Max days u think an auto will flower b4 trich decay QUESTION!


Active Member
from experience how many days have your autos flowered max... just flowering no veg included... b real i dont wanna keep this hooker going till i find her dead on the floor.


Active Member
it varies by strain and by plant. the best thing to do is to look at the trichs under a 30x or more powerful loupe or scope and cut them down when they reach the stage you want them at: clear=too soon
cloudy/milky="up" head high
amber=couchlock stony feeling
mix of cloudy and amber = both types of feeling


Active Member
no i know that man im not asking when to harvest im asking max amount of days anyone has let their auto flower...
Not to be an ass but i kno all this already just looking at what strains hold up the longest and how far u can actually push them... kno what i mean..


Well-Known Member
you can go till the trichs are all amber but then the thc levels are rapidly declining so its all on u n the breed


Active Member
man no one gets this tread... hom many days have you made your autos go befor thrich decay.... not personal prefferance fact a number amount of days... some ppl want cbd you kno ? you get more cbd after thrichs are all amber.... I wanna kno whats the longest ppl have had their auto go... what strains can be pushed for that little extra bud or color or that cbd couchlock.... im not being snappy you guys just dont understand what i am asking.. thought the title was enough...


Well-Known Member
Because it's a stupid question... who let's their plants go until they have 'trich decay'? my days you grow ur shit and chop it when it's ready stop posting threads that don't make sense.


Active Member
look two timer no one is asking you to post... plenty off ppl go untill they have trich decay... more color more bud more flavor more cbd... not everyone wants to be stoned out of their gord all day everyday some ppl just want pain relief... there are alot more active ingredients in cannabis other than just thc... call me stupid your afagan auto looks pathetic..


Well-Known Member
I don't think your going to find any answers on this with out doing YOUR own damn experiment because the majority of people aren't going to do it for you. 13 years you should know this by now.


Active Member
ok kid ... you feel the need to harass me lol.. yeah im no troll dude my rep is what it is cause i help ppl not talk trash.. if i dont kno i look it up... easy as that im not some igronrant fool like yourself... you were talking mad shit b4 now your saying u r just using a small light and i cant yeild as much as you... im not competeing with you kid... i already won.. I know how to grow wasnt asking u a thing... i asked a simple question that your little mind couldnt comprehend.. i dont know why your talking to me either your on my thread, demanding pics calling me names, not to mention private messaging me cause you dont want the public to know how ignorant and uneducated you really are... Im not the king of cannabis.... I AM THE PUMKIN KING!
Matt mernaugh owns that title cannabis champion of the world... if you didnt kno.. and he answered my above question... thanks matt n freinds at kannibia


Active Member
ok kid your so slick... never said i could pull half pound from One auto... Your just making yourself look like a fool give it up no one wants to hear you... none of my posts have been removed kid... my foul language. hahahhahah... your callin me names harrasing me everywhere i post and im getting rep for making u look like a fool from all these ppl... you know your the one taking my words out of context and blowin shit up to make yourself sound like a internet tuff guy... watch out kids 2timer knows it his afgan gro is so pro... yeah autos are stupid to grow indoors anyone will agree... Im growing them with my mother kid.. running em to c if they are worth growing outdoors.. while i have a dozen clones ready to take their spot.. so talk trash all you want your just making yourself look like a fool... fool.


Active Member
. That question is not a question most people would even care to know... Also If u let your plants go like your saying all your doing is producing bad weed... Period


Active Member
Also that YouTube video is lame... Idk who's shit that is but that video made me throw up in my mouth then I ran to the toilet and took a huge shit... Idk just bein honest


Active Member
Dude why are you saying kid... Are you implying there are so many 17 and below. Years of age people on here are you using kid as an insult to imply we believe you to be an idiot troll that wants his plants to decay and taste like shit as much as possible


Active Member
Ok coming from the kid claiming to be a marine? just cause he acts like an internet tuff guy... look at your shit grow buddy,,,