were ready to flower, but we'll see. You can see about half way down some of the plants where their leaves were damaged from the tropical storm we had a couple of weeks ago. I'll number the plants once they go into flower.
Here's one of the Jamaican x Goji OG's (Jam Goji for short)
Another Jam Goji

Another Jam Goji (sorry about my finger being in the way. I didn't notice until I saw it on here.)

Another Jam Goji

Skywalker OG x Pipeline (Sky Pipe for short)

One of the Harlequinn BX's (not a tester, but from Bodhi still). This is the biggest one so far. It's about 4 feet tall.
Sky Pipe. This is the one that started throwing single finger leaves from the photo period shock. It was also naturally topped for me during the tropical storm we had. I wasn't going to top any of them, but you don't get to argue with nature.