Max Tempreture with Organics


Well-Known Member
Does organic grown plants have a much higher tolerance to heat than synthetic grown my jack herer's are fine at 32c and are flowering faster at this temp can it go much higher without slowing growth and causing heat stress.
I've got a feeling this is the top of there sweet spot in temp i think the rooms going to get to 35 in the summer and dont think more fans are going to cut it and a/c is too much money cheapest units 199 and thats an pejorative one which makes the air damp i think the others a 300 i havent got that kind of money.

I'd appretiate any advice suggestions.

thanks, Ben


Well-Known Member

Hydro grows are more "dialed" in then organics. I do kno that hydro water tempature needs to stay cool for better results, hence water chillers.

Although im sure theres healthy hydro grows, they are more likely to run into problems due to its fragile way of growing,
In a healthy organic grow, it should b more immune due to healthy soil.

Keep in mind cannabis can take high tempatures, edpecially outdoors, same goes with indoors.


Well-Known Member
My personal experiences from growing both ways seems that when growing with true organics, the organic grown plants seem to handle high temps better.


Well-Known Member
Yeah my organic plants tollerate everything a lot better, my box was at 40 degrees celsius and were fine. Dunno how long it was like that but as soon as i noticed i changed my air flow, now it stays between 30 and 35 or so


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies my air system is working much better now i had to get an extra fan then the weather got cold lol.