Maverick’s Timber 4vs Grow Journal

This MSL Cover is growing like crazy! Less than a week after I last pruned it back hard it had yet again grown back to the point where it was sharing out the Skunks! Luckily the Cannabis plants have all also noticeably grown since last time I updated.

So, decided to prune it back again and see if I can’t yet again create a growth spurt for the babies.

Also decided to start up a worm bin so am feeding them the chopped Cover, plus some of my V2 nutrient/dry amendment mix, and some home produce scraps to them to let them break it down faster than leaving it in the bed. Plus this will allow me to eventually get multiple bins going so I can have Veg castings, Flower/Fruit castings, and “Waste castings (that will only be used on ornamentals and other plants that will not be consumed).:cool:03C2724E-43EB-4C73-B433-C467974A2210.jpeg44A94FCE-7D30-4CC6-A963-67E7D2B4BFBC.jpeg8E0DAC13-B1B0-4B32-BB07-632CF5044EF4.jpeg7341F9F0-C07C-49F3-A79A-9C4590C24452.jpeg709B329C-21BF-4ABC-BB9B-D67881EAAB85.jpeg
Big plant on the right/middle is starting to throw some preflowers. No pistils as of yet, but the shape of the preflowers is looking more female than male, so keeping my fingers crossed as she is very healthy and has beautiful structure.

Continue to keep having to prune back the MSL cover every other day if not even daily in some areas. Worms are definitely happy though.:cool:847331CB-7265-42B6-A53F-AD1AA1F75219.jpeg2208BDD8-5E76-4F68-812E-8165813EB386.jpegA1C7C21C-B0BB-46EA-B58B-00C636D22980.jpeg
Well, finally decided to pull out the digital scope and get a good look at the preflowers on the two big plants.

As luck would have it the big one on the right (which has the best structure so far and is my favorite up to this point) is a girl! Managed to snap some pics of pistils coming out of one of the pre flowers in one of her internodal spaces!:hump:

Unfortunately though, the other big one (on the left/in the middle) was a boy. Managed to get some pretty conclusive shots of his preflowers and the pics conclusive enough that I could pretty confidently identify them as stamens.

So, since I’m not making seeds this round…I had to give him the chop and return him back to the soil.

Luckily there was a smaller plant growing almost right underneath him and there are 2 more that are to the left of where he was that should grow up into the space where he had previously occupied and fingers crossed at least one of those is a female and a nice one at that.

At the very least the big girl will now not be so cramped for space.:blsmoke:468321E4-1057-42F8-9BA3-F734864ED9E4.jpeg9F8AE0B4-C4F9-4B62-A081-6437E7955BE1.jpegA55D101E-AE74-496C-9D2E-B27E26A75B95.jpeg29198F6B-3FA4-40AC-8CEC-F0670AE9C9CD.jpeg8E74FDA7-58A6-4AC4-A281-AF84B6ADD64D.jpeg732E2F2C-7806-440B-AAAC-312E54B68BFB.jpeg
Gave the bed an AACT and V2 Top Dressing and now things really seem to be kicking into gear. Hopefully some of the bigger plants will be big enough to either show their sex outright or at least big enough for me to take clones so I can throw them into Flower and see what is what and start thinning the herd. 9081D859-325A-4CE0-9AA4-9B481FDCCCF0.jpegAED6F0E5-467F-47B4-B817-BEE8E28A3BAC.jpeg
Plants are all looking pretty happy right now, especially the Cover Crop, which has started flowering. As pretty as those flowers are though, unfortunately I think I’m going to have to chop and drop the Cover at this point (or at the very least prune it back hard again) so I can get at the lowers of the Cannabis plants and hopefully get at least one viable clone from as many as possible so I can throw those into Flower and at least cull the males. 62D87D42-9233-4863-B605-F76C4624A813.jpegE45632FF-01BA-4B79-A8ED-8A48CCA48A61.jpeg
Finally got around to chopping and dropping the Cover Crop. I expect some of it may still grow back some, but there should still be a lot of nutrients for the Soil Food Web to chow on for a little while now. Also wound up taking cuts from 9 of the plants (really the only ones with viable clones for “lowers”). Could still wind up Topping some of them that aren’t getting much lateral growth, but I’m hoping the increased direct light will get them to start improving that and will yield some decent cuts that I can then throw into flower and both sex as well as get an idea of their potential. :blsmoke:

Lost power for 6 hours due to heavy snow. :wall:

Luckily I run my lights in the big tent overnight so it didn’t mess with the light schedule. Temps did take a hit though as it knocked out my heater. Thankfully, they were only slightly pissed due to the cold but seem ok otherwise.

Clones are also looking ok (was worried that the loss of light and heat would piss them off but they actually seem fine).:hump:CC99BF49-CD24-4B8A-9801-EA198AEED5A6.jpegA9DFC94E-E496-4B71-908C-9F1D2707DCE9.jpeg
Plants in the SIP bed were looking fairly happy, but also hungry, so gave them another Top Dressing and batch of AACT. They are now starting to green back up as well as praying more.

This marks the second time this round that they have seemed to get hungry and I needed to feed them to get them back on track, so hoping that is all they need this time around too. ACA2E667-10F8-4343-9FD1-D5F9FEBBA827.jpeg06C029FB-7B88-4602-A76B-E4FD4DED4A04.jpeg85946925-6161-4310-8093-3090579B96BC.jpeg
Plants continue to bounce back. They were looking especially happy today. :cool:

So far have 8 confirmed females, which is enough for me, so gonna take clones of everything but separate them into a female tray and suspected male tray, put in the ScrOG net and Flip them to Flower, then I’ll chop the males once they confirm though might wind up keeping a clone of the best one to use for potential pollen at a later date.F2B16447-5C7F-4CA1-B26C-BA4770FD8181.jpegD4D0A035-C0D9-4088-A8DC-B45F7313E0E4.jpeg
Took clones off and chopped all but 1 of the males (back left plant) and gave the bed a Flower Top Dressing (which should be ready about when they start to hit the Bulking Phase.

Also finished building the new larger ScrOG net.

Hoping to get the screen in, clones of the females taken, and Flip them to Flower in the next couple days. 75F493E9-8AF3-42BC-8754-75046953EA32.jpeg
Day 18 of 12:12. Day 8
Of actual Flower.

So far the internodal stacking is looking very promising on these girls, especially the big one. Looking very Afghani dominant (which will also hopefully mean a Skunky smell and great resin production ).853CE34A-BF60-4F36-968D-C7E9D2A1B11A.jpeg236874CB-A401-45DA-962B-BF6DD5AD688D.jpeg32803F7A-0C3B-4E6B-A44F-40AA049B3A12.jpeg
Day 21 of 12:12. Day 11 of Flower.

Finally got around to finishing Lollipopping the plants and mulched the leaves into the soil for the worms and other Soil Food Web inhabitants to eat. Also managed to take a couple (if not more) clones from several of the plants that I wasn’t able to get clones for the first time around. Will likely root them and start Monster Cropping them in the event that one of them winds up being the keeper Pheno.

Meanwhile the clones are looking pretty solid. Upped the power on the Mars Hydro TS1000 a little and they seem to be responding positively. Seeing some very nice roots coming out of the bottom of some of them.:cool:815897C4-5147-4B66-825D-B4874055098B.jpegB8899970-7B25-43BC-9896-CA013C3FA180.jpeg602DAE87-7C56-4307-A31A-125055D39EAE.jpegD12C6E99-1C92-4328-8A34-E36755AF8AFC.jpegE563188C-61C7-4C52-B6AB-FFFBB6F78A95.jpegA3075D35-9DAE-446E-9B8F-95CAE14586CD.jpegF9B463B2-F8F8-4A82-9D3D-C67BC7B84980.jpeg8824CD88-FEC0-4ED2-95B2-868BB5E72078.jpeg7E267357-131E-438C-9299-F1BE8FA8203A.jpeg00357308-6421-434A-8267-1B5476579BA3.jpeg
Day 28 of 12:12. Day 18 of Flower.

Week 4 is officially in the books, now comes one of the most fun parts of the grow IMO which is getting to watch them fill out and develop their smell.

Hit the bed with another Top Dressing a couple days ago because I am seeing signs that they are starting to get hungry again. Also going to apply an AACT in a couple days (brewing it now).

If all goes well, should be another 6 weeks or so till these girls are ready to chop (give or take a week).B95B60F5-BB45-40CA-95AC-14CE2C76F060.jpeg3ADAEB3D-03E6-463C-BC25-C2C220771D23.jpeg8D367A71-7FFF-440E-AD4F-263B948EC992.jpegCE415F58-3AB6-4B81-B267-ED36F9BC1121.jpeg2282E906-E9FE-4874-96BB-D69A6C4AD894.jpeg08ECAECD-3A4B-479D-BA5A-B9AC64B41156.jpeg


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