maxibloom whole way through


Well-Known Member
Anybody had luck with this, I hear its close to the 3 part Lucas formula, small difference, same results...

I'm asking cause I'm sick of buying 2.2 lb bags of the bloom and gro. Not to mention koolbloom, calmag and my beneficals...

I wanna buy in bulk, save time and money.... 5 gallon buckets of dry powder...

I was told I Dont need calmag, when using maxi, I found it to be a preventative measure during stretch... Dealing with purple stems, Dont like to believe its natural, I'm in denile.

Anyways, that's another thread in itself...

So...howd it work?

Any recommendations?

Use calmag plus and maxibloom only?

Just bloom whole way?

Any problems?

No need to flush?


Well-Known Member
Ive been using only maxibloom in flower lately but i saw someone else say they still use some maxigrow when flowering because the plants were getting too yellow from lack of nitrogen. My plants were turning yellow too so now im using some maxigrow in flower and the plants are looking much happier. I havent finished one doing this but i have two about half way done flowering and they are looking better than they used to with just the bloom.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, my strechier strains, need maxigro and bloom mix, first 21 days it seems.
or they need calmag plus and bloom, which is what I'm talking about doing here...

Its like...
5-15-14 bloom
2-0-0 calmag